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Point-Based Approximate Ambient Occlusion and Color Bleeding

November 2005 (Revised June 2008)

1 Introduction

The purpose of this application note is to provide recipes and examples for computing point-based approximate ambient occlusion and color bleeding using Pixar's RenderMan (PRMan).

The basic idea is to first bake a point cloud containing areas (and optionally color), one point for each micropolygon, to create a point-based representation of the geometry in the scene. Each point is considered a disk that can cause occlusion and/or color bleeding. For efficiency, the algorithm groups distant points (disks) into clusters that are treated as one entity. The computation method is rather similar to efficient n-body simulations in astrophysics and clustering approaches in finite-element global illumination (radiosity). Some of the implementation details also resemble the subsurface scattering method used in PRMan's ptfilter program.

The advantages of our point-based approach are:

The disadvantages are:

2 Point-Based Approximate Ambient Occlusion

Computing approximate ambient occlusion requires two steps: 1) generating a point cloud with area data; 2) rendering using the occlusion() function to compute point-based approximate ambient occlusion.

2.1 Baking a point cloud with area data

First generate a point cloud of area data. Make sure that all objects that should cause occlusion are within the camera view, and add the following attributes to the rib file:
    Attribute "cull" "hidden" 0   # don't cull hidden surfaces
    Attribute "cull" "backfacing" 0   # don't cull backfacing surfaces
    Attribute "dice" "rasterorient" 0   # view-independent dicing
This will ensure that all surfaces are represented in the point cloud file. Add the following display channel definition:
    DisplayChannel "float _area"
And assign this shader to all geometry:
    Surface "bake_areas" "filename" "foo_area.ptc" "displaychannels" "_area"
The shader is very simple and looks like this:
    bake_areas( uniform string filename = "", displaychannels = "" )
      normal Nn = normalize(N);
      float a, opacity;

      a = area(P, "dicing"); // micropolygon area
      opacity = 0.333333 * (Os[0] + Os[1] + Os[2]); // average opacity
      a *= opacity; // reduce area if non-opaque      

      if (a > 0)
        bake3d(filename, displaychannels, P, Nn, "interpolate", 1, "_area", a);

      Ci = Cs * Os;
      Oi = Os;

Rendering even complex scenes with this simple shader should take less than a minute. The number of baked points can be adjusted by changing the image resolution and/or the shading rate. It is often sufficient (for good quality in the next step) to render with shading rate 4 or higher. This shader reduces the area of points on semi-transparent surfaces so that they cause less occlusion. (If this behavior is not desired, just comment out the line in which the area is reduced by the opacity.) The opacity could of course come from texture map lookups — instead of being uniform over each surface as in this shader.

As an example, consider the following rib file:

    FrameBegin 1
      Format 400 300 1
      PixelSamples 4 4
      ShadingRate 4
      ShadingInterpolation "smooth"
      Display "simple_a.tif" "it" "rgba"
      DisplayChannel "float _area"

      Projection "perspective" "fov" 22
      Translate 0 -0.5 8
      Rotate -40  1 0 0 
      Rotate -20  0 1 0


        Attribute "cull" "hidden" 0   # don't cull hidden surfaces
        Attribute "cull" "backfacing" 0   # don't cull backfacing surfaces
        Attribute "dice" "rasterorient" 0   # view-independent dicing
        Surface "bake_areas" "filename" "simple_areas.ptc"
          "displaychannels" "_area"

        # Ground plane
          Scale 3 3 3
          Polygon "P" [ -1 0 1  1 0 1  1 0 -1  -1 0 -1 ]

        # Sphere
          Translate -0.7 0.5 0
          Sphere 0.5  -0.5 0.5  360

        # Box (with normals facing out)
          Translate 0.3 0 0
          Rotate -30  0 1 0
          Polygon "P" [ 0 0 0  0 0 1  0 1 1  0 1 0 ]   # left side
          Polygon "P" [ 1 1 0  1 1 1  1 0 1  1 0 0 ]   # right side
          Polygon "P" [ 0 1 0  1 1 0  1 0 0  0 0 0 ]   # front side
          Polygon "P" [ 0 0 1  1 0 1  1 1 1  0 1 1 ]   # back side
          Polygon "P" [ 0 1 1  1 1 1  1 1 0  0 1 0 ]   # top
          Polygon "P" [ 0 0 0  1 0 0  1 0 1  0 0 1 ]   # bottom

Rendering this scene generates a completely uninteresting image but also a point cloud file called 'simple_areas.ptc'. Displaying the point cloud file using the ptviewer program gives the following image:


(Since the areas are tiny, ptviewer will show a black image by default; just select "Color -> White" to see the points.)

