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The prman Executable


prman [options] [file1 [file2 ...]]


Pixar's RenderMan renderer is invoked using the prman executable. To render a file containing a scene description in RIB format, simply use:

prman frame.rib

It is often convenient to store options, camera specification and the world block in separate files. prman will process multiple RIB files in the order given:

prman options.rib camera.rib world.rib

If no RIB file names are given, then prman will read stdin for RIB input.


Prints a usage message.
Causes the renderer to print its version information before rendering begins. When given as the only argument, prman will print its version and then exit immediately.
Causes the renderer to print a progress indicator to the terminal during rendering.
Causes prman to print a progress indicator in an alternate format that can be processed more easily by external applications.
-recover [0|1]
In conjunction with a display driver that supports checkpointing, this parameter causes the renderer to check for a partially completed output image and attempt to render only the remainder of that image. Use "-recover 1" to enable the restart, 0 to disable.
-t [=N] or -t:N

Controls prman's multithreading capabilities, where N specifies the target number of local CPUs consumed by the renderer. By default, when no -t option is given, threading is controlled by:

  • "Option "limits" "int threads" [n], if present in RIB
  • otherwise, it is set to match system CPU count, or the number of threads allowed by one license seat, whichever is smaller
  • the apparent CPU count seen by prman in this default case can be set using the rendermn.ini setting: /prman/nprocessors  N

When -t is given, it can take these forms:

  • use -t or -t:all to target all system CPUs
  • use -t:N (N a positive integer) to target N CPUs
  • use -t:1 to run single-threaded
  • use -t:0 to get the default "no -t" behavior, described above
  • use -t:-N to target "all but N" of the system CPUs
Turns off Xcpt warnings (e.g. prman -woff R50006 test.rib).
-catrib [outfile|-] [-ascii] [-binary] [-gzip]
Copies ASCII and/or binary RIB data from the specified file to an output file, possibly converting its format. The format of the output file is specified by command line options, -ascii and -binary, or by the RIFORMAT environment variable. Compression is enabled on the output file by the command line option -gzip, or by the RICOMPRESSION environment variable. For more information, see the Manual Page for CATRIB(1).
-capture [outfile|-]
Copies all RIB as it is rendered by prman. This will expand all procedural primitives and convert them to ReadArchive statements in the outfile. Each procedural primitive will have unique, machine generated filename that is placed within a machine generated directory.
-res x y[:par]
Overrides the RIB Format specified in the RIB file.
-crop xmin xmax ymin ymax
Overrides the RIB CropWindow specified in the RIB file.
-d dispType
Overrides the RIB Display type specified in the RIB file.
-statsfile f
Overrides the RIB stats file and stats level specified in the RIB file. The newly specified stats file will print level 2 stats only.
-rif plugin [-rifargs arg arg... -rifend] [more rif blocks]
Instructs the renderer to load a chain of Rif plugins. Arguments can be passed to the plugins via the -rifarg command line argument, where -rifend delineates the end of the arguments for a given plugin. For more information, please consult the User's Manual page for Plug-in Ri Filters.
file1 [file2...]
The names of input RIB files to render. Files are processed squentially, as shown in the DESCRIPTION section, above.

PRMan Message Reports

The following is a list of the messages which may be produced by the PhotoRealistic RenderMan rendering system. The list is sorted by the message code. There are also two icons which indicate the message's severity level.


If the message is flagged with this icon, the message is a warning. The renderer has detected an unusual condition, but it can recover from the problem and the rendered image will be correct (although perhaps not what you intended).

Other messages indicate errors. If the renderer goes on to produce an image, that image probably will be incorrect, although it might still be useful to you. If the error is severe enough, the renderer might not be able to produce an image. The renderer will not terminate immediately because of an error, but it might ignore subsequent RI calls.

If the message is flagged with this icon, the message indicates a strange occurrence or probable bug that should be reported to Pixar, along with a full account of the details of the circumstances in which the message appeared. Please try to retain a copy of the programs, inputs, texture files, etc. which were in use when the message appeared. This information might be essential to recreate and analyze the problem at Pixar. Also note the version of the PhotoRealistic RenderMan software that is being used, and the exact type, model, and configuration of the computer system.



%s: No active context.
You have made an Ri call without first activating a context with RiBegin() or RiContext()

%s: unsupported by RifFilter.
You have made an Ri call not supported by RifFilter. It will be passed to the target renderer without filtering.

Unknown unqualified RiOption context: %s.
You have make a call to RiOption without an open Ri context and not to a known global option scope.

Invalid initialization state.
A change to Ri Implementation can't be made midstream.

Invalid context passed to RiContext.
An unrecognized RtContextHandle was given to RiContext. The context remains unchanged.

Invalid mode, cannot use -catrib or -capture during baking.
A current restriction exists that prevents -catrib or -capture from interoperating while baking for re-rerendering.

Invalid bake, cannot bake RIB stream.
A error has occured that prevents the baking of the RIB stream. for re-rendering.

Mismatched ArchiveBegin/ArchiveEnd pair.
A mismatched ArchiveBegin/ArchiveEnd pair has been detected.

Invalid state for direct render request.
RiBegin(RI_RENDER) will result in RIB, not rendering.

Invalid thread state for RiContext call.
RiContext was called in a thread not initialized for use.

Invalid scope for rifcontrol edits.
Currently invalid scopes for rif control edits: world, archiv, procprim.

Cannot create procedural primitive trace directory "%s"
The renderer was unable to create a procedural primitive trace directory. Rendering will continue with procedural RIB tracing disabled.

Out of memory creating echoer %s
RIBInit() could not create the specified file or pipe.

RIBOpen: Memory allocation failure.
The library failed trying to allocate memory for the RIB stream.

RIBInit: Can't create file: %s
RIBInit() could not create the specified file or pipe.

RIBDoprnt: Warning: unrecognized format: %%%c
The format string passed into RIBDoprnt() contained an invalid format.

RIBParameterList: Unknown parameter identifier: %s
You have specified a parameter identifier which is not recognized by the library.

RibOutStream::BinaryString: Null Ptr to binary string print
A pointer passed in to RIB output routines is NULL. The parameter will be ignored.

RibOutStream::BinaryParameterListVector: Null Pointer
A pointer passed in a Parameter Vector is NULL. The parameter will be ignored.

RIBStringArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
A list of strings was NULL.

RIBIntArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
A list of integers was NULL.

RIBMatrix: Warning: Null Pointer.
A matrix pointer was NULL when writing.

RIBDoprnt: Null string pointer.
The format string to RIBDoprnt() included "%s", but there is no corresponding string.

RIBFloatArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
A float array was NULL when writing.

RIBDoubleArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
A double array was NULL when writing.

asciiStringArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
A string array was NULL when writing.

asciiIntArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
An int array was NULL when writing.

asciiFloatArray: Warning: Null Pointer.
A float array was NULL when writing.

ribWrite: Warning: Null Pointer.
A string pointer was NULL when writing.

Attempting to write NaN to RIB stream in Ri%s.
You are trying to write a NaN into the RIB stream. This is not allowed, and it will be replaced by a zero.

k__write: FATAL: Write failed. (Out of disk space?)
The string write failed, out of disk space?

Broken pipe detected while writing to: %s
A write to a pipe failed.

DeclarePID: memory allocation failure.
RIBDeclarePID() failed to allocate memory for a PID.

InitSymbolTable: hash table memory allocation failure.
InitSymbolTable() failed to allocate memory for its hash table.

Illegal redeclaration of predefined symbol "%s".
RiDeclare() attempted to redeclare a predefined symbol.

Invalid parameter declaration: "%s".
Can't parse parameter declaration.

Corrupt symbol table detected.
(programming error)

RiOptionV: "rib" parameter "%s" requires type %s; type %s specified.
An incompatible type was specified for the given parameter.

RiOptionV: "rib" outputalldeclares is no longer supported
"rib" outputalldeclares is no longer supported.
RiDeclare: syntax error for: %s
The type description of a token given to RiDeclare() is invalid or has a syntax error. The token will not be added to the symbol table.
Could not create %s handle hashtable.
An error code was returned while trying to create the object handle hashtable.

More calls to End routines than Begin routines.
The stack used to maintain object handles and light handles has underflowed due to more calls to RiEnd(), RiFrameEnd() and RiWorldEnd(), than to RiBegin(), RiFrameBegin() and RiWorldBegin().
Could not create new %s handle.
An error code was returned while trying to create an entry in the handle hashtable.

Ri Handles: memory allocation failure.
RiLightSource() failed to allocate memory for the __handleid parameter.

unknown handle namespace %s
Failed to create Ri handle because namespace wasn't properly registered.

RiVArchiveRecord: Unable to allocate memory for archive string.
RiVArchiveRecord() was unable to allocate a temporary buffer to store the archive record. The record will be ignored.
Invalid light handle.
The RtLightHandle given to RiIlluminate() was not a valid handle. Either the data was never a valid handle, or the light has been deleted because it went out of scope (see the RenderMan Interface Specification for light handle scoping rules).
Invalid object handle.
The RtObjectHandle given to RiObjectInstance() was not a valid handle. Either the data was never a valid handle, or the object has been deleted because it went out of scope (see the RenderMan Interface Specification for object handle scoping rules). The instance request is ignored.

RiPatchV: Bad patch type: %s
A bad patch type was specified to RiPatchV(). Valid types are RI_BILINEAR and RI_BICUBIC.

RiPatchMeshV: Bad patch type: %s
A bad patch type was specified to RiPatchMeshV(). Valid types are RI_BILINEAR and RI_BICUBIC.

RiPatchMeshV: Bad uwrap type: %s
A bad wrap type was specified as the uwrap parameter to RiPatchMeshV(). Valid types are RI_PERIODIC and RI_NONPERIODIC.

RiPatchMeshV: Bad vwrap type: %s
A bad wrap type was specified as the vwrap parameter to RiPatchMeshV(). Valid types are RI_PERIODIC and RI_NONPERIODIC.

RiCurvesV: Bad curve type: %s
A bad curve type was specified to RiCurvesV(). Valid types are RI_LINEAR and RI_CUBIC.

RiCurvesV: Bad wrap type: %s
A bad wrap type was specified to RiCurvesV(). Valid types are RI_PERIODIC and RI_NONPERIODIC.

RiProcedural: Procedural definition not available.
Procedural definitions are not available in the client/server environment.

%s: Stub function invoked directly.
This is stub function, and is not meant to be invoked directly by client applications. It should only be passed as a function pointer to RiProcedural.

RiTransformPoints: function not available.
RiTransformPoints() is not implemented in the client/server environment.



tiffdiff: Missing channel list.
The -ch option was specified without including a list.

tiffdiff: Missing offset.
The -o option was specified without including x and y offsets.

tiffdiff: Missing driver specification.
The -dspy option was specified without including the driver name.

tiffdiff: Missing file name.
The -dspyfile option was specified without including the file name.

tiffdiff: Missing scale factor.
The -scale option was specified without including a scale factor.

tiffdiff: Bad option "-%s".
An unrecognized option was given to tiffdiff.

tiffdiff: Too many channels in channel list.
Too many channels were specified in the channel list given with the -ch option.

tiffdiff: Unrecongnized channel "%c" in list.
An unrecognized channel was specified with the -ch option. Channels must be one of r, R, g, G, b, B, a, and A.

tiffdiff: Null channel list.
A zero-length channel list was specified with the -ch option.

tiffdiff: Unable to open %s.
TIFFOpen returned an error when attempting to open the specified TIFF file.

tiffdiff: Cannot handle %d-bit pictures.
Tiffdiff can only handle 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32-bit pictures.

tiffdiff: Cannot handle %d-channel pictures.
Tiffdiff can only handle 1, 3, and 4-channel pictures.

tiffdiff: Can't handle 16-bit colormapped images.
Tiffdiff can not handle 16-bit colormapped images.

tiffdiff: Missing colormap tag.
The colormapped TIFF file is missing one or more of the required colormaps.

tiffdiff: Out of memory.
Tiffdiff was unable to allocated a scanline buffer due to insufficient memory.

tiffdiff: Out of memory.
Tiffdiff was unable to allocated an internal buffer due to insufficient memory.

tiffdiff: Image dimensions don't match. [%i x %i vs %i x %i]
The two images supplied to tiffdiff must have the same width and height

tiffdiff: Display services initialization failure.
Tiffdiff was unable to initialize the display services due to an error return from either DspyName or DspyOpen.

tiffdiff: Out of memory.
Tiffdiff was unable to allocate a display buffer due to insufficient memory.

tiffdiff: Missing bitdepth.
The -bitdepth option was specified without including a value for it.



Rif missing plug-in name.
No Rif name was provided on the command line.

Rif missing plug-in arg terminator (-rifend).
No Rif terminator (-rifend) was provided on the command line.

Rif missing rifmarker name.
No Rif marker was provided on the command line.

Invalid rifcontrol request.
An invalid rifcontrol request was encountered.

Undefined or invalid rifcontrol marker %s.
An undefined rifcontrol marker was encountered.

RifChain stack phase error (more pops than pushes).
RifChain stack phase error (more pops than pushes).

Error opening DSO %s: %s
An error occurred in opening a dynamic shared object. Either the file doesn't exist, or is not readable.

Error opening RifPlugin %s: %s (missing plug-in symbol)
An error occurred in opening a dynamic shared object. The required entrypoint can't be found.

Version mismatch: %s version %d > library version %d.
The DSO is newer than the library.

Version mismatch: %s version %d < library version %d.
The DSO is older than the library.



Write error on "%s"
Some write operation has failed because of a system write error.

Can't open file "%s" for reading/writing.
The specified file cannot be opened.

