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Physically Plausible Shading in RSL

March, 2011

Integration Formulations for the Rendering Equation

CGI rendering software approximates the rendering equation. This equation models the interaction of shape, materials, atmosphere, and light, and, like many physics-based formulations, takes the form of a complex multidimensional integral. The form of the equation is such that it can only be practically approximated; this is accomplished by applying generic numerical integration techniques to produce a solution. The goal of rendering algorithm R&D is to produce alternate formulations of the equation that offer computational or creative advantages over previous formulations. At the heart of the rendering equation is the description of how light is scattered when it arrives at a surface. The fundamental question is: what light is scattered to the eye at this point in the world? The portion of a rendering program focused on solving this problem can be called the surface shader, or the material integrator. In RenderMan, the canonical surface shader has traditionally been decomposed into a summation of the results of several independent integrators.

In 1990, we represented a canonical material like this:

Ci = Ka*ambient() + Kd*diffuse(N) + Ks*specular(I, N, roughness)

Additional terms were later added to simulate incandescence and translucence, but, fundamentally, the simplicity and approximate nature of this formulation was driven by the computational resources available at the time.

By 2005, armed with significantly more computational resources, we could afford ever more accurate approximations to the physical laws. Rather than start afresh, new terms accreted onto our canonical material integration, evolving into a morass of interoperating illuminance loops, gather blocks, light categories, and indirectdiffuse calls. Moreover, the fact that many of our integrators rely on pre-baked data means that rendering pipelines have also grown more complex and therefore difficult to maintain and comprehend.

In 2011 our computers are faster still. There is a growing school of proponents of the idea that physics-based (ray-traced) rendering is now the most efficient way to produce CGI. The argument is that it is cheaper for a computer to produce physically plausible images automatically than it is for lighting artists to mimic the physical effects with cheaper (i.e. non ray-traced) integrators. If your production's art direction and geometric complexity are compatible with the computing budget and other constraints associated with physically plausible light transport, it's possible that this is true. If so, the time has arrived to embrace geometric sources of illumination (i.e. area lights) and to jettison the venerable, but entirely non-physical, point light source. Once area lights enter the picture, integration becomes more expensive. This is largely due to the fact that the shadows cast by area lights are expensive to compute. Add to that HDR IBL (high dynamic range, image-based lighting) and the previous generation of RSL shader has been pushed past a limit. What we need is new integration support from the renderer.

New Integrators, New Pipeline Methods

Here's a beguilingly simple characterization of a material integrator for the next generation:

public void lighting(output color Ci)
  Ci = directlighting(material, lights) +
       indirectdiffuse(material) +

The surface shader's lighting method is where we integrate the various lighting effects present in the scene. To accomplish physically plausible shading under area lights, we've combined the diffuse and specular integrators into the new directlighting integrator. Like our old friends, the new integrator is only concerned with light that can directly impinge upon the surface. Unlike them, the combined integrator offers computational advantages since certain computations can be shared. And to support the physical notion that the specular response associated with indirect light transport paths should match the response to direct lighting, we introduce a new indirectspecular integrator. By moving the area light integration logic into the renderer we've made it possible for RSL developers to eliminate many lines of illuminance loops and gather blocks.

In modern RSL we can parameterize the new integrators with shader objects. Here, you see that the material and the list of light shaders appear as formal arguments to the new shading functions. This approach offers complete flexibility for shader factoring strategies supporting both coshader and standalone material configurations. We also leverage modern RSL's shader objects to define standard material and light interfaces. The interfaces take the form of shader-object methods and represent the negotiation between integrator, light and material to identify important sampling directions. To interoperate with the new integrators, shader developers must simply provide implementations for the new standard methods.

To round out the set of extensions, we are introducing new pipeline methods that can be invoked by the renderer. Recall that a surface shader at a given position may be executed as part of an integration from another shader at another position. If the upstream integrator is responsible for solving a diffuse light-transport term we must avoid including specular (view-dependent) light paths in the solution. The raytype can be used to characterize the upstream integrator and can be consulted to satisfy this requirement. Taking this one step further, we divide the lighting method into two new optional shading pipeline methods: diffuselighting and specularlighting. Beyond simply eliminating the requirement for unsightly raytype checks in your shaders, the new methods enable significant renderer optimizations. A new radiosity cache allows us to reuse the diffuselighting result across multiple nearby specular ray probes and this can produce dramatic speedups in scenes with complex global illumination effects.