2.2 Rendering point-based ambient occlusion

Render the scene with a shader similar to this example:
    #include "normals.h"

    pointbasedocclusion (string filename = "";
	   	         string hitsides = "both";
                         float maxdist = 1e15, falloff = 0, falloffmode = 0,
                         samplebase = 0, bias = 0.01,
		         clampocclusion = 1, maxsolidangle = 0.05,
                         maxvariation = 0) 
      normal Ns = shadingnormal(N);        
      float occ;

      occ = occlusion(P, Ns, 0, "pointbased", 1, "filename", filename,
                      "hitsides", hitsides, "maxdist", maxdist,
                      "falloff", falloff, "falloffmode", falloffmode,
                      "samplebase", samplebase, "bias", bias,
                      "clamp", clampocclusion,
                      "maxsolidangle", maxsolidangle,
                      "maxvariation", maxvariation);

      Ci = (1 - occ) * Os;
      Oi = Os;

The parameters "hitsides", "maxdist", "falloff", "falloffmode", "samplebase", "bias", and "maxvariation" have the same meaning as for the standard, ray-traced ambient occlusion computation. (Note, however, that using "falloff" 0 with a short "maxdist" gives aliased results. We hope to overcome this limitation in a future release.) There will always be a quadratic falloff due to distance; the "falloff" parameter only specifies additional falloff.

The "samplebase" parameter is a number between 0 and 1 and determines jittering of the computation points. A value of 0 (the default) means no jittering, a value of 1 means jittering over the size of a micropolygon. Setting "samplebase" to 0.5 or even 1 can be necessary to avoid thin lines of too low occlusion where two (perpendular) surfaces intersect.

The "bias" parameter offsets the computation points a bit above the original surface. This can be necessary to avoid self-occlusion on highly curved surfaces and along convex edges. Typical values for "bias" are in the range 0 to 0.01 (depending on the scene size).

The point-based occlusion algorithm will tend to compute too much occlusion. The "clamp" parameter determines whether the algorithm should try to reduce the over-occlusion. Turning on "clamp" roughly doubles the computation time but gives better results. For production-quality rendering, turning on "clamp" is highly recommended.

The "maxsolidangle" parameter is a straightforward time-vs-quality knob. It determines how small a cluster must be (as seen from the point we're computing occlusion for at that time) for it to be a reasonable stand-in for all the points in the cluster. Reasonable values are in the range 0.03 - 0.1.

The "maxvariation" parameter allows interpolation of occlusion across shading grids with low variation in the occlusion values. The default value for maxvariation is 0.0; values such as 0.02 or 0.03 usually give the same image but up to twice as fast. (In PRMan releases prior to 14.0, the "maxvariation" parameter was ignored for point-based calculations.)

Implementation detail: The first time the occlusion() function is executed (with the "pointbased" parameter set to 1) for a given unorganized point cloud file, it reads in the point cloud file and creates an octree. Each octree node has a spherical harmonic representation of the directional variation of the occlusion caused by the points in that node. If the point cloud file is organized, only the file header is read initially and the points and nodes are read on demand and cached -- see section 6 for a discussion of organized point clouds.

Rib file:

    FrameBegin 1
      Format 400 300 1
      PixelSamples 4 4
      ShadingInterpolation "smooth"
      Display "simple_b.tif" "tiff" "rgba"

      Projection "perspective" "fov" 22
      Translate 0 -0.5 8
      Rotate -40  1 0 0 
      Rotate -20  0 1 0


        Surface "pointbasedocclusion" "filename" "simple_areas.ptc"
          "bias" 0.01 "samplebase" 0.5

        # Ground plane
          Scale 3 3 3
          Polygon "P" [ -1 0 1  1 0 1  1 0 -1  -1 0 -1 ]

        # Sphere
          Translate -0.7 0.5 0
          Sphere 0.5  -0.5 0.5  360

        # Box (with normals facing out)
          Translate 0.3 0 0
          Rotate -30  0 1 0
          Polygon "P" [ 0 0 0  0 0 1  0 1 1  0 1 0 ]   # left side
          Polygon "P" [ 1 1 0  1 1 1  1 0 1  1 0 0 ]   # right side
          Polygon "P" [ 0 1 0  1 1 0  1 0 0  0 0 0 ]   # front side
          Polygon "P" [ 0 0 1  1 0 1  1 1 1  0 1 1 ]   # back side
          Polygon "P" [ 0 1 1  1 1 1  1 1 0  0 1 0 ]   # top
          Polygon "P" [ 0 0 0  1 0 0  1 0 1  0 0 1 ]   # bottom

Running this rib file results in the following image:

Simple scene with point-based approximate occlusion

The point-based ambient occlusion computation is typically 5-8 times faster than ambient occlusion using ray tracing — at least for complex scenes. (However, if the scene consists only of a few undisplaced spheres and large polygons, as in this example, ray tracing is faster since ray tracing those geometric primitives does not require fine tessellation.)