File name "%s" matches a directory, not a file.
A provided file name (for a shader, texture, or some consumable) matches a directory rather than a true file.

Read bytes %s on "%s"
Some file operation has failed because of a system read error or premature EOF. The file name and system error explanation are included in the message if available.

Read line %s on "%s"
Some file operation has failed because of a system read error or premature EOF. The file name and system error explanation are included in the message if available.

ClientPortRead: Bad count: %ld
An invalid count was received reading data from the dspy server.

ClientPortRead: Message size(%ld) > buffer size(%ld)
An invalid count was received reading data from the dspy server.

ClientPortWrite: Bad size: %d
An invalid count was received writing data to the dspy server.

ClientPortRead: No connection to server.
The dspy client is attempting to read from the dspy server where no connection has yet been established.

ClientPortWrite: No connection to server.
The dspy client is attempting to write to the dspy server where no connection has yet been established.
ForkAndExec: Can not allocate memory.

File close error on "%s"
File close operation has failed because of a system error.

TgPathDLOpen: Bad DSO found: %s (%s)
RenderMan found the specified DSO (dynamic shared object), but it was an invalid file. The file was probably built for the wrong architecture or has undefined symbols in it.

TgDLClose: unable to close handle: %x (%s)
RenderMan was unable to close the specified DSO (dynamic shared object) handle.

%s: bad compression type '%s': assuming "none".
An illegal Z file compression type was specified. The only valid values are "zip" and "none".

Can not open Z file %s for writing
The system call to open the specified Z file failed.

DspyName: couldn't find requested driver: %s (%s)
You have specified a display driver which could not be located.

DspyClose: never got a response from display server.
Never got a response to our close message from the display server.

DspyData: can't call DspyData on a "deep" channel. Use DspyDeepData.
DspyData doesn't support channels with variable-sized pixel data. Use DspyDeepData.

DspyImage: deep channels can't resize format data
A deep display driver has requested a data format with a different size than expected. This is not supported.

DspyImage: deep channels can't rearrange format data
A deep display driver has requested data format rearrangement. This is not supported for deep data.

DspyImage: mixed byte-order netrender of deep data not supported.
A deep display driver has requested data format in non-native byte-order. This is not supported for deep data.

DspyImage: can't open deep images over a pipe.
The display system tried to spawn a deep display using the Pipe interface, which isn't supported for deep channels.

DspyImage: driver '%s' doesn't support deep data.
You have specified a display driver which doesn't implement "DspyImageDeepData", but you have specified a mode which provides deep data.

DspyImage: driver '%s' doesn't support non-deep data.
You have specified a display driver which doesn't implement "DspyImageData", but you have specified a mode which requires it.

DspySwapData doesn't support in-pixel byteswapping of dspy type '%d'.
DspySwapData can't byteswap entries of that type. (See ndspy.h for reference of dspy type codes.)

DspyOpen: Don't support deep pixel format with heterogeneous byte orders.
DspyOpen doesn't support pixel formats which include ArrayBegins and which have elements with different byte orders. Specify the same byte order mask for all pixel format elements.

Display driver '%s' does not support point cloud output.
You are trying to send point cloud information to a display driver which does not support point cloud output (based on the PkPointCloudQuery).

DspyImage: driver '%s' doesn't support point cloud data.
You are trying to send point cloud information to a display driver which doesn't implement "DspyImageDeepData".

Driver '%s' can't open output '%s'
The output image can't be opened.

Unable to open file '%s' - too many opened display channels.
The output image could not be opened due to a renderer limit on the number of simultaneously opened display channels, when using netrender or parallel mode renders.

Unterminated string found for map specification.
A mapping was specified, but the mapping syntax was not terminated correctly with ]. The mapping will be ignored.

Bad zone specified for directory mapping.
A mapping was found to have an invalid zone syntax. The mapping will be ignored.

Bad 'from' directory specified for directory mapping.
A mapping was specified with an invalid syntax for the 'from' directory. The mapping will be ignored.

Bad 'to' directory specified for directory mapping.
A mapping was specified with an invalid syntax for the 'to' directory. The mapping will be ignored.

Cannot create temporary directory "%s"
The renderer was unable to create a temporary directory. Rendering will continue without the directory.

Error copying file "%s" to "%s"
The renderer had an error while copying a file. Rendering will try to continue without the copied file.

WIN32 System Error (%s) copying file "%s" to "%s"
The renderer had an error while copying a file. Rendering will try to continue without the copied file.



Patches cannot be blurred from rational to non-rational.
The renderer does not support motion blur of bilinear patches between rational and non-rational forms. Only the initial patch will be displayed.

Patches cannot be blurred from rational to non-rational.
The renderer does not support motion blur of bicubic patches between rational and non-rational forms. only the initial patch will be displayed.

Unknown type in mesh vertex vector.
Unable to turn periodic mesh into NURBS due to bug in the renderer.

NURBS patch %s with order %d exceeds maximum supported order %d %s.
The order of the NURBS patch provided is greater than the maximum order the renderer supports.
Not enough memory to split NURBS.
Some part of a NURBS patch has been discarded because there is not enough memory to store it.

Attempted to create a degenerate NURBS patch %s %s.
The u or v range of the NURBS patch provided was degenerate; the patch will be discarded.

Out of memory in NURBS module.
The NURBS module was unable to allocate enough memory for a NURBS data structure.

Moving NURBS gprim "%s" has changing knot vectors %s.
The knot vectors for a NURBS patch at two different points in time don't match. The patch will be discarded.
%p primitives cannot be diced.
Polygon primitives cannot be diced. Since the dicing subroutine should never be called, there must be a bug in the renderer.
Split polygon with %d vertices.
Polygons with fewer than three (3) vertices cannot be split. Since the splitting subroutine should not be called in this case, there must be a bug in the renderer.

A polygon must have at least three (3) vertices.
A polygon primitive was detected with fewer than three (3) vertices. The primitive has been discarded.

Out of memory splitting general polygon.
Ran out of memory during splitting of a general polygon. The general polygon will be discarded.
Procedural primitives cannot be diced.
Procedural primitives cannot be diced. Since the dicing subroutine should never be called, there must be a bug in the renderer.

Cannot restore unknown attribute state "%s" specified for Attribute "procedural" "attributes".
The renderer could not restore the attribute state specified. Most likely this is because no such attribute state was saved using Resource "attributes", or that state is no longer within ResourceBegin scope.

Plugin %s has overwritten read-only data.
The integrity of renderer's token store may have been undermined.
%s primitives cannot be diced.
Quadric primitives cannot be diced. Since the dicing subroutine should never be called, there must be a bug in the renderer.

Rational bilinear patch dice routine unimplemented.
Due to a bug in the renderer, unimplemented dicing functionality was needed.

Out of memory dicing curve.
The renderer ran out of memory while trying to dice a curve.

Out of memory bounding curve.
The renderer ran out of memory while trying to bound a curve.

Out of memory computing dicing rate for curve.
The renderer ran out of memory while trying to determine the dicing rate for a curve.

Bad length of point-blob array.
The length of an Implicit's point-blob array must be a multiple of 18.

Bad length of segment-blob array.
The length of an Implicit's segment-blob array must be a multiple of 21.

Ill-formed instruction for Implicit.
An instruction in the code sequence defining an Implicit had an unrecognized opcode or a bad operand. The surface will be discarded.

Out of memory allocating an Implicit.
Memory could not be allocated to hold the data describing an Implicit surface. The surface will be discarded.

Out of memory allocating grid data for an Implicit.
Memory could not be allocated to hold the grid data describing an Implicit surface. Part of the surface will be discarded.

Bad length of repulsion array
The length of an Implicit's repulsion array must be 4 times the number of repulsion files.

Can't open %s in implicit.
A zfile mentioned in an implicit repeller could not be opened.

%s: not a zfile.
A zfile mentioned in an implicit repeller was of the wrong format.

%s: not an orthographic camera.
A zfile mentioned in an implicit repeller must be created using an orthographic camera.

Can't allocate memory.
An implicit repeller could not allocate space into which to read a zfile.

Blobby threshold offset out of range and ignored.
The threshold offset specified for the RiBlobby is out of range, and would result in an invisible blob. The offset will be ignored.

Bad length of dso parameter array
The length of an Implicit's dso parameter array must be 4 times the number of dso files.

Out of memory allocating an Implicit plugin "%s".
Memory could not be allocated to hold the data describing an Implicit plugin. The plugin will be ignored.

Can't open Implicit plugin "%s".
The given Implicit plugin cannot be opened. It will be ignored.

No version number in Implicit plugin "%s".
The Implicit plugin has no "ImplicitFieldVersion" variable defined. The plugin will be ignored.

Bad version number (%d) in Implicit plugin "%s".
The version number in the Implicit plugin is outside the implemented range. The plugin will be ignored.

No "ImplicitFieldNew" function in Implicit plugin "%s".
The Implicit plugin either must contain a function named "ImplicitFieldNew" to allocate and initialize the plugin. The plugin will be ignored.

The "ImplicitFieldNew" function in Implicit plugin "%s" returned NULL.
The "ImplicitFieldNew" function in an Implicit plugin must allocate and initialize the plugin. Failing that, the plugin will be ignored.

Out of memory while freeing Implicit.
Memory could not be allocated while freeing an implicit surface. This is a severe error, and the renderer should abort.

Out of memory while splitting Implicit.
Memory could not be allocated while splitting an implicit surface. The implicit primitive will be dropped.

Out of memory while evaluating Implicit surface.
Memory could not be allocated while evaluating an implicit surface. The implicit surface may render incorrectly as a result.

Blobby levelset out of range and ignored.
The levelset specified for the RiBlobby is out of range, and would result in an invisible blob. The offset will be ignored.

Out of memory allocating stitch data.
Memory could not be allocated to hold data for crack elimination. Part of the surface may have cracks.

Out of memory allocating tessellation cache.
Memory could not be allocated for the cache of tessellated ray-traced geometry. This is a severe error and the renderer should abort.

Out of memory allocating radiosity cache.
Memory could not be allocated for the cache of color and opacity values for ray-traced geometry. This is a severe error and the renderer should abort.



VisNewFrame: Out of memory.
VisNewFrame() failed to allocate memory for one or more of its required structures.

Out of memory in tablesinit.
tablesinit() failed to allocate memory for one or more of its required structures.

Depth filter type %d not implemented, using "min"
Cannot add samples to the A-buffer, due to lack of sufficient memory. Some pixels may contain incorrect hidden surface results.

Out of memory in VisStartBucket.
VisStartBucket() failed to allocate memory for one or more of its required structures.

Subpixel output overrides specified PixelFilter.
The subpixel hider option requires the use of a unit box filter. The specified PixelFilter is overridden.

Visible point shading: Out of memory.
Failed to allocate memory for one or more required structures for visible-point shading.

Unable to open connection to X display for OpenGL hider.
The renderer was unable to open a connection to an X display, required for OpenGL hiding. The renderer will abort. If an X display is present, ensure the DISPLAY environment variable is correctly configured.

X display does not support GLX extension.
The X display does not support the GLX extension required for OpenGL hiding. The renderer will abort.

X display does not support required OpenGL visual.
The X display does not support a visual required for OpenGL hiding - this means the framebuffer does not support TrueColor/DirectColor, or the depth buffer does not have adequate precision. The renderer will abort.

Unable to create GLX rendering context.
The renderer was unable to create a GLX context for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient X resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to create memory device context (DC) for OpenGL hiding.
The renderer was unable to create a memory device context for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to create device independent bitmap for OpenGL hiding.
The renderer was unable to create a device independent bitmap needed for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to set appropriate pixel format for OpenGL rendering context.
The renderer was unable to select a desired pixel format for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to create OpenGL rendering context.
The renderer was unable to create a context for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Attempt to resize OpenGL rendering context.
The renderer attempted to resize the OpenGL rendering context. This may indicate an attempt to use variable sized buckets with the OpenGL rendering context, which is currently not supported. The renderer will abort.

Insufficient auxiliary buffers for requested number of AOVs - will render at most %d channels per camera.
The OpenGL implementation on this system does not have enough auxiliary buffers to handle the requested number of arbitrary output variables. Only the indicated number of channels will have valid data.

Unable to choose pixel format OpenGL hiding.
The renderer was unable to define the appropriate buffer and renderer attributes used for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to create or set context for OpenGL hiding.
The renderer was unable to create or set the rendering context used for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to create pixel buffer for OpenGL hiding.
The renderer was unable to create a pixel buffer used for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

Unable to bind pixel buffer to rendering context for OpenGL hiding.
The renderer was unable to bind a pixel buffer to a rendering context used for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient graphics hardware resources. The renderer will abort.

An X error occured during setup for OpenGL hiding: %s
The renderer was unable to complete an X server call during setup for OpenGL hiding. This may indicate insufficient X resources. The renderer will abort.

Out of memory when allocating occlusion buffer.
The renderer ran out of memory when trying to allocate an occlusion buffer for hiding. The renderer should abort.

Out of memory when allocating occlusion buffer.
The renderer ran out of memory when trying to allocate an occlusion buffer for hiding. The renderer should abort.

Depth mask file %s has bad format; depth mask disabled.
Specified depth mask file cannot be opened as zfile or a deep texture file.

Out of memory in hider initialization.
The hider failed to allocate memory for one or more of its required structures.

Matte file %s is not a valid deep texture.
The specified matte file cannot be opened as a deep texture file, or does not appear to contain any images.

Matte file %s does not appear to be a RGBA deep texture.
The specified matte file does not appear to be a RGBA deep texture. It should have at least four channels, and the subimage name suffix should begin with rgba.

Matte file %s does not contain the requested subimage with index %d.
The specified matte file does not contain the requested subimage. The matte file parameter will be ignored.