Here, then, is the basic form for a physically plausible surface shader:

shader basic(...)
   shader m_lights[];
   shader m_material;
   public void begin()
      m_lights = getlights();
      m_material = getshader("material");
       // we can use 'm_material = this;' if we want to implement
       // the standard material interface in this compilation unit
   public void opacity(output color Oi)
   public void prelighting(output color Ci, Oi)
      m_material->prelighting(Ci, Oi);
   public void lighting(output color Ci, Oi)
     Ci += directlighting(m_material, m_lights) +
           indirectdiffuse(nsamps, m_material) +
   public void diffuselighting(output color Ci, Oi)
     Ci += directlighting(m_material, m_lights) +
   public void specularlighting(output color Ci, Oi)
     Ci += directlighting(m_material, m_lights) +

Clearly, additional integration terms and pattern generators have roles to play in this framework. For example, if you want subsurface scattering you might add the appropriate RSL to both the lighting and the diffuselighting methods. Special materials may still be implemented with custom integration stategies, but as you might expect, materials implemented within the built-in integration scheme will likely offer higher performance.

Writing a Physically Plausible Material

There are only a few, straightforward aspects to writing a basic plausible material that's compatible with the new integrators. First and foremost, you must implement the evaluateSamples method. Integrators first request samples from light shaders and it is this collection of samples that are delivered to your material's evaluateSamples method. The combination of an individual sample with the I vector forms the input to your BRDF formulation. Your job is just to loop over the input radiance samples writing to the materialResponse field of the __radiancesample struct. The renderer may invoke your evaluateSamples method one or more times to obtain a final result and provides its integration mode via the distribution parameter (currently one of "diffuse" or "specular").

For example:

// material->evaluateSamples
void evaluateSamples(string distribution,
                     output __radiancesample samples[])
    if(distribution == "diffuse")
        uniform float i, nsamps = arraylength(samples);
            samples[i]->materialResponse = M_INVPI *
                                         (m_Kd * m_Nn.samples[i]->direction);
    if(distribution == "specular")
        evaluateSamplesAS(m_ks1, m_roughnessA1, m_roughnessB1,
                          dPdu, Nn, In, samples);
        evaluateSamplesAS(m_ks2, m_roughnessA2, m_roughnessB2,
                          dPdu, Nn, In, samples);

It is the responsibility of the material to compute the materialResponse for each incoming sample according to the integrators' distribution requests. These samples may arrive from any source of radiance, along direct or indirect light paths. In the example above, our material has a Lambertian diffuse component, which is trivial to compute from the surface normal and the incoming radiance direction. For our specular response, we employ a new built-in anisotropic specular term, from the Ashikhmin/Shirley shading model, to produce our material response. Since this shader's specular model has two specular lobes, we invoke the evaluateSamplesAS function twice and accumulate them with a new accumulateMaterialResponse utililty function. To produce a single-lobed specular response (using Phong, Microfacet, etc.), we could simply follow the pattern of our Lambertian response and write directly to the materialResponse field of each sample.

Using the indirectspecular Integrator

So far our material has been able to respond to incoming sources of radiance but unable to deliver reflection and refraction (indirect specular) effects. We must assist the renderer by identifying important specular directions and resort to the new standard interface, the generateSamples method, to accomplish this. As we'll see below, this same interface is useful for direct lighting in the context of multiple importance sampling.

For now, let's worry about reflections. The RSL gather construct is a very powerful tool used most often to compute indirect specular effects. To use gather, we provide a cone that approximates the specular transport at the current shading point. When radiance sources are found within this code via ray tracing, gather passes them to your integrator as represented by the hitblock. In this model, gather generates samples within your cone and then your code evaluates and integrates those samples into a final indirect specular result. To achieve efficient indirect specular results, it's helpful to provide the renderer with additional clues within the cone characterizing the specular response at an individual direction. To serve this requirement, we extended gather to support shader-provided samples with concomitant importance weights. Now we take this one step farther to facilitate the unification of specular response to direct and indirect light with the introduction of the indirectspecular integrator and a standardized material method: generateSamples. In order to use indirectspecular, a material must implement this new standard method. As with the evaluateSamples method, we are given a distribution parameter, but, unlike evaluateSamples, we're responsible for creating an array of samples according to our integration requirements. Again, the distribution parameter can guide the response to generateSamples and may be one of "specular", "indirectspecular", or "diffuse" according to the integration requirements of your material. N.B.: currently "diffuse" isn't implemented, as multiple importance sampling of diffuse distributions is less efficacious.