Here is an example of point-based ambient occlusion in a more complex scene:

Area point cloud for car (8.2 million points)

Car with point-based approximate occlusion

Generating the area point cloud takes about ten seconds on a standard multi-core PC, and computing (and rendering) the point-based ambient occlusion takes about one minute.

2.3 Fine-tuning

Keep in mind that the point-based ambient occlusion values are (by their very nature) not exactly the same as the ambient occlusion computed by ray tracing. However, the point-based occlusion has much of the same "look". It is often necessary to try different combinations of "hitsides", "maxdist", "falloff", "falloffmode", "clamp", and "maxsolidangle" to get an occlusion result that closely resembles ray-traced ambient occlusion. For high-quality results we recommend "hitsides" "both", "clamp" 1, and "maxsolidangle" at most 0.05. Experiment with different settings for bias -- typically values in the range 0.0001 to 0.01 are good (depending on the scene size).

Another issue that can require some fine-tuning can occur where two surfaces intersect. Sometimes a thin line with too little occlusion can be visible along the intersection. To avoid this, set the "samplebase" parameter to around 0.01, "hitsides" to "both", and "clamp" to 1, and experiment with different values for the "bias" parameter.

2.4 Environment directions

The environment direction (the average unoccluded direction, also known as "bent normal") can also be computed by the occlusion() function with the point-based approach. Just pass the occlusion() function an "environmentdir" variable, and it will be filled in — just as for ray-traced occlusion() calls. The environment directions will be computed more accurately if the "clamp" parameter is set than if it isn't.

2.5 Environment illumination

Environment illumination, as for example from an HDRI environment map, can be computed efficiently as a by-product of the point-based occlusion computation.

For an example, replace the surface shader in the example above with:

    #include "normals.h"

    pointbasedenvcolor (string filename = "";
	    	        string hitsides = "both";
                        float maxdist = 1e15, falloff = 0, falloffmode = 0;
                        float samplebase = 0, bias = 0.01;
                        float clampocclusion = 1;
                        float maxsolidangle = 0.05, maxvariation = 0;
                        string envmap = "" ) 
        normal Ns = shadingnormal(N);        
        color envcol = 0;
        vector envdir = 0;
        float occ;

        occ = occlusion(P, Ns, 0, "pointbased", 1, "filename", filename,
                        "hitsides", hitsides,
                        "maxdist", maxdist, "falloff", falloff,
		        "falloffmode", falloffmode,
                        "samplebase", samplebase, "bias", bias,
                        "clamp", clampocclusion,
                        "maxsolidangle", maxsolidangle,
                        "maxvariation", maxvariation,
		        "environmentmap", envmap,
                        "environmentcolor", envcol,
                        "environmentdir", envdir

        Ci = envcol;
        Oi = Os;

Change the surface shader call in the rib file to:

    Surface "pointbasedenvcolor" "filename" "simple_areas.ptc"
      "envmap" "rosette_hdr.tex"
      "samplebase" 0.001

The resulting image looks like this:

Simple scene with point-based environment illumination

The environment colors are computed much more accurately if the "clamp" parameter is set than if it isn't. Either way, computing point-based environment illumination takes nearly no extra time when point-based occlusion is being computed.

Here's another example of environment illumination, this time the scene is slightly more complex and the environment map consists of two very bright area lights, one green and one blue:

Dragon with point-based environment illumination

2.6 Reflection occlusion

Reflection occlusion is a popular way to figure out where the reflections are in a scene. At the points with no reflection it is common to look up in a reflection map or environment map. Reflection occlusion is usually computed by tracing rays in a (narrow) cone around the main reflection direction. However, it is also possible to compute reflection occlusion with point-based techniques -- as long as the cone is not too narrow.