Out of memory when allocating occlusion buffer.
The renderer ran out of memory when trying to allocate an occlusion buffer for hiding. The renderer should abort.



libimg: %s.
A generic image-IO problem occurred.



Subdivmesh %s has invalid connection near %d.
An edge was specified that connected a nonexistent vertex. The face which specified the edge will be ignored.

Subdivmesh %s has non-manifold edge connecting vertices %d and %d.
A non-manifold edge incident to more than 2 faces was found. The face which specified the edge will be ignored.

Subdivmesh %s has duplicate edge connecting vertices %d and %d.
An edge connecting two vertices was specified more than once. It's likely that an incident face was flipped (its orientation being defined by the right-hand rule around its constituent vertices). One of the faces which specified the edge will be ignored.

Subdivmesh %s contains unknown interpolate boundary method: %d
The value supplied for the "interpolateboundary" tag to RiSubdivisionMesh() was not recognized. The tag will be ignored.

Subdivmesh %s has non-existent sharp edge (%d,%d).
An edge of the subdivmesh specified to be sharp does not exist.

Subdivmesh %s has non-existent sharp vertex %d.
A vertex of the subdivmesh specified to be sharp, does not exist.

Subdivmesh %s has hole at non-existent face %d.
A face of the subdivmesh specified to be a hole, does not exist.

Subdivmesh %s contains unknown facevarying interpolate boundary method: %d
The value supplied for the "facevaryinginterpolateboundary" tag to RiSubdivisionMesh() was not recognized. The tag will be ignored.
Subdivmesh %s contains unknown tag: %s
The tag argument to RiSubdivisionMesh() was not recognized. The tag is ignored.

Only %d of %d specified verts reachable in subdivmesh %s.
The specified subdivmesh contains disconnected surface components. Some data will be lost when this mesh is rendered.
Subdivmesh %s is a trivial mesh (created 0 patches).
The given subdivmesh split into 0 surface patches. This may have been due to bad mesh data.
A Refined patch created 0 patches in subdivmesh %s.
Unable to refine a patch of the given subdivmesh. Either the input data is bad or there is a bug in the renderer.

Arbitrary limit on vertex valence exceeded (11).
Crease vertex has edge valence &gt;= 11, which exceeds pre-calculated table size. The normal at this vertex will be incorrect.

Dicing unexpectedly encountered points with %d components.
The dice routine expects xyz points in order to calculate their normals.

Subdivmesh %s has degenerate edge at vertex %d.
An edge was specified that connected a vertex to itself. The face which specified the edge will be ignored.

Subdivmesh %s has incomplete %s tag.
A vertex or edge edit tag was specified with less than two integer values or with a number of string values that is not a multiple of three. This is an incomplete tag specification, and will be ignored.

Invalid face %d specified for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh %s.
A hierarchical edit tag was specified with a base face index (first integer) which does not exist on the mesh. The tag will be ignored.

Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh %s.
A hierarchical edit tag had a path component which pointed at a invalid subface or vertex. The component was probably greater in value than the possible number of subfaces at the level of subdivision. The tag will be ignored.

Out of memory while dicing subdivision surface.
The subdivision surface module was unable to allocate enough memory for a grid data structure.

Out of memory while dicing subdivision surface.
The subdivision surface module was unable to allocate enough memory for a grid data structure.

Out of memory splitting subdivision mesh.
The renderer was unable to allocate memory during a subdivision surface split operation. This is a severe error and the renderer should abort.

SubdivisionMesh %s has a %s tag with an incomplete path.
A hierarchical edit tag was specified containing a path which was incomplete (the given pathlength would cause the path specification to run off the list of supplied integers). This is an incomplete tag specification, and will be ignored.

Faceedit attributes tag on SubdivisionMesh %s has a missing attribute name or subset.
A faceedit attributes tag was specified which is missing a attribute name or subset. The tag will be ignored.

%s tag for '%s %s' on Subdivmesh %s did not specify enough floats, expected at least %d.
A vertex or edge edit tag was specified which did not supply the correct number of floating point values for the type of variable being edited. The tag will be ignored.

Vertexedit tag specifies invalid variable '%s' on Subdivmesh %s.
A vertexedit tag was specified which references a variable which does not exist on the mesh. This tag will be ignored.

%s tag specifies invalid modifier '%s' on Subdivmesh %s.
A vertex or edge edit tag was specified which specifies an invalid operation on the mesh. This tag will be ignored.

Variable %s has unsupported uniform or constant storage in vertexedit tag on Subdivmesh %s.
A vertexedit tag was specified for a variable which had uniform or constant storage. This type of edit is not supported and the tag will be ignored. You should consider using a faceedit tag instead.

%s tag specifies invalid operation '%s %s' on Subdivmesh %s.
A vertex or edge edit tag was specified which specifies an invalid operation on the mesh. This tag will be ignored.

Faceedit tag specifies invalid operation '%s' on Subdivmesh %s.
A faceedge edit tag was supplied which specifies an invalid operation on the mesh. This tag will be ignored.

Faceedit set or add tag on SubdivisionMesh %s has a missing variable name.
A faceedit set or add tag was specified which is missing a variable. The tag will be ignored.

Variable %s has unsupported nonuniform storage in faceedit tag on Subdivmesh %s.
A faceedit tag was specified for a variable which does not have uniform storage. This type of edit is not supported and the tag will be ignored. You should consider using a vertexedit tag instead.

Faceedit tag specifies invalid variable '%s' on Subdivmesh %s.
A faceedit tag was specified which references a variable which does not exist on the mesh. This tag will be ignored.

Faceedit tag for '%s %s' on Subdivmesh %s did not specify enough floats, expected at least %d.
A vertex or edge edit tag was specified which did not supply the correct number of floating point values for the type of variable being edited. The tag will be ignored.

Faceedit set tag on SubdivisionMesh %s is missing string value for string variable %s.
A faceedit set tag was specified which is missing the value for a string variable. The tag will be ignored.

Faceedit tag on SubdivisionMesh %s attempting to specify invalid math operation on string variable %s.
A faceedit tag was specified which specifies an invalid mathematical operator such as "add" or "subtract" to a string variable. The tag will be ignored.

Faceedit attributes tag on SubdivisionMesh %s specified unknown attribute subset '%s'.
A faceedit attributes tag was specified which refers to an unknown attribute subset. The tag will be ignored.

Faceedit attributes tag on SubdivisionMesh %s specified unknown attribute state '%s'.
A faceedit attributes tag was specified which refers to an unknown attribute state. This state was either not saved with AttributeSave or has gone out of scope. The tag will be ignored.

Creasemethod tag specifies unknown crease subdivision method '%s' on SubdivisionMesh %s.
A creasemethod tag was supplied which specifies an unknown crease subdivision method. The known methods are "normal" and "chaikin". This tag will be ignored.

Creasemethod tag missing string argument on SubdivisionMesh %s.
A creasemethod tag was supplied which did not have any string arguments. Exactly one string argument should be supplied specifying the crease subdivision method. This tag will be ignored.

Expecting single integer argument for "facevaryingpropagatecorners" on SubdivisionMesh %s.
The values supplied for the "facevaryingpropagatecorners" tag to RiSubdivisionMesh() are invalid, a single integer should be specified. The tag will be ignored.

Subdivmesh %s has non-unique evaluation handle %s.
There are at least two subdivision meshes that share the same evaluation handle. Because all evaluation handles must be unique, all duplicate evaluation handles will be ignored.

Unknown subdivision scheme.
Subdivision mesh primitive with unknown subdivision scheme was requested. The request is ignored.

Stitch curve %d: out of memory for subdiv mesh %s.
Insufficient memory encountered.

Stitch curve %d: insufficient arguments in subdiv %s.
A subdiv stitch curve has no ID or no edges.
Stitch curve %d: referenced 3 times (%s, %s, %s).
A subdiv stitch curve has too many references. Only the first two references will be used.

Stitch curve %d: length conflict (%s: %d vertices; %s: %d vertices).
A subdiv stitch curve has multiple definitions.

Stitch curve %d: subdiv %s uses a bogus vertex %d.
A vertex of the subdiv mesh specified to be on a stitch curve does not exist.

Stitch curve %d: sharpness conflict (%s: vertex %d is %g; %s: vertex %d is %g).
A subdiv stitch curve has multiple definitions.

Stitch curve %d: vertices exceed stitchbound (%s vertex %d is (%g %g %g); %s vertex %d is (%g %g %g)).
A subdiv stitch curve has vertices that don't match within "stitchbound" from reference to reference.

Stitch curve %d: "edge" (%d:%d) in subdiv mesh %s is not an edge.
An edge of the subdiv mesh specified to be on a stitch curve does not exist.

Edge (%d:%d) exists on multiple stitch curves (%s:%d, %s:%d).
An edge of the subdiv mesh specified to be on a stitch curve does not lie on the subdiv boundary.

Stitch curve %d: edge (%d:%d) in %s is not on the subdiv boundary.
An edge of the subdiv mesh specified to be on a stitch curve does not lie on the subdiv boundary.

Stitch curve %d: sharpness conflict (%s: edge (%d:%d) is %g; %s: edge (%d:%d) is %g).
A subdiv stitch curve has multiple definitions.
Stitch curve %d: only a single reference (%s).
A subdiv stitch curve was only referenced once.

Stitch curve %d: motion conflict (%s: %s motion blurred; %s: %s motion blurred).
A subdiv stitch curve was defined for geometries which did not have the same motion blur status. The stitch curve will be ignored.

Out of memory splitting general polygon.
Ran out of memory during splitting of a general polygon. The general polygon will be discarded.

Out of memory splitting polyhedra.
The renderer was unable to allocate memory during a polyhedron split operation. This is a severe error and the renderer should abort.

Brick map '%s' for geometric primitive could not be opened."
Brick map file '%s' could not be opened.

Option 'limits' 'gridsize' is %i which is too small for efficient ray-tracing of brick map geometric primitives. Gridsize should be at least 128. Ray intersection testing may be twice as slow as it would be if gridsize was larger."
Gridsize option too small to efficiently ray-trace brick map gprim.

Unknown Volume type %s
The type argument to RiVolume() was not one of the recognized values. The volume will be treated as a box.

Cannot parse DSO string for RiVolume: %s
The type argument to RiVolume() contained an unparseable plugin specification. The volume will be treated as a box.

DSO type string for RiVolume: %s should not contain hostname.
The plugin specification URI could not be parsed, because a host was used in the form blobbydso://hostname/file. Use either full path, blobbydso:///file or relative path, blobbydso:file. The volume will be treated as a box.

Unexpected type or class for "time" on RiVolume; dPdtime deformation motion blur disabled.
The variable "time" was found on an RiVolume, but was not declared as "constant float". "time" must be declared this way in order to enable "dPdtime" deformation motion blur.

Unexpected type for "dPdtime" on RiVolume; dPdtime deformation motion blur disabled.
The variable "dPdtime" was found on a RiVolume, but was not declared as "vector". "dPdtime" must be declared with vector type in order to enable "dPdtime" deformation motion blur.

Mismatched dimensions for "time" and "dPdtime" on RiVolume; dPdtime deformation motion blur disabled.
Declarations for "time" and "dPdtime" were found on a RiVolume, but the dimensions were not compatible. "dPdtime" must be declared as an array sized one smaller than the "time" array. Deformation blur will be disabled.

"dPdtime" specified without "time" on RiVolume; dPdtime deformation motion blur disabled.
The variable "dPdtime" was found on a RiVolume, but "time" was missing. "time" must be present as a variable as well in order to enable "dPdtime"-based deformation motion blur.

"dPdtime" specified on RiVolume inside a multi-segment motion block; dPdtime deformation motion blur disabled.
A declaration for "dPdtime" was found on an RiVolume inside a multi-segment motion block. This is a redundant declaration; time/dPdtime enable motion blur, and should not be specified inside a motion block. For backwards compatibility, PRMan supports dPdtime deformation motion blur only within a Motion block of two samples. However, for multi-segment motion blocks, dPdtime based deformation blur will be disabled.

"dPdtime" specified for RiVolume inside a motion block cannot be an array; dPdtime deformation motion blur disabled.
The variable "dPdtime" was found on a RiVolume inside a Motion block, but was declared as an array. PRMan will only support a single value of dPdtime for a Volume inside a Motion block. Multiple dPdtime values can be specified by declaring the Volume outside a Motion block.



Can't open RIB file: '%s' %s.
The specified RIB file could not be opened.

Out of memory.
The renderer cannot obtain sufficient storage for internal data structures. This is usually due to an attempt to render too complex a scene. Try simplifying the scene or model. Rendering is aborted.

Malformed prman runtime.
The renderer cannot locate required entrypoints in libprman runtime.

Uncaught exception: %s.
An unknown error occurred. Rendering is aborted.

can't locate prman runtime.
An unknown error occurred. Execution is aborted.

Unregistered request: "%s" %s
The specified request could not be found in the list of valid requests.

Incorrect number of %s "%s" values specified for %s (got %s, expected %d). %s
An incorrect number of parameter values were specified. The primitive is ignored.

Invalid basis matrix name "%s". %s
The named basis matrix is not one of the predefined basis matrices.

Bad ubasis array size: %d. %s
The specified basis array is the wrong size. A basis array should be [4][4] or 16 elements.

No ubasis array. %s
A ubasis array was specified, but no data was provided.

Bad vbasis array size: %d. %s
The specified basis array is the wrong size. A basis array should be [4][4] or 16 elements.

Bad number of numeric parameters for bound: %d. %s
Bound needs six (6) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters specified for bound. %s
Bound needs six (6) numeric parameters.

Wrong number of color samples: %d, expecting: %d. %s
The specified number of color samples does not match the number required.