Here's a short example built atop the new anisotropic specular (AS) shading functionality:

// material->generateSamples
void generateSamples(string distribution, output __radiancesample samples[])
    if(distribution != "diffuse")
        reserve(samples, m_nsamps);
        generateSamplesAS(m_ks1, m_nsamps/2,
                          m_rougnessA1, m_roughnessB1, Nn, dPdu, In,
        generateSamplesAS(m_ks2, m_nsamps/2,
                          m_rougnessA1, m_roughnessB1, Nn, dPdu, In,
        uniform float nsamplesPerComponent[2] = {m_nsamps/2, m_nsamps/2};
        normalizeMaterialResponse(samples, nsamplesPerComponent);

In the simplest case, we must choose the size of our samples array, then write to the direction, distance, and materialResponse fields of each sample. We would employ a sample generator within the reflection code implied by the surface normal and our material roughness or shininess. In our two-lobed material, we divide our sample budget across two distributions and let generateSamplesAS produce the samples for us. When combining multiple specular distributions independently we must normalize them to support energy conservation laws. This is performed by the new normalizeMaterialResponse shading function. As we'll see, the enforcement of physical laws remains optional; it's entirely possible to enforce or ignore them as creative requirements dictate.

Writing an MIS-aware Material

The new directlighting integrator uses a technique called Multiple Importance Sampling (MIS) to compute the light transfer. This means that the lighting integral is solved by generating samples from both the lights and the surfaces and carefully combining them to minimize noise. At a high level, the parts where the surface does a good job and the parts where the light does a good job are combined in an unbiased way to get a solution that is better than either light sampling or material sampling alone. We can express this in pseudo-code as follows:

foreach light l

foreach light l

Notice that for MIS to work both the light and the surface need to generate and evaluate samples. MIS also requires that every sample contains a probability density function (PDF) for that sample direction for both the light and the material so that the appropriate MIS weights can be determined for each sample.

For a material to work with the new integrators it needs to implement a pair of methods, evaluateSamples and generateSamples. evaluateSamples takes a set of samples generated by the light and determines the material response for each sample. generateSamples creates a new set of samples that holds the material response and sample direction.

We can show how this is done with a simple specular Phong model. We will generate samples uniformly over a cone with an angle of maxConeAngle and then weight by the Phong reflection model. For evaluateSamples we will see if the direction lies inside the cone and if so, weight by the reflection model. This simple strategy makes for a good example, but is generally insufficient as a means to minimize variance. More sophisticated implementations, as embodied in our generateSamplesAS and generateSamplesEnv functions, strive to deliver non-uniform sample distributions and PDF values.

generateSamples must fill in the direction and distance (infinity) for each sample, as well as the materialResponse (BRDF value) and the materialPdf (note the comments in the example):

// material->generateSamples
public void generateSamples(string distribution;
                            output __radiancesample samples[])
    if(distribution != "diffuse" && m_nsampsSpec > 0)
        uniform float i;
        resize(samples, m_nsampsSpec);
            // sample the cone centered around m_Rn
            // do this by drawing samples uniformly along m_Rn (cosTheta)
            // and uniformly around the cone (phi) and then constructing
            // a direction using the basis m_Rn, M_Tn, and m_Bn
            float cosTheta = 1 - random()*(1 - m_cosMaxConeAngle);
            float sinTheta = sqrt(1 - cosTheta * cosTheta);
            float phi = random() * M_TWOPI;
            vector Ln = (m_Rn * cosTheta +
                         m_Tn * sinTheta * cos(phi) +
                         m_Bn * sinTheta * sin(phi));
            samples[i]->direction = Ln;
            // these samples should go out a long long way (infinity)
            samples[i]->distance = 1e20;
            // compute the Phong BRDF for the generated direction
            // NOTE: many BRDF models have a 1/cos term that mostly
            // cancels out the NdotL term that is in the illumination
            // integral over the hemisphere.  Phong doesn't have this
            // term and didn't include an NdotL term, so we do not include
            // an NdotL term in the materialResponse for the model:
            // RdotL = m_Rn.Ln = cosTheta
            float phong =  pow(cosTheta,m_exponent);
            samples[i]->materialResponse = specularColor * phong;
            // set the materialPdf for this sample.  Since we are
            // generating samples uniformly from the cone, this is
            // simply 1/solid angle of the cone.
            samples[i]->materialPdf = m_conePdf;

evaluateSamples must fill in the materialResponse (BRDF value) and materialPdf for each sample (again, note the comments in the example):