Here is an example of a shader that computes point-based reflection occlusion:

    pointbasedreflectionocclusion (string filename = "";
  	 	     string hitsides = "both";
		     string distribution = "cosine";
                     float clamp = 1;
                     float maxdist = 1e15, falloff = 0, falloffmode = 0;
                     float coneangle = 0.2;
                     float maxsolidangle = 0.01;
                     float samplebase = 0.0; 
                     float bias = 0.0001; ) 
        normal Nn = normalize(N);
        vector refl = reflect(I, Nn);
        float occ;

        occ = occlusion(P, refl, 0, "pointbased", 1, "filename", filename,
                        "hitsides", hitsides, "distribution", distribution,
	   	        "clamp", clamp,
                        "maxdist", maxdist, "falloff", falloff,
		        "falloffmode", falloffmode,
                        "coneangle", coneangle,
                        "maxsolidangle", maxsolidangle,
                        "samplebase", samplebase, "bias", bias);

        Ci = 1 - occ;
        Ci *= Os;
        Oi = Os;

As an example, consider again the simple scene with a sphere and a cube on a ground plane. The point cloud and rib files are the same as in the simple example in section 2.2 (above) except that the cube has been moved up a bit higher from the ground plane and the shader is changed to:

    Surface "pointbasedreflectionocclusion" "filename" "reflocc_areas.ptc"
        "coneangle" 0.4 "maxsolidangle" 0.005

To get sufficiently accurate reflection occlusion results, the maxsolidangle parameter has to be set to very low values. In this example, we have used a maxsolidangle value of 0.005. (In PRMan 15.0 and higher, we also recommend increasing the rasterresolution parameter from its default value of 12 to 20 or even 30.) The images below show two examples with coneangle 0.4 and 0.2 radians, respectively.

Coneangle 0.4 radians

Coneangle 0.2 radians

Here is an example for more complex geometry. The figure on the left below shows a car with pure point-based reflection occlusion (coneangle 0.3). On the right, the reflection occlusion is enhanced by environment map lookups in the unoccluded directions -- done by passing an "environmentmap" parameter to the occlusion() function and using the resulting "environmentcolor" value. Most of the reflections are blue as the majority of the sky, but some reflection directions are facing more toward clouds and hence those reflections are whiter.

Car with point-based reflection occlusion

Car with additional environment reflection (sky texture)

Generally speaking, computing narrow reflection occlusion using the point-based occlusion approach is pushing the algorithm to the limits of what it was designed for. For very narrow cone angles, ray tracing remains the best method to compute reflection occlusion. As a rule of thumb, point-based reflection occlusion works best if the coneangle is at least 0.2 radians, and the occluding objects are not right next to the points where the occlusion is being computed.

3 Point-Based Approximate Color Bleeding

Computing approximate color bleeding is done in two steps: 1) generating a point cloud with area and color data; 2) rendering using the indirectdiffuse() function to compute point-based approximate color bleeding.

3.1 Baking a point cloud with area and radiosity data

The first color bleeding step is similar to the first occlusion step, but also bakes radiosity values. The radiosity values represent diffusely reflected direct illumination, and can be computed, for example, like this:
    bake_radiosity(string bakefile = "", displaychannels = "", texturename = "";
                   float Ka = 1, Kd = 1)
      color irrad, tex = 1, diffcolor;
      normal Nn = normalize(N);
      float a = area(P, "dicing"); // micropolygon area (is 0 on e.g. curves)

      // Compute direct illumination (ambient and diffuse)
      irrad = Ka*ambient() + Kd*diffuse(Nn);

      // Lookup diffuse texture (if any)
      if (texturename != "")
        tex = texture(texturename);

      diffcolor = Cs * tex;

      // Compute Ci and Oi
      Ci = irrad * diffcolor * Os;
      Oi = Os;

      if (a > 0) {
        // Store area and Ci in point cloud file
        bake3d(bakefile, displaychannels, P, Nn, "interpolate", 1,
               "_area", a, "_radiosity", Ci, "Cs", diffcolor);

(Here we also bake out the diffuse surface color. That color isn't used in this example, but can be be used to compute multiple bounces of color bleeding using ptfilter; this is discussed in Section 5.)

Here is a rib file showing an example. This scene is the infamous Cornell box with two spheres.

    FrameBegin 1
      Format 400 400 1
      ShadingInterpolation "smooth"
      PixelSamples 4 4
      Display "cornell_a.tif" "it" "rgba"
      Projection "perspective" "fov" 30
      Translate 0 0 5

      DisplayChannel "float _area"
      DisplayChannel "color _radiosity"
      DisplayChannel "color Cs"


        Attribute "cull" "hidden" 0   # to ensure occl. is comp. behind objects
        Attribute "cull" "backfacing" 0 # to ensure occl. is comp. on backsides
        Attribute "dice" "rasterorient" 0   # view-independent dicing

        LightSource "cosinelight_rts" 1 "from" [0 1.0001 0] "intensity" 4

        Surface "bake_radiosity" "bakefile" "cornell_radio.ptc"
          "displaychannels" "_area,_radiosity,Cs" "Kd" 0.8