No color specified. %s
The RIB parser found a color statement with no color specified.

Bad array sizes for color samples: %d %d. %s
The sizes of the nRGB and RGBn arrays were not appropriate.

Bad number of numeric parameters to cone: %d. %s
Cone requires three (3) numeric parameters (height, radius, thetamax).

No numeric parameters specified to cone. %s
Cone requires three (3) numeric parameters (height, radius, thetamax).

Bad number of numeric parameters to CropWindow: %d. %s
CropWindow() requires four (4) numeric arguments.

No numeric parameters specified to CropWindow. %s
CropWindow() requires four (4) numeric arguments.

Bad number of numeric parameters to Cylinder: %d. %s
Cylinder requires four (4) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters specified to Cylinder. %s
Cylinder requires four (4) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric arguments to Detail: %d. %s
Detail requires six (6) numeric parameters.

No numeric arguments specified to Detail. %s
Detail requires six (6) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric arguments to DetailRange: %d. %s
DetailRange requires four (4) numeric parameters.

No numeric arguments specified to DetailRange. %s
DetailRange requires four (4) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric parameters to Disk: %d. %s
Disk requires three numeric parameters (height, radius, thetamax).

No numeric parameters to Disk. %s
Disk requires three numeric parameters (height, radius, thetamax).

Invalid parameter type for FrameBegin. %s
An improper frame number parameter was specified. The frame number should be a single integer.

Bad number of numeric parameters to Hyperboloid: %d. %s
An invalid number of numeric parameters was specified for Hyperboloid. Seven (7) numeric parameters are required.

No numeric parameters to Hyperboloid. %s
No numeric parameters were specified for Hyperboloid. Seven numeric parameters are required.

Invalid light handle for Illuminate: "%s". %s
An invalid light handle was passed in to Illuminate.

Incorrect number of order values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected:%d. %s
The number of trim curves differed from the number orders defined for those curves.

Incorrect number of min values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of trim curves differed from the number of minimum values defined for those curves.

Incorrect number of max values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of trim curves differed from the number of maximum values defined for those curves.

Incorrect number of n values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of trim curves differed from the length of the list which defines the number of control points in each curve.

Incorrect number of u values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of <B>u</B> values differed from the total number of control points in a trim curve.

Incorrect number of v values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of <B>v</B> values differed from the total number of control points in a trim curve.

Incorrect number of w values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of <B>w</B> values differed from the total number of control points in a trim curve.

Incorrect number of knot values in TrimCurve. found:%d, expected: %d. %s
The number of knots differed from the sum of control points and orders.

Bad number of u knots in NuPatch: %d, expected: %d. %s
A bad number of <B>u</B> knots was passed in to NuPatch.

Bad number of v knots in NuPatch: %d, expected: %d. %s
A bad number of <B>v</B> knots was passed in to NuPatch.

Bad object handle for ObjectInstance: "%s". %s
An invalid object handle was passed in to ObjectInstance.

Bad number of numeric parameters to Paraboloid: %d. %s
An invalid number of numeric parameters was specified for Paraboloid. Four (4) numeric parameters are required.

No numeric parameters specified to Paraboloid. %S
No numeric parameters were specified for Paraboloid. Four (4) numeric parameters are required.

No data specified for procedural primitive. %s
Procedural primitives require a data array.

Bad number of numeric parameters for bound: %d. %s
Procedural bound needs six (6) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters specified for bound. %s
Procedural bound needs six (6) numeric parameters.

Unknown procedural primtive %s. %s
The RIB parser does not recognize the specified procedural primitive, and therefore can not call it. The primitive is ignored.

Procedural primitive %s requires %d data strings. %s
Each procedural primitive requires a particular number of data strings.

Procedural primitive "%s" requires a string array (enclose in [ ]'s). %s
Procedural primitives require a string data array.

Old-style patchmesh requests are deprecated: %s
the original Ri spec (3.0) supported patchmeshes in this form. Strictly speaking this is illegal.

Bad uniform parameter on patch mesh: %s
Patch meshes require one uniform variable per patch, not one variable. The RIB parser will correct for this error, but it would probably crash any direct-linked renderer.

Bad number of numeric parameters for bound: %d. %s
Volume bound needs six (6) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters specified for bound. %s
Volume bound needs six (6) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric parameters for dimension: %d. %s
Volume dimension needs three (3) integer parameters.

No numeric parameters specified for dimension. %s
Volume dimension needs three (3) integer parameters.

No points specified in Polygon. %s
None of the parameters to Polygon were points.

Bad number of counts (%d) for the number of loops (%d) in PointsGeneralPolygon. %s
The number of point counts specified in a call to PointsGeneralPolygon did not match the number of loops specified. There should be one point count for each loop specified.

Bad number of indices (%d) for number of vertices (%d) in PointsGeneralPolygon. %s
The number of point indices specified in a call to PointsGeneralPolygon did not match the sum of the point counts specified. There should be one point index for each point specified.

Bad number of indices (%d) for number of vertices (%d) in PointsPolygon. %s
The number of point indices specified in a call to PointsPolygon did not match the sum of the point counts specified. There should be one point index for each point specified.

Bad number of numeric parameters for ScreenWindow: %d. %s
ScreenWindow needs six (6) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters specified for ScreenWindow. %s
ScreenWindow needs six (6) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric parameters to Sphere: %d. %s
Sphere requires four (4) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters specified to Sphere. %s
Sphere requires four (4) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric parameters to TextureCoordinates: %d. %s
TextureCoordinates requires eight (8) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters to TextureCoordinates. %s
TextureCoordinates requires eight (8) numeric parameters.

Wrong number of numeric parameters to Torus: %d. %s
Torus requires five (5) numeric parameters.

No numeric parameters to Torus. %s
Torus requires five (5) numeric parameters.

Bad number of numeric parameters to Transform: %d. %s
Transform requires a 4x4 matrix.

Protocol version number mismatch, version > %g.
You are using a protocol version that this renderer cannot handle.

Cannot handle version %g.
The major version of the input does not match the major version of the parser.

Lexical syntax error on token "%s" %s.
The RIB input stream contained an illegal or illformed token or unrecognized character. The current RIB request will be ignored.

RIB parser string overflow on token "%s..." %s.
The RIB parser found an unterminated string, or a string which was so long it overflowed the internal string buffer. The current RIB request will be ignored.
Mysterious parsing error %s.
The RIB-parser error handler was called with an error with which it was unfamiliar. There must be a bug.

Undefined binary opcode 0x%lx in RIB stream.
An unrecognized opcode was found in the input RIB stream.

Undefined encoded string 0x%lx in RIB stream.
An undefined encoded string was found in the input RIB stream.

DEFSTRING protocol botch, expecting string.
A RIB define-string token in the input RIB stream was not followed by a string.

Out of memory for DEFSTRING.
A string was unable to be defined in the input RIB stream due to insufficient memory.

DEFREQUEST protocol botch, expecting string.
A RIB define-request token in the input RIB stream was not followed by a string.
Encoded request %d redefined from "%s" to "%s"
An encoded request in the input RIB stream was redefined.

Undefined binary token 0x%x. %s
An undefined binary token was encountered in the input RIB stream.

Out of memory in RIB parser %s.
The RIB parser ran out of memory while trying to read a string. The current RIB request will be ignored.

RIB syntax error %s.
The RIB input stream contained an illegal token, was missing a required token, or had a token in an illegal place. The current RIB request will be ignored.

Missing closing quote %s.
The RIB parser has detected that a required closing quotation mark (") is missing. The current RIB request will be ignored.

Invalid array in the RIB stream. %s
An array in the RIB stream consists of invalid elements.

Mismatched "]" in the RIB stream. %s
There is a "]" in the RIB stream without a corresponding "[".

Bad token type %d in the RIB stream. %s
An invalid token was found in the RIB stream.

Not enough memory. %s
The RIB parser ran out of memory attempting to expand a stack.

Parameterlist type mismatch in RIB stream. %s
A type mismatch was detected when trying to parse the specification of a parameter list.

InitStack: Memory allocation failure.
The RIB parser ran out of memory attempting to allocate a stack.

Out of memory for more than %d element parameterlist.
Parameterlist pointer buffers could not be expanded beyond the indicated length. Parameterlists longer than that will be truncated.
RIB Parser token stack overflow %s.
The RIB parser token stack overflowed. This should not happen, and indicates either a bug in the parser or a serious error in the input RIB stream.

RIB Parser removing white space %s.
The RIB Parser detected a token with either leading or trailing white space. The parse has treated this as if the white space characters did not exist.

NaN detected in RIB stream in %s. %s
There is a NaN in the RIB stream. It will be replaced by a zero.

Invalid symbol table when parsing RIB stream. %s
RiBegin was not called resulting in no symbol table.

Invalid filter name "%s". %s
The named filter is not one of the predefined filters.

Number of points specified in Curve (%d) does not match vertex count (%d). %s
There is an inconsistency in the Curve parameters.

No points specified in Curve. %s
None of the parameters to Curve were points.

Converting segment-varying uniform curve parameter "%s" %s.
A uniform curve parameter was specified per segment, rather than per curve, and the parameter was found to be non-constant over a curve. Change the parameter to "varying" or "vertex" to ensure no loss of data.

Mismatched number of mesh indices (%d) and vertices (%d). %s
The number of vertex indices specified to SubdivMesh did not match the sum of the vertex counts specified. There should be a one-to-one correspondence.

Mismatched number of tags arguments lengths (%d) and tags (%d). %s
The number of arguments' lengths specified to SubdivisionMesh has to be twice the number of tags.

Mismatched number of tags' integer arguments (%d) and declared one (%d). %s
The number of tags' integer arguments specified to SubdivisionMesh has to be the same as the sum of the number of tags' integer arguments declared.

Mismatched number of tags' float arguments (%d) and declared one (%d). %s
The number of tags' float arguments specified to SubdivisionMesh has to be the same as the sum of the number of tags' float arguments declared.

Bad number of tags in SubdivisionMesh: %s
If tags are used in subdivision meshes, the tags array should have at least one tag.

Bad number of tags arrays to SubdivisionMesh: %d. %s
SubdivisionMesh requires either none or four arrays to specify tag information.

Bad number of tags in HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh: %s
If tags are used in subdivision meshes, the tags array should have at least one tag.

Bad number of tags arrays to HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh: %d. %s
HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh requires either none or five arrays to specify tag information.

Mismatched number of mesh indices (%d) and vertices (%d). %s
The number of vertex indices specified to * HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh did not match the sum of the vertex * counts specified. There should be a one-to-one correspondence.

Mismatched number of tags arguments lengths (%d) and tags (%d). %s
The number of arguments' lengths specified to HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh has to be three times the number of tags.

Mismatched number of tags' integer arguments (%d) and declared one (%d). %s
The number of tags' integer arguments specified to HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh has to be the same as the sum of the number of tags' integer arguments declared.

Mismatched number of tags' float arguments (%d) and declared one (%d). %s
The number of tags' float arguments specified to HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh has to be the same as the sum of the number of tags' float arguments declared.

Mismatched number of tags' string arguments (%d) and declared one (%d). %s
The number of tags' string arguments specified to HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh has to be the same as the sum of the number of tags' float arguments declared.

No points specified in Points. %s
None of the parameters to Points were points.


Ri%s called before RiBegin.
An attribute subroutine was called before RiBegin() was called. This is illegal, and the attribute is ignored.
Ri%s called at illegal time.
An attribute subroutine was called when the RenderMan Interface was not accepting attributes. The attribute is ignored.
Invalid shading rate: %g
The argument to RiShadingRate() was less than zero. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Invalid shading interpolation: %s
The argument to RiShadingInterpolation() is not one of the recognized values (RI_CONSTANT or RI_SMOOTH). The call is ignored.
Invalid geometric approximation: %s
The argument to RiGeometricApproximation() was not one of the recognized values. The call is ignored.
Invalid detail range: (%g,%g -> %g,%g)
The arguments to RiDetailRange() are invalid or inconsistent. The call is ignored.
Invalid orientation: %s
The argument to RiOrientation() is not one of the recognized values (RI_INSIDE, RI_OUTSIDE, RI_RH, or RI_LH). The call is ignored.
Invalid sides: %d
The argument to RiSides() is not one of the legal values (1 or 2). The call is ignored.
Invalid focus factor: %g
The argument to RiGeometricApproximation(RI_FOCUSFACTOR) was less than zero. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Invalid motion factor: %g
The argument to RiGeometricApproximation(RI_MOTIONFACTOR) was less than zero. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Invalid flatness: %g
The argument to RiGeometricApproximation(RI_FLATNESS) was less than or equal to zero. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Unknown geometry: %s
RiGeometry() was called with a primitive type name which is not recognized by the renderer. The request is ignored.
RiProcedural request without required data.
RiProcedural() must be supplied a bounding volume and pointers to both subroutines (subdivision and free). The incomplete primitive will be discarded.
Cannot instantiate procedural primitives.
Use of RiProcedural() primitives inside RiObjectBegin() is not currently implemented. The primitive will be discarded.
Cannot motion-blur RiProcedural.
Motion blur of procedural primitives is not defined. The primitive request is ignored.
Unknown geometry brickmap parameter: %s
RiGeometry() brickmap was called with an unknown parameter name.
Geometry brickmap rendermode '%s' ignored.
RiGeometry() brickmap was called with a rendermode (which is phased out). Will use 'surface'
Syntax error in RiDeclare: %s
The type description of a token given to RiDeclare() is invalid or has a syntax error. The token will not be added to the symbol table.
RenderMan Interface already initialized.
RiBegin() was called twice before RiEnd() was called. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.