// material->evaluateSamples
public void evaluateSamples(string distribution;
                            output __radiancesample samples[])
      if(distribution != "diffuse")
          uniform float i, alen = arraylength(samples);
              float RdotL = m_Rn.samples[i]->direction;
              // it is necessary that evaluateSamples for specular
              // only set the materialPdf > 0 if that direction could
              // actually be generated by generateSamples
              if(RdotL < m_cosMaxConeAngle)  // outside the cone we sample
                  samples[i]->materialResponse = 0;
                  samples[i]->materialPdf = 0;
                  float phong = pow(RdotL,m_exponent);
                  samples[i]->materialResponse = specularColor * phong;
                  // the sample could have been generated with probablity
                  // of 1/solid angle of the cone, since we are uniformly
                  // sampling the cone in generateSamples.
                  // if no samples would have been generated in
                  // generateSamples we need to set the materialPdf to 0
                  if(m_nsampsSpec > 0)
                      samples[i]->materialPdf = m_conePdf;
                      samples[i]->materialPdf = 0;

There is one very important constraint on generateSamples and evaluateSamples: if a sample direction and response could have been generated by generateSamples with some non-zero PDF value, when evaluateSamples is called with that same direction the PDF value must be the same. For the example above this means that evaluateSamples has to check the same cone as generateSamples and must set a PDF value to 0 outside the cone (since generateSamples can't generate a direction outside of the cone). If the number of samples created by generateSamples is 0, then evaluateSamples must also set the PDF to 0.

Writing a Physically Plausible Light

It's much less likely that you'll be spending time writing light shaders. This is because the richness of lighting effects has less to do with the variety of lights in the scene and more to do with the richness of surfaces and their locations relative to each other and the lights. We provide a basic collection of light shaders and you may find that they satisfy most of your requirements. If not, it's still quite easy to develop a light shader.

First and foremost, a light must respond to the standard generateSamples method for lights. The material provides an integration domain ("hemisphere" or "sphere") that specifies whether samples below the "horizon" are of interest. A non-physical point light should only generate a single sample, but it should be noted that the renderer will infer this behavior when it encounters lights that don't support the new light interface. The responsibility of the light's generateSamples method is to provide an array of __radiancesample structs with these fields filled in for each sample:

Next, a light may respond to the standard shadowSamples method. In the context of physically plausible rendering, the biggest computational load is often the computation of the visibility function. This suggests a design where a light's sample generator is decoupled from the computation of shadowing. Now the integrator can request the expensive visibility function after the combination of light intensity with material response. As a consequence, many fewer visibility tests may result. To respond to the shadowSamples request, a traditional shadow map lookup is insufficient due to the fact that it encodes visibility of the scene to an individual point. We recommend that light shaders employ the new areashadow shading function since it supports both deep shadows and full-blown ray tracing visibility queries.

Finally, to support the full MIS framework, a light must implement the evaluateSamples method. In this context the material has identified important directions and the light must now write to the radiance and lightPdf fields. Typically, the light must determine whether a ray from the surface point along the provided direction would intersect the geometry of the light. For simple area light shapes, this is a simple computation. If the intersection point is at a distance farther than the current value of the distance field, a light should leave the sample untouched. To handle arbitrary shapes for area lights, a future release of PRMan will offer facilities to automatically compute the intersection.

It is also important to remember, as pointed out in the previous section, that the light must produce the same radiance and lightPdf values whether from generateSample or evaluateSample. Assymetries will produce unbalanced results.