        # Matte box
          Color [1 0 0]
          Polygon "P" [ -1 1 -1  -1 1 1  -1 -1 1  -1 -1 -1 ]   # left wall
          Color [0 0 1]
          Polygon "P" [ 1 -1 -1  1 -1 1  1 1 1  1 1 -1 ]   # right wall
          Color [1 1 1]
          Polygon "P" [ -1 1 1  1 1 1  1 -1 1  -1 -1 1 ]   # back wall
          Polygon "P" [ -1 1 -1  1 1 -1  1 1 1  -1 1 1 ]   # ceiling
          Polygon "P" [ -1 -1 1  1 -1 1  1 -1 -1  -1 -1 -1 ]   # floor

        Attribute "visibility" "transmission" "opaque" # the spheres cast shadows

        # Left sphere (chrome; set to black in this pass)
          color [0 0 0]
          Translate -0.3 -0.69 0.3
          Sphere 0.3  -0.3 0.3  360

        # Right sphere (matte)
          Translate 0.3 -0.69 -0.3
          Sphere 0.3  -0.3 0.3  360

Running this rib file results in the following image:

Cornell box with spheres

The generated point cloud, cornell_radio.ptc, contains approximately 545,000 points. The figure below shows two views of it (with the radiosity color shown):

cornell_radio.ptc (full view)

cornell_radio.ptc (partial view)

3.2 Rendering point-based color bleeding

Now we are ready to compute and render point-based color bleeding using the indirectdiffuse() function. This can be done using a shader similar to this example:

    #include "normals.h"

    pointbasedcolorbleeding (string filename = "", sides = "front";
	   	   	     float clampbleeding = 1, sortbleeding = 1,
                             maxdist = 1e15, falloff = 0, falloffmode = 0,
                             samplebase = 0, bias = 0,
                             maxsolidangle = 0.05, maxvariation = 0;)
      normal Ns = shadingnormal(N);        
      color irr = 0;
      float occ = 0;

      irr = indirectdiffuse(P, Ns, 0, "pointbased", 1, "filename", filename,
                            "hitsides", sides,
                            "clamp", clampbleeding,
                            "sortbleeding", sortbleeding,
                            "maxdist", maxdist, "falloff", falloff,
                            "falloffmode", falloffmode,
                            "samplebase", samplebase, "bias", bias,
                            "maxsolidangle", maxsolidangle,
                            "maxvariation", maxvariation);

      Ci = Os * Cs * irr;
      Oi = Os;

The indirectdiffuse() function has a parameter called 'sortbleeding'. (Clamp must be 1 for it to have any effect.) When sortbleeding is 1, the bleeding colors are sorted according to distance and composited correctly, i.e. nearby points block light from more distant points. This gives more correct colors and deeper (darker) shadows. When sortbleeding is 0, colors from each direction are mixed with no regard to their distance. 0 is the default.

For the rendering pass, the Cornell box rib file looks like this:

    FrameBegin 1
      Format 400 400 1
      ShadingInterpolation "smooth"
      PixelSamples 4 4
      Display "cornell_b.tif" "it" "rgba"
      Projection "perspective" "fov" 30
      Translate 0 0 5


        Attribute "visibility" "specular" 1 # make objects visible to refl. rays
        Attribute "trace" "bias" 0.0001

	Surface "pointbasedcolorbleeding" "filename" "cornell_radio.ptc"
          "clampbleeding" 1 "sortbleeding" 1 "maxsolidangle" 0.03
          "maxvariation" 0.02

        # Matte box
          Color [1 0 0]
          Polygon "P" [ -1 1 -1  -1 1 1  -1 -1 1  -1 -1 -1 ]   # left wall
          Color [0 0 1]
          Polygon "P" [ 1 -1 -1  1 -1 1  1 1 1  1 1 -1 ]   # right wall
          Color [1 1 1]
          Polygon "P" [ -1 1 1  1 1 1  1 -1 1  -1 -1 1 ]   # back wall
          Polygon "P" [ -1 1 -1  1 1 -1  1 1 1  -1 1 1 ]   # ceiling
          Polygon "P" [ -1 -1 1  1 -1 1  1 -1 -1  -1 -1 -1 ]   # floor

        Attribute "visibility" "transmission" "opaque" # the spheres cast shadows

        # Left sphere (chrome)
          Surface "mirror"
          Translate -0.3 -0.69 0.3
          Sphere 0.3  -0.3 0.3  360

        # Right sphere (matte)
          Translate 0.3 -0.69 -0.3
          Sphere 0.3  -0.3 0.3  360

Here are two versions of the rendered image showing color bleeding:

Cornell box color bleeding (sortbleeding 0)

Cornell box color bleeding (sortbleeding 1)

The shadows under the sphere are much darker in the image to the right due to "sortbleeding" being 1.