Error initializing RenderMan Interface.
The RenderMan Interface cannot be initialized during RiBegin().
RenderMan Interface already closed.
RiEnd() was called before RiBegin() was called. The call is ignored.
RiEnd called before its proper nesting level.
RiEnd() was called while there were still other levels of graphics-state nesting outstanding. All of the previous levels will be discarded and lost.
Ri%s called before RiBegin
A graphics-state manipulation subroutine has been called before RiBegin() was called. This is invalid and the call is ignored.

Bad nesting discovered in Ri%s
An invalid nesting sequence of Begin/End pairs has caused an error to be discovered in the graphics state stack. The stack will be restored, but the incorrect levels will be discarded and information may be lost.

Out of memory for graphics state stack in Ri%s
The graphics state stack cannot be pushed due to insufficient memory. This subroutine call will be ignored, leaving the graphics state as it was.
Invalid RiFrameBegin
RiFrameBegin() was called when the graphics state was not in the correct state. RiFrameBegin() is only valid before RiWorldBegin() and cannot be nested.
Invalid RiWorldBegin
RiWorldBegin() was called when the graphics state was not in the correct state. RiWorldBegin() cannot be nested.
Invalid RiSolidBegin
RiSolidBegin() was called when the graphics state was not in the correct state. RiSolidBegin() must be called after RiWorldBegin().
Ri%s called outside of WorldBegin/End block
Ri%s() was called when the graphics state was outside of the WorldBegin/End block. Ri%s() is only valid after RiWorldBegin().

Out of memory in RiFrameBegin for display state
The preframe display state could not be saved due to insufficient memory. The graphics state will be left in its current state.

Cannot restore unknown attribute state "%s".
The renderer could not restore the attribute state specified. Most likely this is because no such attribute state was saved using Resource "attributes", or that state is no longer within ResourceBegin scope.

Attributes cannot be saved until FrameBegin.
The renderer cannot save the attribute state using RiResource "attributes" "string operation" "save" until after FrameBegin has been encountered.

Attributes cannot be restored until FrameBegin.
The renderer cannot restore the attribute state using RiResource "attributes" "string operation" "restore" until after FrameBegin has been encountered.

Unknown attribute restore subset "%s".
The renderer did not understand the subset argument to Resource "attributes". The only valid subsets are currently "all", "transform", "geometrymodification", "geometrydefinition", "shading", and "hiding".

Attributes cannot be edited until FrameBegin.
The renderer cannot edit the attribute state using RiResource "attributes" "string operation" "edit" until after FrameBegin has been encountered.
Invalid RiEditWorldBegin
RiEditWorldBegin() was called with an empty name.

Ri%s called in illegal state
An editing subroutine has been called before RiEditBegin() was called. This is illegal, and the call is ignored.

Ri%s called in illegal state
An edit block has been called before RiEditWorldBegin() was called. This is illegal, and the call is ignored.

Ri%s called in illegal state
An edit attribute block has been called before RiEditdBegin() was called. This is illegal, and the call is ignored.

Ri%s called in illegal state
An attribute editing subroutine has been called before RiEditAttributeBegin() was called. This is illegal, and the call is ignored.

Ri%s called before RiBegin.
The RenderMan Interface subroutines which create texture maps from images must be called after RiBegin(). The call is ignored and the texture map is not made.

Wrong state to call Ri%s.
The RenderMan Interface subroutines which create texture maps from images may only be called before RiWorldBegin(), while calls which set options are valid. The call is ignored, and the texture map is not made.

Disabled System call '%s' skipped.
Indicates that RiSystem has been disabled at your site.

Error %d during RiSystem call '%s'
Indicates that RiSystem encountered an error.

Error %d during net RiSystem call '%s'
Indicates that RiSystem encountered an error.

Bump maps are no longer supported.
Bump maps are obsolete in this implementation.
Invalid state for motion block definition
Motion blocks may not be defined during editing. The requested motion block is discarded.
Invalid argument to RiMotionBegin
The arguments to RiMotionBegin() are invalid. Either the number of time samples is negative or the times are ordered incorrectly. The motion block is discarded.
Illegal data in motion block
An RiMotionBegin()/RiMotionEnd() block was defined which contained either inconsistent subroutines called for the time samples or more time samples than expected. The erroneous data is discarded.
Premature RiMotionEnd
RiMotionEnd() was called before all of the time samples were specified. The motion block is discarded.
Cannot conform motion samples
The time samples specified in the motion block do not match well enough to carry out the motion blur (there is probably an illegal topology change). The motion block is discarded.
Out of memory in RiMotionBegin.
The system ran out of memory. The call is ignored.
Invalid state for object definition
Objects may not be defined during editing. The requested instance is discarded.
Invalid state for object instancing
Objects may only be instanced after RiWorldBegin() and not inside other objects. The requested instance is discarded.
Invalid object handle
The RtObjectHandle given to RiObjectInstance() was not a valid handle. Either the data was never a valid handle, or the object has been deleted because it went out of scope (see the RenderMan Interface Specification for object handle scoping rules). The instance request is ignored.
Ri%s called before RiBegin
An option manipulation subroutine has been called before RiBegin() was called. This is invalid and the call is ignored.
Ri%s called in illegal state
An option manipulation subroutine has been called while the graphics state was not accepting options. Options must be specified before RiWorldBegin(). The call is ignored.
Invalid frame aspect ratio: %g
The argument to RiFrameAspectRatio() was less than zero. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Degenerate screen window.
The arguments to RiScreenWindow() ask for a window of zero width or height. This is invalid and the call is ignored.
Invalid crop window: (%g,%g,%g,%g)
Arguments to RiCropWindow() must be strictly between 0.0 and 1.0. The values given were invalid and the call is ignored.
Unrecognized projection: %s
The argument to RiProjection() was not one of the recognized values (RI_ORTHOGRAPHIC or RI_PERSPECTIVE). The call is ignored.
Invalid clipping planes: %g %g
The arguments to RiClipping() must be strictly positive and far must be greater than near. The values given were invalid, and the call is ignored.
Invalid depth-of-field: (%g %g %g)
The arguments to RiDepthOfField() must be strictly positive. They were not, so the call is ignored.
Invalid shutter
The RiShutter() close time must be later than the open time. It was not, so the call is ignored.
Invalid pixel samples: %g %g
The arguments to RiPixelSamples() should be greater than or equal to 1.0 and must also fit in an integer. The arguments were clamped between 1.0 and a large number.
The invalid pixel filter width: %g %g
The width arguments to RiPixelFilter() must be strictly positive. They were not, so the call is ignored.
Invalid exposure parameters.
The arguments to RiExposure() must be strictly positive. They were not, so the call is ignored.

Out of memory in RiDisplay.
The display name could not be stored due to insufficient memory. The standard defaults will be used.

Unknown display mode "%s".
An unrecognized mode was passed to RiDisplay. If an arbitrary output variable was intended, it may be missing a proper declaration. If a list of DisplayChannels was intended, the DisplayChannel invocations may be missing or malformed. The renderer will ignore this display.
Invalid quantize type: %s
The type argument to RiQuantize() is not one of the recognized values (rgbaz or a defined variable). The call is ignored.
Invalid quantize values
The arguments given to RiQuantize() are invalid. max must be greater than min, and dither must be strictly positive. The call is ignored.
Invalid number of color samples: %d
The number of color samples must be greater than zero. It was not, so this call is ignored.

Out of memory in RiColorSamples
The RiColorSamples() matrices cannot be saved due to insufficient memory. The color space will not be changed from its original value.
Invalid relative detail: %g
The argument to RiRelativeDetail() must be strictly positive. It was not, so the call is ignored.

Camera to screen matrix too general.
The renderer is currently only capable of handling camera to screen transformations which include x and y translations and scales. All other transformations must be done in the world to camera transformation before the projection.
Invalid pixel variance: %g
The argument to RiPixelVariance() must be strictly positive. It was not, so the call is ignored.
Degenerate crop window: (%g,%g,%g,%g)
Arguments to RiCropWindow() asked for a zero-width crop window. This is invalid and the call is ignored.
Too late to change shutter
The RiShutter() cannot be changed after camera motion blur has been initiated. The call is ignored.
Invalid quantize type: %s
The type argument to RiQuantize() has not been defined in an RiDisplay(). The call is ignored.

Additional display cannot be mode %s.
The display could not be opened because only the first display statement can include type rgb, or contain combinations of a or z.

Must use PixelFilter "box" 1 1 when outputting ids, filter reset.
When displaying id tags, only box filtering of width 1 is supported.
Clipping plane normal too close to zero: %g %g %g
The arguments to RiClippingPlane() should include a normal with length larger than zero. The values given were invalid, and the call is ignored.

Out of memory in RiDisplay.
The display could not be created due to insufficient memory.

Arbitrary filter type ignored for primary display mode "%s"
An arbitrary pixel filter type cannot be specified for the mode used in the primary display, and will be ignored.

Arbitrary filter width ignored for primary display mode "%s"
An arbitrary pixel filter width cannot be specified for the mode used in the primary display, and will be ignored.

Display fill ignored for primary display
The "fill" option cannot be used for the primary display line. The setting will be ignored.

Must use PixelFilter "box" 1 1 when rendering deep shadow maps with netrender, filter reset.
When rendering deep shadow modes with netrender, only box filtering of width 1 is supported.

Invalid volume interpretation "%s" ignored
The "volumeinterpretation" option accepts only a value of "discrete" or "continuous. The supplied setting will be ignored.

Out of memory for display channel %s.
The requested display channel cannot be created due to insufficient memory, and will be ignored.

Invalid display camera: "%s".
An undefined camera was specified for RiDisplay. The world camera will be used instead.

Out of memory for display mode hashtable.
There is insufficient memory for the renderer to allocate a hashtable used for storing display modes in the display module. Display modes will be unuseable.

Out of memory for display mode %s.
The requested display mode cannot be created due to insufficient memory, and will be ignored.

Undeclared channel %s in mode %s.
The requested display channel was not previously declared with RiDisplayChannel. The renderer will assume a set of defaults for this channel which may be incorrect.

Invalid declaration for display channel "%s".
The requested display channel had an invalid syntax, most likely arising from an incorrect inline type declaration. The channel will be ignored.

Unexpected declaration for display parameter "%s" of mode "%s", expected type %s
A parameter with special meaning to the renderer was supplied to RiDisplay with an unexpected type (most likely due to a wrong or missing inline declaration). The renderer will ignore the parameter, which may result in unexpected AOV behavior. The parameter will still be passed to the display driver as a user parameter.

Unexpected declaration for parameter "%s" of display channel "%s", expected type %s
A parameter with special meaning to the renderer was supplied to RiDisplayChannel with an unexpected type (most likely due to a wrong or missing inline declaration). The renderer will ignore the parameter, which may result in unexpected AOV behavior.

Unknown interpretation "%s" for display channel "%s"
The supplied interpretation for the display channel was not recognized by the renderer. Known values are "standard" and "alpha". The interpretation will be ignored.

Alpha interpretation for display channel "%s" requires type float.
Alpha interpretation of the display channel was requested, but the display channel was not of the required float type. The interpretation will be ignored.

Opacity interpretation for display channel "%s" requires type color.
Opacity interpretation of the display channel was requested, but the display channel was not of the required color type. The interpretation will be ignored.

Source declaration of "%s" for display channel "%s" cannot be resolved.
An inline declaration for a display channel source could not be resolved. The source parameter will be ignored.

Type of source "%s" does not match type for display channel "%s".
The type or array dimension of the source parameter did not match the declared type, or array dimension of the display channel. The declarations must match exactly. The source parameter will be ignored.

Out of memory while pickling displays.
The renderer could not allocate memory to pickle displays.

Out of memory while pickling display channel.
The renderer could not allocate memory to pickle a display channel.

Invalid filter name "%s" specified for display %s.
The named filter is not one of the predefined filters, and will be ignored.

Invalid filter name "%s" specified for display channel %s.
The named filter is not one of the predefined filters, and will be ignored.

First auxiliary display "%s" was superceded by primary display "%s" and cannot be kept as true auxiliary display.
The auxiliary display was specified before the primary display, and became the primary display by default. However, a primary display was subsequently specified. The renderer tried to preserve the auxiliary display but was unable to do so since the specified auxiliary display mode was a special in-built mode which is only supported for primary displays. As a result, the auxiliary display was dropped.
Invalid shutteropening type
The type of the shutteropening argument to RiCamera() must be float[2] or float[10]; it is not and will be ignored.
Invalid shutteropening values
The values of the shutteropening argument to RiCamera() are not within the required ranges and will be ignored.
Invalid depthoffield
The depthoffield argument to RiCamera() must be a float[3]; it is not and will be ignored.
Invalid focusregion
The focusregion argument to RiCamera() must be a float; it is not and will be ignored.
Invalid shutteropening curve
The values of the shutteropening argument to RiCamera() produce an invalid shutter curve and will be ignored.
Ri%s called before RiBegin.
A shader definition subroutine was called before RiBegin() was called. This is illegal, and the shader is ignored.
Ri%s called during illegal state.
A shader definition subroutine was called when the RenderMan Interface was not accepting attributes. The shader is ignored.
Ri%s unimplemented.
The requested shader type is currently unimplemented, so the call will be ignored.

Out of memory for lightsource.
The RiLightSource() or RiLightSource() requested cannot be created due to insufficient memory. The light will be discarded.

Cannot add light.
The light source requested cannot be created due to insufficient memory. The light will be discarded.
Invalid light handle.
The RtLightHandle given to RiIlluminate() was not a valid handle. Either the data was never a valid handle, or the light has been deleted because it went out of scope (see the RenderMan Interface Specification for light handle scoping rules). The illuminate request is ignored.