Summary of New Features

The New Pipeline Methods

The new material pipeline methods play the important role of expressing the separation of view-independent and view-dependent lighting. View-independent lighting and opacity is cached in the new radiosity cache and this can deliver significant speedups.

public void diffuselighting(output color Ci, Oi);
public void specularlighting(output color Ci, Oi);

The New Integrators

The new integrators hide the complex details associated with importance sampling and support area lightsources. Integrators invoke the standard sample generation and evaluation methods of lights and materials. The basic unit of information transfer is an array of radiance samples.

color directlighting(shader material, shader lights[], ...)
Optional directlighting() Parameters
Name Type Description
"integrationdomain" string Specifies the domain over which the directlighting integration is performed. Use sphere when your material is translucent and hemisphere when it is opaque.
"mis" uniform float Specifies the sampling strategy employed by the integrator. Use 0 to consider light samples only. Use 1 to perform multiple importance sampling, considering both light and material samples. Use 2 to consider material samples only. Usually the value 1 is suggested. A value of 2 is suggested for very narrow specular distributions (i.e. chrome) and 0 is suggested for very small light sources.
"diffuseresult" output color The results of the diffuse portion of integration are written to the optional output parameter. When directlighting is called within the specularlighting method, the diffuseresult parameter will always be 0.
"specularresult" output color The results of the specular portion of integration are written to the optional output parameter. When directlighting is called within the diffuselighting method, the specularresult parameter will always be 0.
"materialsamples" __radiancesample [] If the optional samples array is provided and has non-zero length, we use these in place of the material's generateSamples result in multiple-importance sampling modes. If the array is provided and has zero length, we fill it with the samples produced by the material's generateSamples. When used with indirectspecular it is suggested that the indirectspecular term be called prior to directlighting and that the samples generated by the indirectspecular integrator be passed to directlighting.
"heuristic" string

Alters the variance reduction heuristic that is used to balance between samples the light generated and samples the material generated when MIS is in effect. The default string "veachpower2" uses the power heuristic with beta=2, as described by Eric Veach in his thesis "Robust Monte Carlo Methods For Light Transport Simulation". This heursitic takes into account the number of samples for each sampling strategy and may reduce variance in cases where the estimated variance is otherwise assumed to be even, but one sampling strategy has more samples.

The string "pdfpower2" is the power heuristic using only the probabilities and does not include sample counts in its estimation. It may be more appropriate in cases where one technique has much higher variance than the other, but that technique still has a larger number of samples allocated to it.
color indirectspecular(shader material, ...)
Optional indirectspecular() Parameters
Name Type Description
"materialsamples" __radiancesample [] If the optional array is provided and has non-zero length, we use these in place of the material's generateSamples result. If array is provided with zero length, we fill it with the samples produced by the material's generateSamples. When used with directlighting for simple specular distributions we suggest that the indirectspecular term be called prior to directlighting and that the samples generated by the indirectspecular integrator be passed to directlighting.
"integrationdomain" string This parameter is passed to the material's generateSamples method. Valid values are hemisphere and sphere.
"samplebase" float Specifies the (float) jittering of the hemisphere ray origins. The default value is 0 (no jittering). A value of 1 corresponds to jittering over the size of a micropolygon.
"bias" float Specifies a float value to offset hemisphere sample origins. If not provided the trace bias attribute is used.
"maxdist" float Specifies the maximum distance to consider when performing intersection calculations. The default value is 1e30.
"subset" string A trace set to consider for ray intersections. Only objects that are members of the named groups will be visible to the traced rays. Sets are defined with Attribute "grouping" "membership".
"othreshold" color An opacity threshold that determines termination criteria for automatic continuation of rays through semi-transparent surfaces. Using color(0) effectively disables automatic continuation for the given call. The implementation sets the default opacity threshold, typically color(1 - ``*epsilon*)``.
"ohitthreshold" color an opacity threshold that determines when a ray is considered to have "hit" anything or not, for the purposes of choosing which of the "hit" or "miss" code blocks to execute. When it is desirable to use shading (or texture maps) to cause parts of objects to be "invisible" to rays, the shaders on those objects should set Ci and Oi to zero, for those parts. Rays that probe those objects will ignore them when the returned Ci and Oi are less than the "ohitthreshold" value. Using color(0) for this parameter causes shading at intersection points to be ignored for hit-testing purposes. The implementation sets the default threshold, typically color ( epsilon ).
"type" string Explicitly specifies the ray type for all rays spawned by this call. Valid values are "specular", "diffuse", and "transmission"; the default type is "specular".
"label" label string Specifies the label associated with all rays spawned by this call. (Ignored for point-based calculations.)
"hitsides" hitsides string Specifies which side(s) of one-sided surfaces can be hit by the rays. The possible values are "front", "back", and "both". The default is "both".