This example only shows the indirect illumination. If the shader also computes the direct illumination, a full global illumination image can be rendered.

If the indirectdiffuse() function is passed a parameter called "occlusion" it will also compute point-based approximate ambient occlusion and assign it to that parameter. If the indirectdiffuse() function is passed a parameter called "environmentdir" it will compute an environment direction (average unoccluded direction, also known as "bent normal").

The computation of color bleeding can be combined with environment map illumination -- just as for occlusion. Simply pass an "environmentmap" parameter to the indirectdiffuse() function.

It is important to note that there is very little run-time increase from computing occlusion to computing color bleeding. This is in contrast to ray tracing, where the cost of evaluating shaders at the ray hit points is often considerable.

The parameter "areachannel" can be used to specify the name of the channel (in the input point cloud) that contains area data. The default channel name is "_area". Similarly, the parameter "radiositychannel" can be used to specify the name of the channel with radiosity data. The default channel name is "_radiosity".

New for PRMan 15.2: The "hitsides" parameter has been split into two for finer control: "colorhitsides" and "occlusionhitsides". The default for both is "both". Best results are obtained with "colorhitsides" "front" and "occlusionhitsides" "both". For backwards compatibility, the "hitsides" parameter sets both (and is also used for ray tracing).

3.3 A more complex example

Here is an example of point-based color bleeding in a more complex scene:

Radiosity point cloud for two cars (9 million points)

Cars with point-based color bleeding

Generating this radiosity point cloud takes about three minutes on a standard PC, and computing (and rendering) the point-based color bleeding takes around 9 minutes. Notice the strong green color bleeding from the cars, and the gray color bleeding from the ground onto the cars.

It is worth pointing out that the objects can have textures and displacement shaders without increasing the run-time for baking and rendering.

3.4 Glossy reflection

Point-based computations can also be used to compute approximate glossy reflections. This is done by passing the indirectdiffuse() function a reflection direction and a fairly narrow cone.

    pointbasedglossyreflection (string filename = "", sides = "front";
	   	   	        float clampbleeding = 1, sortbleeding = 1,
                                maxdist = 1e15, falloff = 0, falloffmode = 0,
                                coneangle = 0.2,
                                samplebase = 0.0, bias = 0.01,
                                maxsolidangle = 0.01;)
      normal Nn = normalize(N);
      vector refl = reflect(I, Nn);
      color irr;

      irr = indirectdiffuse(P, refl, 0, "pointbased", 1, "filename", filename,
                            "hitsides", sides, "clamp", clampbleeding,
                            "sortbleeding", sortbleeding,
                            "maxdist", maxdist, "falloff", falloff,
                            "falloffmode", falloffmode,
			    "coneangle", coneangle,
                            "samplebase", samplebase, "bias", bias,
                            "maxsolidangle", maxsolidangle);

      Ci = Os * Cs * irr;
      Oi = Os;

Computing glossy reflections this way is (nearly) as fast as reflection occlusion. Below is an example showing baking (left) and glossy reflection of the baked point cloud (right).

Baked radiosity values (700,000 points)

Glossy reflections

Just as for the color bleeding case, the indirectdiffuse() can be passed an environment map parameter for glossy reflection calculations. The environment map colors will contribute color in directions with no baked points.

Of course, since the reflected colors are baked, they may not have highlights in the right places. But the glossy reflections are so blurry that that oftentimes doesn't matter.

Just as for reflection occlusion, point-based glossy reflections work best if the coneangle is at least 0.2 radians and the maxsolidangle value is small. We also recommend (in PRMan 15.0 and higher) to use a higher rasterresolution than the default 12.

4 Point-Based Area Light Sources

Illumination from area light sources can be computed as a special case of color bleeding.

4.1 Baking area light sources and shadow casters

The first step is to bake a point cloud with colored points from the light source objects, and black points from the shadow caster objects. The light sources and shadow casters can be any type of geometry, which makes this approach very flexible -- the geometry can even be displacement-mapped. The light source intensity can be constant or computed procedurally or using a texture.

The following example shows three area light sources: a teapot, a sphere, and a dragon. The area lights illuminate a scene with three objects: a dragon, a sphere, and a ground plane.

Area light sources and shadow casters

The result of this rendering is a point cloud containing very bright points from the light sources and black points from the shadow-casting objects. (For this scene, no points were baked from the ground plane since it is neither supposed to emit light nor cast shadows.)

