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Included Implicit Field Plugins

PRMan ships with a number of useful Implicit Field plugins. These can be found in $RMANTREE/etc. Brief descriptions can be found below.

Here is an example of the syntax for rendering a volume brick map as an implicit, "blobby", object:

Blobby 1 [8 1004  0 0 0 1 1] [0] ["" "foobar.bkm"] "varying color Cs" []

See the Volume Rendering Application Note for more details.


TBD interprets Maya Fluid Cache files as level-set surfaces.

See the Application Note, Maya Fluid Cache Implicit Field Plugin, for details. makes segment blobs of varying radius. The segment blob field is carefully defined so that arbitrary subdivision of a segment into a sum of shorter segments gives exactly the same field as the single segment, with no bulges at the joins.

See the Application Note, Variable Radius Segment Blob Implicit Field Plugin, for details.

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