The Standard Radiance Sample Construct

The basic unit of information exchange, the radiance sample is both generated and evaluated by both lights and materials. The pair of generate/evaluate pairs is central to the implementation of multiple importance sampling.

struct __radiancesample {
    varying color radiance = 0;           // (Cl, volume:Ci)
    varying vector direction = 0;         // (normalize(L), ray:direction)
    varying float distance = 0;           // (length(L), ray:length)
    varying float lightPdf         = 0;   // light's PDF
    varying color lightVisibility  = 0;   // light-to-surface shadowing term
    varying float materialPdf      = 0;   // material PDF
    varying color materialResponse = 0;   // material's BRDF response
    varying color accumulatedMaterialResponse = 0; // multilobe BRDF response

The Standard Material Integration Interface

Materials passed to the new integrators must implement the standard material interface methods. A material can be thought of as a collection of BRDF components (lobes). In responding to the integrator requests, a material must deliver sampling directions that are distributed across its components according to the distribution type and its components' types.

public void generateSamples(string distribution;
                            output __radiancesample samples[]);
This method must generate samples under the BRDF by writing to these __radiancesample fields: direction, distance (usually a large value), materialResponse and materialPdf. The distribution field describes the context for the generateSamples request and may be helpful in determining which (and how many) samples to generate. Valid values for distribution are currently: "diffuse", "specular" and "indirectspecular".
public void evaluateSamples(string distribution;
                            output __radiancesample samples[]);
This method must evaluate the samples provided in the samples array. Typically the __radiancesample fields: direction and length are inspected to determine the value for materialResponse and materialPdf. The distribution parameter, allows us to treat diffuse and specular separately.

The Standard Light Integration Interface

Lights passed to the directlighting integrator must implement the standard light integration interface. Lights generate samples independent of the material, but may be tuned to the differential area of the receiver.

public void generateSamples(string integrationdomain,
                            output __radiancesample samples[]);

Integrators can request that a light generate samples over its area relative to the integration domain ("sphere", "hemisphere") of a surface point. Point lights should return a single sample but renderers may infer point-light status from the absence of this method. Samples include a PDF weight associated with the light distribution. The PDF must be expressed in terms of integration domain at the receiving surface. For an area light with uniform sampling, the light's PDF would be 1/area. To express the area PDF as the integrationdomain PDF we multiply by d^2/cos where d is the distance from the light sample to the receiver and cos is the cosine of the angle between the light normal at the sample point and the vector from the sample point to P. The resulting PDF is d^2/(cos * area).

We expect lights to produce a number of samples tuned to the receiver point. This means that the sample counts are varying quantities. But since the RenderMan Shading Language only supports vectors with a uniform length, we require lights to assign 0 to the lightPdf field where samples should not be sent.

public void evaluateSamples(string integrationdomain;
                           output __radiancesample samples[]);
Between the call to generateSamples and evaluateSamples the material interface is given a chance to both generate its own samples as well as to assign a materialResponse to the samples produced by the light. For values that intersect the light and produce a BRDF-response, the light should produce an unnoccluded radiance and lightPdf value. For pseudo area lights, there will typically be an analytical ray intersection with some shape here.
public void shadowSamples(output __radiancesample samples[]);
After the generateSamples and evaluateSamples calls we have collected nearly enough information to produce the final integration result, the exitant radiance, or Ci. The missing piece is the expensive visibility function between light and surface. At this point the directlighting integrator invokes the shadowSamples method to obtain a value for lightVisibility. The expectation is that shadowing computation is performed between the sample's light and surface positions. As a optional optimization, we can skip computing the true visibility value where the combination of light and material responses is near zero. The areashadow() function can perform this optimization internally, i.e. it avoids looking up shadows where the exitant radiance is near zero. If you wish to perform your own shadowing computations, note that shadowing should only be done where (accumulatedMaterialResponse+materialResponse)*radiance exceeds some threshold. The areashadow() function can still perform this optimization for you but will base its decision on the optional weight parameter.

New Standard Sampling Functions

Since sample generation can be quite tricky, we've implemented some common schemes. We expect this collection to grow over time.

uniform float evaluateSamplesAS(varying color weight;
                               varying  float exp1, exp2;
                               varying vector Nn;
                               varying vector Tn;
                               varying vector Vn;  // Vn.Nn > 0
                               output __radiancesample[] samples);

uniform float generateSamplesAS(varying color weight;
                               uniform float numSamples;
                               varying float exp1, exp2;
                               varying vector Nn;
                               varying vector Tn;
                               varying vector Vn;  // Vn.Nn > 0
                               output __radiancesample[] samples);

This generates and evaluates the specular lobe of the Ashikhmin/Shirley BRDF. The caller provides the orthonormal basis via Nn and Tn and the extent of anistropic cone is captured via exp1, exp2, which are the exponents of the cosine lobe, denoted nu and nv in the original paper. In practice, these terms acts as shininess rather than roughness, that is, larger exponents result in tighter highlights.