4.2 Computing illumination

For this step, the same shader (pointbasedcolorbleeding) as above is used. it is important to set (keep) the "clamp" and "sortbleeding" parameters to 1. The image below shows color bleeding computed from the area light source point cloud:

Dragon, sphere, and plane with area lights and soft shadows

Below is another variation of this scene. Here the teapot light source has a procedural checkerboard texture, the sphere light source is displacement-mapped and texture-mapped, and the dragon light source is texture-mapped as well. (In this image, the light source objects are rendered dimmer than the colors used for baking their emission -- this is to avoid over-saturation that makes the textures hard to see.)

Textured and displaced area light sources

5 Point-based computations using ptfilter

Instead of rendering the occlusion and/or color bleeding, it can be useful to compute the data as a point cloud. This makes later reuse simple, and also makes it possible to generate a brick map (which has better caching properties than point clouds) of the data.

5.1 Occlusion

Given one or more point clouds with area data, we can run the ptfilter program. The syntax is:
  ptfilter -filter occlusion [options] areafiles occlusionfile
The last filename is the name of the resulting occlusion point cloud file; all preceeding filenames are the names of the (source) area point cloud files. For example:
  ptfilter -filter occlusion -maxsolidangle 0.05 foo_areas.ptc foo_occl.ptc

This generates a point cloud with occlusion data. Optional parameters for ptfilter in occlusion mode are:

The computed occlusion point cloud for the simple scene looks like this:

Point cloud with ambient occlusion values

Point cloud with ambient occlusion values (shown as facets)

The point cloud can now be used to generate a brick map of the occlusion values, if desired:

  brickmake simple_occl.ptc simple_occl.bkm

As mentioned above, set the optional -envdirs parameter to 1 if the environment directions should be computed in addition to the occlusion. For example:

  ptfilter -filter occlusion -maxsolidangle 0.05 -envdirs 1 foo_areas.ptc foo_occl.ptc

Here are the computed environment directions in the resulting point cloud:

Point cloud with environment directions (zoomed in)

New for PRMan 15.0: Ptfilter can also compute reflection occlusion. This requires that the point cloud has baked-in reflection directions (in addition to the areas). If the reflection directions have been baked in a vector called e.g. _refldir, ptfilter can be called like this:

  ptfilter -filter occlusion -clamp 1 -coneangle 0.2 -maxsolidangle 0.01 -reflectiondirchannel _refldir foo_refldirs.ptc foo_refloccl.optc
Here is an image showing an example of reflection occlusion:

Point cloud with reflection occlusion values (shown as facets)

Ptfilter cannot currenly compute environment illumination.

For added flexibility, it is also possible to separately specify the positions where occlusion should be computed. The positions are given by points in a separate set of point cloud files. The syntax is as follows:

  ptfilter -filter occlusion [options] -sources filenames -positions filenames -output filename
For example:
  ptfilter -filter occlusion -maxsolidangle 0.1 -sources foo_areas.ptc -positions foo_pos.ptc -output foo_occl.ptc
In this example there is only one file with areas and one file with positions; but each set of points can be specified by several point cloud files. If no position files are given, the point positions in the area point clouds are used.

5.2 Color bleeding

Similar to the point-based occlusion computation, ptfilter can also compute color bleeding. This is done as follows:

  ptfilter -filter colorbleeding -maxsolidangle 0.05 -sides front foo_radio.ptc foo_bleed.ptc

Here are two different views of the color bleeding point cloud for the Cornell box scene:

Cornell box color bleeding point cloud (full view)

Cornell box color bleeding point cloud (partial view)

In addition to the optional parameters for occlusion mode, there are a few optional parameters specifically for colorbleeding mode:

The parameter -clamp reduces over-bleeding -- just like it reduces over-occlusion.

As for occlusion computations, there can be a separate set of point clouds specifying where to compute the color bleeding.

The data in the computed point cloud file are called "_occlusion" and "_indirectdiffuse" and optionally "_environmentdir".

5.3 Area lights

Ptfilter can also compute soft illumination and shadows from area light sources. Simply bake a point cloud with brightly colored points at the area lights and black points at the shadow casters. Then run ptfilter -filter colorbleeding as in the previous section. Remember to set -clamp 1 and -sortbleeding 1 for best results.

6 Using organized point clouds

A limitation of standard point clouds is that the entire point cloud has to be read in by texture3d() and all the points stay in memory. In order to handle large point clouds more efficiently, RenderMan Pro Server 14.0 introduced a new file format: organized point cloud. An organized point cloud is a collection of points organized into an octree. The octree nodes can have additional data associated with them or not (depending on the application). For organized point clouds, texture3d() reads the points and octree nodes on demand, and cache them in a fixed-size cache.