Cannot find default shader.
The shading system cannot be initialized because the default surface shader cannot be located or created. Objects without surface shaders specified will not be shaded.

Out of memory during light initialization.
The shading system cannot initialize because of insufficient memory. Lights will not be able to be created.

Cannot find default shader.
The shading system tried to load the default shader when a requested shader was not found, but the default shader was not found, either. The previously active shader is used.

Out of memory during shader system initialization.
The shading system cannot initialize because of insufficient memory. Shaders will not be able to be created.

Previously used __instanceid "%s" provided for shader "%s".
A duplicate __instanceid was specified for two or more shader calls of the same type. The previous __instanceid binding will be removed; any future reference to the __instanceid may pick up a shader which was not intended.

Light creation not allowed during light editing. Ignoring light creation.
A light was created while lights were being edited.

Light deletion not allowed during light editing. Ignoring light deletion.
A light was deleted while lights were being edited.

Light edit not allowed if no lights are specified for editing. Ignoring light edit.
A light was edited while no lights were specified for editing.

Light edit not allowed if light is not specified for editing. Ignoring light edit.
A light was edited whithout being specified for editing.
Ri%s called before RiBegin
A transformation subroutine has been called before RiBegin() was called. This is invalid and the call is ignored.
Ri%s cannot be motion-blurred
A transformation subroutine which does not support motion-blur has been called inside a motion block. The transformation will be ignored.

Out of memory in Ri%s
A motion-blurred transformation data structure could not be saved due to insufficient memory. The transformation will be discarded.
Invalid perspective field-of-view (%g)
The argument to RiPerspective() must be strictly positive. It was not, so the call is ignored.
Zero-length rotation axis
The rotation-axis given to RiRotate() has all three components equal to zero. Rotation is not defined around this zero-length axis, so the rotation will be ignored.
Skew angle (%g) too large.
The angle argument to RiSkew() must be smaller in magnitude than the angle between the two vectors. This was not true, so the skew is ignored.

Unknown transform space (%s => %s)
A coordinate-space name argument RiTransformPoints() was specified which does not match the names of any of the predefined or marked coordinate systems. No transformation is performed.

Noninvertable matrix (%s => %s)
A coordinate-space transform requested in RiTransformPoints() cannot be computed because it requires the inversion of a non-invertable matrix. No transformation is performed.

Out of memory storing named coordinate system
The renderer could not store the current transformation matrix due to insufficient memory. The naming of this coordinate system will not occur.

File %s cannot be opened by RiReadArchive.
The RIB file specified to RiReadArchive() could not be found or could not be opened.

Invalid operation "%s" specified for RiResource "%s" "attributes".
An invalid operation was specified for RiResource call of type "attributes". The only valid operations are currently "save" and "restore".

No operation specified for RiResource "%s" "attributes".
No valid operation was specified for RiResource call of type "attributes". A "string operation" parameter must be supplied with the value "save" or "restore".

Out of memory allocating vertex structure (%d).
A vertex data structure could not be allocated due to insufficient memory. The primitive which needs this memory will be discarded. This message will be printed only five times.

Singular transformation matrix.
The modeling transformation for a primitive is not invertable, which caused a problem in the calculation of the normal-vector transformation matrix. The shading on the primitive may be incorrect.
Bug: Vertex variable mismatch, %s.
A vertex variable mismatch occurred in copying data from one primitive to another. This indicates a bug in the renderer.

Undeclared primitive parameterlist token: %s.
The primitive's parameterlist contained a token which had not been declared with RiDeclare(), so the rendering system does not recognize it. The token-value pair is ignored.

Out of memory in Trim module.
There was a memory allocation failure during processing of trim curve data. Parts of the trim curve may be ignored.

Trim Curve order greater than number of vertices.
The order of the a trim curve was greater than the number of vertices specified. The order was then reduced to the number of vertices defined.

The max knot value specified for this trim curve is too large.
The maximum value specified for evaluating a trim curve is larger than the nth knot value. This is undefined. The maximum value is then reduced to the nth knot value.

The min knot value specified for this trim curve is too small.
The minimum value specified for evaluating a trim curve is less than the order-1st knot value. This is undefined. The minimum value is then raised to the order-1st knot value.

Trim weight (%f) is less than or equal to zero. Reset to 1.0
The <B>w</B> vector defining trim curves had an element that was less than or equal to RATIONAL_THRESHOLD, which for our purposes is undefined. The <B>w</B> was increased to 1.0.
Subdivision mesh face with fewer than 3 vertices.
All faces of the subdivison mesh must contain at least three vertices. A face with fewer than 3 was requested; it will be discarded.

Out of memory allocating subdivision mesh.
Ran out of memory during allocation of a subdivision mesh. The mesh will be discarded.

Cannot load procedural primitive DSO %s.
The DSO required to process a procedural primitive could not be loaded. The primitive is ignored.

Incomplete procedural primitive DSO (%s)
The DSO loaded to process a procedural primitive does not contain all the required entrypoints. The primitive is ignored.

Cannot run procedural primitive program %s
The program required to process a procedural primitive could not be launched. The primitive is ignored.

Missing program name for "RunProgram" procedural primitive.
Procedural "RunProgram" was specified without a program to run. The primitive will be ignored.
Points with fewer than 1 vertex.
RiPoints() was invoked with less than one vertex. This is invalid, and the primitive is discarded.

Out of memory for point primitive.
There was insufficient memory to process a point primitive. The primitive has been discarded.
Unknown curve type "%s"
The type argument to RiCurvesV() was not one of the recognized values (RI_LINEAR or RI_CUBIC). The call is ignored.

Out of memory for curve primitive.
There was insufficient memory to process a curve primitive. The primitive has been discarded.
Bad number of curves: %d
The ncurves argument to RiCurves() was &lt; 1. The call is ignored.
Too few vertices in a linear curve: %d
A linear curve had less than 2 vertices. The call is ignored.
Too few vertices in a cubic curve: %d
A cubic curve had less than 4 vertices. The call is ignored.
Bad number of vertices in a cubic curve: %d
A cubic curve had a number of vertices which did not match the basis defined. The call is ignored.
Curve "width" data cannot be %s; it must be varying or vertex.
A curve had the wrong type of "width" data. The call is ignored.
Invalid cylinder: %g %g %g
The arguments supplied to RiCylinder() are invalid. A cylinder must have non-zero radius and height, and a sweep angle no larger than 360 degrees. The primitive is discarded.
Invalid sphere: %g %g %g
The arguments supplied to RiSphere() are invalid. A sphere must have non-zero radius and height, and a sweep angle no larger than 360 degrees. The primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiSphere.
A primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiCylinder.
A cylinder primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
Invalid cone: %g %g %g
The arguments supplied to RiCone() are invalid. A cone must have non-zero radius and height, and a sweep angle no larger than 360 degrees. The primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiCone.
A cone primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
Invalid paraboloid: %g %g %g %g
The arguments supplied to RiParaboloid are invalid. A paraboloid must have non-zero radius and height, and a sweep angle no larger than 360 degrees. The primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiParaboloid.
A paraboloid primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
Invalid torus: %g %g %g
The arguments supplied to RiTorus() are invalid. A torus must have a non-zero minor radius, and sweep angles no larger than 360 degrees. The primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiTorus.
A torus primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive will be discarded.
Invalid hyperboloid parameters.
The arguments supplied to RiHyperboloid() requested a degenerate primitive (either zero height or zero radius). This is invalid, so the primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiHyperboloid.
A hyperboloid primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
Degenerate disk.
The radius argument to RiDisk() was zero. This is invalid, so the primitive is discarded.

Out of memory in RiDisk.
A disk primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
Unknown RiAttribute parameter: %s %s
An unknown parameter token was given to RiAttribute(). It has been ignored.
Unknown RiOption parameter: %s %s
An unknown parameter token was given to RiOption(). It has been ignored.
Unknown RiHider parameter: %s
An unknown parameter was given to RiHider(). It will be ignored.

Attribute trace decimationrate of %d is lower than option limit decimationrate of %d.
An attribute trace decimationrate was specified which is smaller than the Option "limits" "decimationrate". The decimationrate will be clamped to the value specified in the option.

Object %s has unknown %s space %s.
A coordinate-space name, meant to transform a displacementbound, was specified which does not match the names of any of the predefined or marked coordinate systems. No transformation will be performed on the value of the displacmentbound.

Trace maxspeculardepth limit of %d exceeds raydepth limit of %d.
A maximum raydepth limit was specified which exceeds the Option "trace" "raydepth" limit. The raydepth limit will be clamped to the limit specified in the option.

Trace maxdiffusedepth limit of %d exceeds raydepth limit of %d.
A maximum raydepth limit was specified which exceeds the Option "trace" "raydepth" limit. The raydepth limit will be clamped to the limit specified in the option.

Unknown type for user attribute "%s".
The renderer could not find a type declaration (inline or otherwise) for a user attribute or option, and is therefore unable to set its value..
Unknown triangle dicemethod type: %s
An unknown method was specified for dicemethod. Valid types are blp and trim. trim will be used.
Bad RiHider aperture parameter
A parameter was to RiHider() option "aperture" was out of range. The settings will be ignored.
Bad RiHider shutter parameter
A parameter was to RiHider() option "shutter" was out of range. The settings will be ignored.
Bad RiHider dofaspect parameter
A parameter was to RiHider() option "dofaspect" was out of range. The settings will be ignored.
Unknown shading strategy: %s
An unknown strategy was specified for Attribute shade. grids will be used.
Unimplemented shading strategy: %s
An unimplemented strategy was specified for Attribute shade. Will use grids instead.

Invalid # of threads specified: %d, using -t:1 (max=%d)
An invalid number of threads was specified. A single thread will be used.
Unknown volumeintersectionshading strategy: %s
An unknown strategy was specified for Attribute shade. Valid types are exclusive and additive. exclusive will be used.

Invalid referencecamera: %s
An invalid camera was specified for Attribute "dice" "referencecamera". The default dicing camera will be used.
Invalid depthinterpolation mode specified: %s
The argument specified for depthinterpolation is not one of the recognized values (RI_CONSTANT or RI_SMOOTH). The call is ignored.
Invalid refinement strategy specified: %s
The argument specified for refinement strategy is not one of the recognized values. The call is ignored.
Invalid volumetric relative depth shading rate: %f
An invalid relative depth shading rate was specified for Attribute volume. Will use a value of 1.0 instead.
Shading strategy %s is deprecated.
The vpvolumes shade strategy is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
Unknown shade frequency: %s
An unknown frequency was specified for Attribute shade. Valid frequencies are frame and motionsegment. motionsegment will be used.
RiAttribute parameter: %s %s was misdeclared, expected %s declaration.
The indicated parameter token was given to RiAttribute() but was either missing a declaration or declared with the wrong type. It has been ignored.

missing rendermn.ini setting: %s, using: %s
A required configuration setting is missing from rendermn.ini

RiHider "remap" parameter is deprecated.
The "remap" parameter to RiHider is no longer supported, in favor of passing "remap" directly to RiDisplay.

Shader profiling has been enabled, which will slow render. (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
Shader profiling has been enabled. This will incur a significant speed penalty in rendering performance.

Shader profiling may be inaccurate in multi-threaded run.
Shader profiling has been enabled in a multi-threaded render. The timers used may be inaccurate in this situation. It is recommended that shader profiling be used only with single threaded renders.
Deprecated RiOption: %s %s
A deprecated request was given to RiOption(). It has been ignored.

RiHider "shutteropening" parameter is deprecated
The "shutteropening" parameter to RiHider is deprecated, in favor of passing "shutteropening" directly to RiCamera. Support for this parameter may be removed in a future release.

Uniform strings are no longer supported parameters for visibility attributes: %s.
A uniform string can no longer be used as a parameter for the visibility attribute.
Invalid shading rate: %f
An invalid shading rate was specified for Attribute shade. Will use a value of .25 instead.
Invalid relative shading rate: %f
An invalid relative shading rate was specified for Attribute shade. Will use a value of 1.0 instead.

Stochastic is the only hider supported by re-rendering.
Stochastic is the only hider supported by re-rendering.

Sigma buffer is not supported by re-rendering. Disabling the sigma buffer.
Sigma buffer is not supported by re-rendering.

instruction list ends prematurely.
The instruction list in a Blobby did not end on an instruction boundary.

negative count in blobby.
An instruction in a Blobby had a negative operand count.

bad index in blobby.
An instruction in a Blobby has an out-of-range index into its float or string array.

Out of memory allocating blobby.
Ran out of memory during allocation of a blobby. The surface will be discarded.

Bad instruction in blobby.
An instruction in a Blobby had an invalid opcode.

operand out of range
An RiBlobby instruction had specified an operand that was not the result of a preceding instruction

bad leaf count in blobby.
The number of leaves specified in a call to RiBlobby or RiBlobbyV does not match with the number of leaf instructions in the blobby's code array.

Ri%s called before RiBegin
A camera manipulation subroutine has been called before RiBegin() was called. This is invalid and the call is ignored.

Ri%s called in illegal state
A camera manipulation subroutine has been called while the graphics state was not accepting options. Camera specification must occur before RiWorldBegin(). The call is ignored.

Unsupported type for display channel "%s" (requested display mode "%s").
A display channel was declared with an unsupported type. Arbitrary output displays can use variables of type float, point, vector, normal, or color. The display will be ignored.

Undeclared opacity "%s" requested by display channel.
A display channel requested an opacity that was not itself declared as a display channel with RiDisplayChannel. The opacity request will be ignored; this may result in incorrect compositing of some arbitrary output variable displays.

DisplayChannel "%s" cannot be used as an opacity due to bad declaration.
A display channel requested an opacity that was not declared as a color with a standard or opacity interpretation. The opacity request will be ignored; this may result in incorrect compositing of some arbitrary output variable displays.