The Fresnel term is handled by the user, either through the weight parameter or by modifying each sample after generation. The materialResponse member on samples includes the Nn.Ln term necessary for proper integration over the hemisphere, as well as the 1/max(Nn.Vn,Nn.Ln) term that isn't part of the importance sampling.

Users may replace the materialResponse member of samples with their own BRDF if they simply want the functions to generate directions distributed according to an anisotropic cosine lobe. It is important to include the extra Nn.Ln in the materialPdf term for proper integration over the hemisphere when doing this.

uniform float evaluateSamplesEnv(uniform string envMapName,
                                 varying point P,
                                 varying normal N,
                                 output __radiancesample[] samples,

uniform float generateSamplesEnv(uniform string envMapName,
                                 varying point P,
                                 varying normal N,
                                 uniform float nSamples,
                                 output __radiancesample[] samples,
These generate and evaluate samples for environment maps. We define environment to mean an infinite sphere whose radiance is described by a environment texture map and a coordinate system. Samples are distributed according to the receivers' differential geometry and accordin to the optional distribution parameter.
Optional evaluate/generateSamplesEnv() Parameters
Name Type Description
"integrationdomain" string Requests that samples be treated as from within the provided domain. Currently we expect either "sphere" or "hemisphere" domains.
"distribution" string Produces samples following the requested distribution within the integrationdomain relative to the surface position.. Available distributions include: "warped", "cosine", "uniform" where "warped" produces samples distributed according to the relative intensities present in the environment map. The default distribution is "warped".
"environmentspace" string or uniform matrix Controls the coordinate-system tranformation between the shading space and that in which the environment map is defined. The default environmentspace is "current".
"scale" color Multiplies environment map valeus by the provided scale. The default scale is: (1,1,1)

New Standard Shaders

We provide a collection of plausible materials that provide production quality results, but also serve as excellent examples. They rely upon the new standard sampling functions for sample generation. Example RIB files that use these materials can be found in $RMANTREE/lib/examples/plausible. The shaders themselves can be found in $RMANTREE/lib/rsl/shaders.

Standard Material Shaders


Standard Light Shaders


Utility Functions

These utility functions are useful when modeling a BSDF as a composition of individual components, i.e., with multiple specular lobes.

void accumulateMaterialResponse(output __radiancesample samples[],
                            [varying color layerOpacity]);
When evaluating samples, sequential calls to, e.g., evaluateSamplesAS should be followed by accumulateMaterialResponse. The optional layerOpacity parameter allows you to specify a layer compositing weight, which is used to influence the MIS computations. When no layering is required, the layerOpacity value needn't be provided; this is equivalent to setting the value to color(1).
void normalizeMaterialResponse(output __radiancesample samples[],
                           uniform float nsamplesPerComponent[],
                           [varying color layerOpacities[])

Similarly, when generating samples each component should contribute samples to the result. Now, while there may be multiple calls to, e.g., generateSamplesAS, there must be a single call to normalizeMaterialResponse. We assume that each component may contribute a unique number of samples; this is represented in the nsamplesPerComponent array. The length of this array is equal to the number of components that contribute to the samples. Finally, as above, layerOpacities is an optional parameter which, if not provided, is equivalent to array of 1 and with a length equal to the length of nsamplesPerComponent.

The normalizeMaterialResponse communicates the number of samples per sample set to the renderer, so that it can apply heuristic weights properly.

RSL Translation of directlighting()

The built-in directlighting() integrator has performance advantages for a number of reasons. In part, due to its special treatment and allocation of the __radiancesample struct it is able to perform better than the equivalent RSL code. However, in order to be clear about the interaction between the built-in shadeops and the math that directlighting() implements, we have provided an RSL translation of the integrator as part of the distribution. The $RMANTREE/lib/examples/plausible/directlighting directory contains a co-shader implementation (directlightingIntegrator) that elucidates the inner workings of the plausible system. The example shader uses this co-shader to perform multiple importance sampling of a two-lobe dielectric type material.

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