The examples source code is part of the AspectJ distribution which may be downloaded from the AspectJ project page ( ).
Compiling most examples is straightforward. Go the InstallDir/examples directory, and look for a .lst file in one of the example subdirectories. Use the -arglist option to ajc to compile the example. For instance, to compile the telecom example with billing, type
ajc -argfile telecom/billing.lst
To run the examples, your classpath must include the AspectJ run-time Java archive (aspectjrt.jar). You may either set the CLASSPATH environment variable or use the -classpath command line option to the Java interpreter:
(In Unix use a : in the CLASSPATH) java -classpath ".:InstallDir/lib/aspectjrt.jar" telecom.billingSimulation
(In Windows use a ; in the CLASSPATH) java -classpath ".;InstallDir/lib/aspectjrt.jar" telecom.billingSimulation