Ray tracing is spending %.1f%% of its time generating tessellation to trace against. Increasing geocachememory might help performance.(PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The percentage time spent generating data gives an idea as to how effectively the cache is working. Increasing geocachememory may result in signficant speedups.

Brick maps are spending %.1f%% of the total render time reading in bricks more than once and each brick was read about %f times. Increasing brickmemory might help performance. (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The percentage time spent reading brick data multiple times compared to total render time gives an idea as to how effectively the cache is working. If the many bricks are read more than once increasing brickmemory may result in signficant speedups. As read time is a wall clock measure and total time is a cpu/sys measure, in extreme situations the percentages can go over 100%

Pointclouds are spending %.1f%% of the pointcloud time reading in point data. Increasing pointmemory and/or octreememory might help performance. (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The percentage time spent reading organized point data compared to using that data is a measure of how effectively the cache is working. If the percentage is high, increasing the pointmemory and/or theoctreememory limits may reduce non compulsory cache misses.

Ray tracing is spending %.1f%% of its time reloading unloaded geometry. Increasing proceduralmemory might help performance.(PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The ray tracer is spending a significant percentage of time reloading geometry that was previously unloaded from memory. Increasing the proceduralmemory limit or decreasing the maximum distance of rays may result in significant speedup.

Radiosity cache eviction rate %.2f is high. Increasing radiositycachememory might help performance.(PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The number of radiosity cache lookups causing evictions from the cache is too high. Increasing radiositycachememory may result in signficant speedups.

Out of memory creating volume.
The renderer ran out of memory during allocation of a volume primitive. The volume will be discarded.
Polygon with fewer than 3 vertices.
RiPolygon() was called with fewer than three (3) vertices. This is invalid, and the primitive is discarded.

Out of memory for polygon primitive.
There was insufficient memory to process a polygon primitive. The primitive has been discarded.
General polygon loop with fewer than 3 vertices.
All polygon loops must contain at least three vertices. A polygon with fewer than 3 was requested, and it will be discarded.

Out of memory allocating general polygon.
Ran out of memory during allocation of a general polygon. The polygon will be discarded.
Points polygon loop with fewer than 3 vertices
All polygon loops must contain at least three vertices. A polygon with fewer than 3 was requested, and it will be discarded.

Out of memory allocating points polygon.
Ran out of memory during allocation of a points polygon. The polygon will be discarded.
Too many parameters for IfBegin or ElseIf %s.
The parameter list to IfBegin or ElseIf() contained too many items. The call is ignored.
ElseIf out of scope (no matching IfBegin) %s.
RiElseIf() was called before RiIfBegin() was called. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
ElseIf out of order (follows Else) %s.
RiElseIf() was called after RiElse() in the same If-block. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Else out of scope (no matching IfBegin) %s.
RiElse() was called before RiIfBegin() was called. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Else out of order (follows another Else) %s.
RiElse() was called after another RiElse() in the same If-block. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
IfEnd out of scope (no matching IfBegin) %s.
RiIfEnd() was called before RiIfBegin() was called. This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Expression %s %s.
The conditional expression argument to IfBegin or ElseIf() enountered parsing errors during evaluation. The call is ignored.
Expression error: %s operator '%s' %s.
The conditional expression argument to IfBegin or ElseIf() enountered errors during operator evaluation. The call is ignored.
Malformed name in expr: %s %s.
The conditional expression attempts to dereference an empty or improperly formed Attribute or Option name. The call is ignored.
Unknown option/attribute name '%s' %s.
The name referenced by IfBegin or ElseIf() is not associated with a defined Attribute or Option. The call is ignored.
Unexpected option/attribute result '%s' %s.
The referenced Attribute or Option returned more data than expected. The call is ignored.
Inline type mismatch, '%s' is type %s %s.
The name referenced by IfBegin or ElseIf() has an inline type specification which doesn't match the Option or Attribute value of the same name. The call is ignored.
Unsupported array value stored in '%s' %s.
The Attribute or Option referenced by IfBegin or ElseIf() contains an array of values (array of floats, strings, matrices, etc) rather than a single item, which is currently unsupported. The call is ignored.
Ri%s called before RiBegin
A geometric primitive definition routine was called before RiBegin(). This is invalid, and the call is ignored.
Ri%s called in wrong state
A geometric primitive definition routine was called when the RenderMan Interface was not accepting primitives. RenderMan accepts primitives only after RiWorldBegin() or RiObjectBegin(). The call is ignored.

Out of memory in Ri%s
A geometric primitive cannot be created due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
%s required vertex positions
Polygon and patch primitives cannot be created without some vertex positions (either P, Pw or Pz) supplied. The primitive will be discarded.
Unknown PatchMesh type %s
The type argument to RiPatchMesh() was not one of the recognized values (RI_BILINEAR or RI_BICUBIC). The call is ignored.
PatchMesh with too few points %d,%d (needed %d,%d)
The number of points passed to RiPatchMesh() was smaller than than the degree of the mesh. The mesh will be discarded.
Unknown patch type %s
The type argument to RiPatch() was not one of the recognized values (RI_BILINEAR or RI_BICUBIC). The call is ignored.

Out of memory for point primitive.
There was insufficient memory to process a point primitive. The primitive has been discarded.

Out of memory for mesh primitive.
There was insufficient memory to process a patch mesh primitive. The primitive has been discarded.

Out of memory in RiNuPatch.
A NURBS primitive cannot be rendered due to insufficient memory. The primitive is discarded.
License warning - %s
The renderer requires a license to execute properly, but the application has lost contact with the license server. See the "Installation Guide" for information about configuring the license server daemon.
License error - %s
The renderer requires a license to execute properly, but it can not obtain one from a license server or file. See the "Installation Guide" for information about configuring the license server daemon.
Pixar license expires in %s
The license required by the renderer will expire shortly.
License location is not set in rendermn.ini - aborting.
The source for license data could not be found. Either rendermn.ini itself was not found, or there was no value defined for /licenseserver or /licensefile. A license server is specified using '9010
Important software updates are available from
Please contact rmancusp(at) for updates.
Displacement compensation exceeded, check rib.
Unexpected displacement encountered.

Mismatched netrender protocol error. Render cannot proceed.
A version of netrender is being used that does not provide the correct protocol for this version of prman.

Can not allocate gprim.
A primitives or part of a primitive has been lost due to to insufficient memory to retain its description. Limited to 5 messages per processor.

Primitive %s is not visible to camera or traced rays.
The primitive is not visible either to the camera or to traced rays. It will be immediately discarded.

Can not allocate space for grid (%ld bytes)
A primitive cannot be processed because there is insufficient memory to allocate a grid structure.
Dangerous hither distance %f (should be > 1e-4)
The near clipping plane was placed very near zero. This is potentially dangerous.
Invalid hither distance %f (must be > 1e-9)
The near clipping plane was placed at or behind the eye plane. This is illegal, and will be set to 1.0 instead.
Invalid orthographic matrix
The orthographic matrix given to the matrix transformation module is not well-formed. The image generated will probably be incorrect.
Invalid perspective matrix
The perspective matrix given to the matrix transformation module is not well-formed. The image generated will probably be incorrect.

Singular transformation matrix for "%s".
The modeling transformation for a primitive is not invertable, which may cause rendering errors (particularly when raytracing). The image generated may be incorrect.

Singular transformation moving matrix for "%s".
The modeling transformation for a moving primitive is not invertable, which may cause rendering errors when computing the moving bounding box. The image generated may be incorrect.

Invalid camera: focal-length %f, f-stop %f, focal-distance %f
The provided camera depth-of-field parameters are invalid. A pin-hole camera will be used instead.

Rotation axis vector has 0 length.
The length of the a rotation axis vector was 0, which means the rotation is undefined and was not done.

Out of memory in BoundObjectPoints.
Cannot compute the bounding box of a primitive due to insufficient memory to hold intermediate results. An invalid bound will be substituted, so that the primitive will be culled.
Bad screen to eye matrix, p00:%g, p11:%g
The renderer couldn't convert a screen space point back to eye space.

Illegal screen to eye conversion. z=%g
A point in screen space could not be converted back to eye space due to a z value at the perspective origin.

Invalid zblur distance parameters: %g [%g %g] %g
The zblur parameters given to the matrix transformation module are invalid. A pinhole camera will be used instead.

ZBlur option overrides DepthOfField specification.
Both DepthOfField and the ZBlur camera option were given. The DepthOfField specification is ignored.

RiDepthOfField focal length %.2f differs from focal length %.2f implied by perspective projection.
The focal length specified in RiDepthOfField differs from the focal length implied by the FOV from RiProjection.

Missing multi-segment transformation matrix for "%s" at time %f.
The renderer was unable to find a multi-segment transformation at the given time. This is indicative of a renderer bug. The renderer will fall back to using the first available matrix, which may lead to incorrect motion blur results.

Out of memory creating shaded grid.
The renderer ran out of memory while trying to allocate memory for a shaded grid.
Small average grid size (%.1f points). It may be possible to speed up shading by a factor of %.1fx; see the multi-gprim statistics for details. (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
There were many small grids, which the renderer cannot process efficiently. This can usually be corrected by making small changes to shaders, such as changing certain parameters from "uniform" to "varying". The renderer provides detailed statistics output to help identify these problems.

Cannot create statistics file %s.
The renderer could not create the specified statistics file.

Cannot create shader profiles file: %s.
The renderer could not create a file for the shader profiling results.

Plugin timer statistic %s clashes with previous call to AddTimerStat.
A call to AddTimerStat attempted to add a new plugin timer with the same name as a previously added one.

Plugin memory statistic %s clashes with previous call to AddMemoryStat.
A call to AddMemoryStat attempted to add a new plugin memory statistic with the same name as a previously added one.

%s objects had displacement >%.1f%% of bound (max %.1f%%). See statistics for details.
Detailed information about displacements exceeding bounds is reported in the statistics file.

%s objects had displacement <%.2f%% of bound. See statistics for details.
Detailed information about displacements exceeding bounds is reported in the statistics file.

recover mode is not possible, given the current starting position: %d,%d
The renderer has been asked to restart rendering at a pixel position that does not lie withing the boundaries of the frame.

License acquisition error.
A license error has prevented the render from proceeding.

Can not allocate space for gop (%d bytes)
A primitive cannot be processed because a there is insufficient memory to allocate a gop structure.

Cannot create micropolygon cache directory "%s"
The renderer was unable to create the top-level micropolygon cache directory. Rendering will continue with micropolygon caching disabled.

Malformed variable name "%c%s" in parameter string. %s
The RIB input stream contained an illegal or illformed variable name in a parameter string. The variable name will be unexpanded.

Unknown option/attribute name "%c%s" in parameter string. %s
A string parameter referenced an attribute or option name as a variable to be expanded, but the name does not correspond to a valid standard value or previously defined user value. The value will be unexpanded.

Unexpected variable expansion error for "%c%s" in string. %s
A string paramter referenced an attribute or option as a variable to be expanded. An unexpected error was generated while expanding the value.

Internal buffer too short for variable expansion "%c%s". %s
A string paramter referenced an attribute or option as a variable to be expanded. An internal buffer was too small to hold the resulting value.

This messages is used to print the percentage of the image rendered for monitoring rendering progress.

%4d%% (%i photons emitted, %i stored) %c
This message is used to print the percentage of photons emitted for monitoring progress.

Out of memory for display buffers.
There is insufficient memory for the renderer to allocate required buffers for use in the display module. No pixels can be generated.

DisplayWindow failed to send display data
For some unknown reason, the call to DspyData failed. The most common reason for this would be the user killing the display window while the renderer is still running.

Display: unknown imager shader: <%s>
The specified imager shader was not one of the fixed set of builtin imager shaders, nor could it be loaded.

Can't open display channel.
The requested display channel could not be initialized.

Can't open display image %s
The requested display image could not be initialized.

Out of memory for display channel name buffers.
There is insufficient memory for the renderer to allocate required buffers for use in the display module. No pixels can be generated.

Can't open display output file %s
The requested display output file could not be initialized.
Bad prefix in AOV specifier: %s
The requested arbitrary output variable had an unexpected prefix. It should have the form "surface:varname", "light(handle):varname", etc.

Grid size does not match requested number of bake3d() points - interpolate used?
The renderer was asked to write a number of points using bake3d() that did not match the grid size. Most likely this is because "interpolate" was used, which is not supported when using a geometry driver. The bake3d() call will be ignore, which may lead to an incomplete result written by the geometry driver.

DisplayWindow request too large (%d pixels requested).
The bucket of pixels is larger than can be accomodated due to insufficient memory.

Display driver %s does not support multiresolution images. Progressive refinement for re-rendering has been disabled.
The specified display driver does not support multiresolution images. Progressive refinement has been disabled and re-rendering will proceed at the highest resolution only. This may result in non-interactive updates.

No cache exists for lights %s. Rendering the lights without edits.
These lights have never been edited. The renderer needs to complete a rendering of the lights prior to being edited.

Rendering incomplete edit of light %s.
The last edit was interrupted. The renderer needs to complete a rendering of the edit in order to keep the light caches up to date.

Invalid rerenderer (%s) in EditWorldBegin or rendermn.ini.
An invalid rerenderer name was given, either as the default in rendermn.ini or in the EditWorldBegin request. If neither specifies a valid rerenderer, Reyes rerendering will be used.

Grids are being reshaded very often (at least %d times). Increasing the gridmemory limit might help performance (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
Due to Option "limits" "gridmemory" being set, grids are being deleted and reshaded. While this reduces the memory footprint of the render, the renderer may need to spend more time reshading grids over and over again. Increasing the gridmemory setting if possible may provide a significant boost to render speed.