6.1 Creating organized point clouds

As described in Section 4 of the "Baking 3D Textures: Point Clouds and Brick Maps" application note, ptfilter -filter organize is used to generate an organized point cloud for use with texture3d().

In addition, ptfilter with the ssdiffusion, occlusion, and colorbleeding filters also generates organized point clouds by default. (There is one exception: if a point cloud of compute positions is specified the output will be written “on-the-fly” into an unorganized point cloud with the points in the same order as in the point cloud that specified the compute positions.)

To determine whether a point cloud file is organized or not, just run ptviewer -info foo.ptc or ptviewer -onlyinfo foo.ptc. The point cloud is organized if the listed number of tree nodes is larger than zero.

6.2 Partial evaluation

Organized point clouds can also be used to render subsurface scattering, ambient occlusion, and color bleeding more efficiently. This is done by letting ptfilter do a partial evaluation of the data, write the partial evaluation results as an organized point cloud, and then calling subsurface(), occlusion(), or indirectdiffuse() during rendering. For example, to generate an organized point cloud for use with the point-based indirectdiffuse() function, the following command is used:

  ptfilter -filter colorbleeding -partial 1 -sides front foo_radio.ptc foo_radio.optc

The points in the organized point cloud contain the same data as the input point cloud but are sorted. In addition, each octree node contains a bounding box of the points in the octree node, as well as additional data. (For color bleeding, the additional data are the centroid and total area of the points in the node and spherical harmonics representing the directional variation of the emitted power and projected area of the points in the node.) This information is used by the subsurface(), occlusion(), and indirectdiffuse() functions during rendering. In fact, when this information has not been precomputed, computing it is the first thing these functions have to do.

When precomputing the partial information for occlusion and color bleeding, it is important that the -sides parameter (front, back, or both) corresponds to the intended use in the shading functions (usually both for occlusion and front for color bleeding). All other parameters are ignored during partial evaluations.

New for PRMan 15.2: -partial 1 can be combined with -bounces values greater than 1. In this case, ptfilter will compute b-1 bounces and set up the points and octree nodes such that the indirectdiffuse() function can compute the last bounce efficiently.

6.3 Caches

The texture3d(), subsurface(), point-based occlusion(), and indirectdiffuse() functions read groups of points and octree nodes from organized point clouds on demand and cache them. These functions use much less memory when reading organized point cloud files than when reading unorganized point cloud files. (If the functions are given an old-fashioned unorganized point cloud, they revert to the old behavior: the entire point cloud is read in and an octree is built in memory.)

Cache statistics can be found in XML stats files under the heading point/octreeCache. The default cache sizes are 10MB (but no memory is allocated if the caches are not used). How to adjust the cache sizes is described in Section 4.4 of the Baking 3D Textures: Point Clouds and Brick Maps application note.

7 Known limitations

The current implementation can give discontinuous, aliased results if "falloff" is set to 0 and "maxdist" is shorter than the scene extent. (The default for "maxdist" is 1e15.) With short "maxdist" values, please use falloff 1 or 2. If you have to use "falloff" 0, setting "maxsolidangle" to a very small value can reduce the aliasing (but also increases render time significantly).

8 Debugging

If the computed occlusion or color bleeding is incorrect in a region of the scene, a good debugging method is to inspect the (area or radiosity) point cloud in that region using ptfilter in the disk or facet display mode. Is the disk representation of the surface a reasonable approximation of the original surface? If not, the shading rate for baking that object may need to be reduced in order to generate more, smaller disks that represent the surface better. If the area/radiosity point cloud is not a decent approximation of the surfaces, the point-based method cannot compute good results.

9 Discussion

Some scenes are simply too complex to be ray traced — storing all the geometry uses more memory than what is available on the computer. For such scenes, point-based occlusion may be the only viable way to compute occlusion. As mentioned earlier, the area point clouds can be sparser than the accuracy of the final rendering, so even ridiculously complex scenes can be handled.

Another use of point-based occlusion is in a workflow that computes occlusion for each frame. Each frame is first rendered coarsely to generate a rather sparse area point cloud. Then the frame is rendered with occlusion using the occlusion() function (with "pointbased" 1) at final resolution. The resulting image can be used as a 2D occlusion layer for compositing, and the point cloud can be deleted. Note that this workflow does not involve any point clouds or brick maps that have to be kept in the file system; the only result that is kept for later compositing is the full-frame occlusion-layer image.

9 More information

More information about the algorithms used for the point-based computations can be found in the following book chapter and technical memo:

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