Read-only RtString "%s" has been overwritten by an RslPlugin. Please examine RslPlugins and address this memory corruption.
An RslString has been written to. Most likely caused by code in an RslPlugin, resulting in memory corruption that can cause a crash.
Cannot load shader "%s".
The renderer cannot load the specified shader. This is usually because the shader has not been compiled, or cannot be found. The shader should be located and/or compiled and the rendering restarted.
Shader "%s" does not have a "%s" method.
The type of a compiled shader does not match the shader type implied by the surface, light, etc. operation. This is usually due to confusion over the shader name.

Lights should not be called from %s method.
The state of light shaders (e.g. their AOVs) is not always preserved between displacement/opacity shading and surface/atmosphere shading, so calling lights from a displacement or opacity method is discouraged.

%s contains NaNs after running '%s' method of %s.
A global variable contained invalid floating point values (NaNs) after execution of a shader.

NaN produced by shadeop %s at %s.
A shadeop produced a NaN value.

Out of memory (%d bytes for %s).
The renderer cannot obtain sufficient storage for internal data structures. This is usually due to an attempt to render too complex a scene. Try simplifying the scene or model. Rendering is aborted.

Cannot reload shader "%s" (file open failed).
A required shader that was previously loaded could not be reloaded.

Variable %s is uninitialized at %s
A shader referenced an uninitialized variable.

It's risky to execute lights in a varying conditional context: %s
It is risky to execute lights inside a varying "if" statement (or in a loop with a varying condition), because values provided by the surface shader might be incompletely initialized. Lights execute unconditionally (because they must compute results to be cached), so they might reference uninitialized data.

Cannot call method "%s" on "%s" as not all parameters would have values
A call to a method was made using illuminance() or other which did not supply default values for all parameters. Call aborted.

Illegal varying access in shader "%s" construct().
The shader accesses varying data inside it's construct() method which is not allowed. The shader can not be used.

Refinement method of %s computed NaNs.
The refinement method of a shader computed invalid values (NaNs) for one of the output fractions. The renderer will ignore the result, and the geometry in question will not be refined.

Surface shader %s could not be restored from bake.
During rerendering the surface shader could not be restored.

Shader "%s" has shader member variables which cannot be resolved
A shader member variable of type shader cannot be provided with the right value in the current context - most likely an atmosphere or light shader was stored in a shader member

Shader %s experienced recursion during %s. Results might differ from expectation.
A shader's construct() or begin() method caused another shader to be constructed or begun, which in turn required that the original one was constructed or begun. State initialized after the call to getshaders() or getshader will not be visible from the secondary object - so results might not be what you expect.

Shader "%s" has parameters of type shader which cannot be resolved. The handle was "%s".
A parameter of type shader was given which did not resolve to a coshader in the list at the time the shader was being created

Illegal attempt to rebind shader parameter "%s" of shader "%s" as primitive variable.
Shader handles passed via the parameter list may not be bound to vertex variables.

Shader %s could not be restored from bake database, corrupt data.
A shader cache was found to be corrupt and could not be restored.

Shader %s could not be compressed before writing to bake database.
An error occurred trying to compress a shader cache, likely out of memory.

Out of memory loading shader (%d bytes for %s).
Too much memory was required to load a shader definition.

%s: shader file format error for shader "%s" (%s).
The compiled version of the specified shader could not be loaded due to a parsing error. This is usually a result of inconsistencies between the shader compiler and the run-time system. Ensure that the correct versions of both have been installed.
Cannot load shader "%s" (license has expired).
The renderer cannot load the specified shader because the license to use the shader has expired. Contact your shader vendor for a new license.
Cannot load shader "%s" (invalid hostid).
The renderer cannot load the specified shader because the license to use the shader does not permit its use on this machine. Contact your shader vendor for a new license.

"%s" unimplemented shadeop in "%s".
A shader has attempted to invoke an unimplemented operator. This is usually a result of inconsistencies between the shader compiler and the run-time system. Ensure that the correct versions of both have been installed. The shading operation is bypassed.

Undefined shadeop identifier: %d.
A shader has attempted to invoke an undefined operator. This is usually a result of inconsistencies between the shader compiler and the run-time system. Ensure that the correct versions of both have been installed. The shading operation is bypassed.
Cannot redefine struct "%s" mismatches previous definition.
The renderer cannot load the specified shader because it's definition of the struct differs from a previous definition
Redefine of struct "%s" mismatches previous definition.
The render will proceed with potentially undefined results

Shadeop error: %s.
A shadeop has been invoked incorrectly. This is usually a result of inconsistencies between the shader compiler and the run-time system. Ensure that the correct versions of both have been installed. The shading operation is bypassed.

"%s" shadeop at pc %d in "%s" is not yet implemented.
A shader has attempted to invoke an unimplemented operator. This is usually a result of inconsistencies between the shader compiler and the run-time system. Ensure that the correct versions of both have been installed. The shading operation is bypassed.

Array range error, a reference to a non existent array element cannot be taken %s.
A reference to a non existant member of a fixed size array was taken. This is most likely an error in the shader. Further execution of the shader will likely result in severe errors.

Array range error, a reference to a non existent array element was attempted %s.
A reference to a non existant member of a fixed size array was taken. This is most likely an error in the shader. The index was altered to refer to a valid element.

RSL plugin function %s returned non-zero status (plugin %s).
An RSL plugin function signalled an error condition by returning a non-zero result.

Vertex argument type mismatch for symbol "%s" in shader "%s".
The type of a vertex variable specified in a primitive does not match the type of the shader variable. The argument is ignored and rendering continues.

Array "%s" may contain uninitialized data: needs %i values, got %i (shader "%s").
The array length of a vertex variable specified in a primitive does not match the array length of the shader variable.

Some array data for "%s" discarded: needs only %i values, got %i (shader "%s").
The array length of a vertex variable specified in a primitive does not match the array length of the shader variable.

Discarding corrupt array data for "%s": needs %i values, got %i (shader "%s").
The array length of a vertex variable specified in a primitive does not match the array length of the shader variable. The argument is ignored and rendering continues.
Could not open RSL plugin "%s": %s)
The renderer has could not successfully open an RSL plugin.
Could not find function "%s" in RSL plugin "%s".
The renderer was unable to locate a required symbol in an RSL plugin.
Could not find function "%s" in RSL plugin "%s".
The renderer was unable to locate a required symbol in an RSL plugin.
Could not find function "%s" in RSL plugin "%s".
The renderer was unable to locate a required symbol in an RSL plugin.
Could not open RSL plugin "%s" (incorrect API version: %d).
The renderer has could not successfully open the RSL plugin, because the API is incompatible.

Plugin cannot construct RslStruct: value is not a struct.
A plugin attempted to construct an RslStruct from a value that is not a struct.

Plugin cannot construct RslStruct: value is not a struct.
A plugin attempted to construct an RslStruct from a value that is not a struct.

Unknown illuminance lightcache mode "%s"
The specified light cache control mode is not one of the values recognized by illuminance(). Default caching will be used.
symbol "%s" is not a parameter of shader "%s" %s.
An attempt has been made to initialize a variable which is not a shader parameter. The initialization is ignored and rendering continues.
RIB value for "%s" in shader "%s" on gprim "%s" is wrong type.
An attempt has been made to initialize a shader parameter to a value of the wrong data type. The initialization is ignored and rendering continues.
RIB value for "%s" in shader "%s" on gprim "%s" was not declared.
No declaration was provided for a shader parameter. We fallback to the .slo file to determine type and forge on.
Symbol "%s" in gprim "%s" is not a parameter of shader "%s" %s.
An attempt has been made to initialize a variable which is not a shader parameter. The initialization is ignored and rendering continues.
RIB value for global variable "%s" is wrong type.
An attempt has been made to initialize a global variable to a value of the wrong data type. The initialization is ignored and rendering continues.
Unknown grid type encountered in shading module.
An unknown type of grid was passed to the shading variable binding routines.
RIB value for "%s" in shader "%s" has wrong array length; expected %d, got %d
An attempt has been made to initialize a shader parameter to a value of the wrong data type. The initialization is ignored and rendering continues.
Not enough memory to trim before shading.
Unable to allocate memory for a temporary trim buffer prior to shading. Trimming will occur later.
Bad prefix in AOV specifier: %s
The requested arbitrary output variable had an unexpected prefix. It should have the form "surface:varname", "light(handle):varname", etc.
RIB value for "%s" must specify array size. Length set to zero. (Shader %s)
When a shader parameter declaration does not specify an array dimension, the RIB binding must specify it. A length of zero is used and rendering continues.

Transform from "%s" to "%s" in shader "%s" is %s.
The specified coordinate system transform is either undefined or not computable.

"%s" is not a recognized color space name.
The specified color space in a color constant is not one of the set of color space names known to the renderer.

Shadeop match(): error %s.
An error occurred in compiling or executing a regular expression in the match() shadeop. The pattern match fails.

Illegal comma in illuminance light category request, "%s".
The light category argument to illuminance() should not contain commas, it can contain '&amp;' or '|' for grouping. Commas are only allowed in the '__category' string specified by LightSource shaders themselves. The illegal commas in the illuminance argument are converted to '|' which will only sometimes be what was intended ... hey, we're not mind readers.

Category parameter to shader "%s" could not be decoded.
The category parameter of a shader did not have a simple default value whose value could be trivially determined. Please use a simple string instead. The category was not matched.

the __category parameter to shader "%s" is not of expected type.
The __category parameter should be of type string and should not be an array. The category was not matched.

Unknown pattern name "%s"
The pattern name specified for shadeop gridpattern() is not one of the recognized patterns.

Bad parameter "%s" in texture parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a texture, bump, environment, or shadow call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Unknown filter name "%s" in "%s".
The "filter" parameter in a texture access call in the shading language specified a filter that the renderer had never heard of. At present, texture filtering supports only the "box", "gaussian", "disk", and "radial-bspline" filters.

"%s": use 'blur', not 'sblur' and 'tblur', for shadows and environments.
The sblur and tblur parameters don't make sense with environment, or shadow calls. Use blur instead of sblur and tblur. Otherwise, tblur is ignored and the blur is taken from the sblur only.

Unsupported string '%s' in shadeop textureinfo at pc %d of shader '%s'.
That string is not supported by the textureinfo shadeop.

"%s": 'blur' must be uniform when used with refblur.
The sblurref and tblurref parameters don't make sense when sblur and/or tblur is varying. blurref is ignored.

"%s": file "%s" does not have a subimage with this name.
The "get:" parameter in a shading call refered to a subimage that this image file either doesn't have, or is of a file type for which named images are not supported. Only some deep shadow maps can access subimages at this time.

"%s": too many subimage lookups in a single call.
Too many "get:" parameters were encountered in a single shading call. Some of these should be moved to a new call.

Unknown ptexture() filter name "%s" in "%s".
The "filter" parameter in a ptexture access call in the shading language specified a filter that the renderer does not support. At present, ptexture filtering supports "point", "bilinear", "box", "gaussian", "bicubic", "bspline", "catmullrom" and "mitchell" filters.

Unsupported deepshadow '%s' in shadeop texture at pc %d of shader '%s'.
The deepshadow map type is not supported by the texture shadeop.

Bad parameter in filtering shadeop parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a filteredge, filterpulse, or other filtering call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Transform from "%s" to "%s" in shader "%s" is %s.
The specified coordinate system transform is either undefined or not computable.

bake3d: more variables than specified in display mode '%s'.
There are more variables being passed to bake3d() than specified in the displaychannels. Bake aborted.

bake3d: variable name '%s' does not match display channels '%s'.
The variable names being passed to bake3d() do not match those specified in the display channels. Bake aborted.

bake3d: size of variable '%s' doesn't match display channels '%s'.
The variable sizes being passed to bake3d() do not match those specified in the display channels. Bake aborted.

bake3d: displaychannels '%s' do(es) not exist.
The displaychannels being passed to bake3d() do not exist. Bake aborted.

bake3d: radius is negative: %f (set to 0).
The radius being passed to bake3d() is negative. Radius set to 0.

texture3d or getpoints: variable '%s %s' does not exist in brick map / point cloud / deep shadow map file '%s'.
Variable not found in texture3d() file.

The coordinate system "%s" is unknown or noninvertible.
The coordinate system passed to a function is unknown or noninvertible. Using world coordinate system instead.

Texture3d(): brick map or point cloud "%s" does not contain enough data channels.
The brick map or point cloud contains fewer data channels than requested in texture3d() call.

Not enough memory to initialize brick map subsystem.
The renderer did not have enough memory to initialize the brick map file management system. Brick maps will not work correctly.

Not enough memory to store brick map file entry.
The renderer did not have enough memory to write an entry into the brick map file store. It is likely that a brick map will not be cached correctly.

bake3d: it is not recommended to call bake3d() on geometry with raster-oriented dicing on. The resulting point cloud is unsuitable for subsurface scattering, point-based occlusion and color bleeding, brick maps, etc.
Points baked with raster-oriented dicing are unsuitable for subsurface scattering, point-based occlusion and color bleeding, brick maps, etc.

texture3d or getpoints: variable '%s %s' has wrong type or array length in brick map / point cloud / deep shadow map file '%s'.
Variable type mismatch in texture3d() or getpoints() file.

indirectdiffuse(): too many octree nodes to fit in memory.
Too many octree nodes to fit in memory. Point-based indirectdiffuse() aborted.

indirectdiffuse(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain float '%s' area data -- will use approximate areas instead.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain float '%s' area data. Will use approximate areas instead.

indirectdiffuse(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain any color data.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain any color data. Cannot compute color bleeding.

indirectdiffuse(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain color '%s' data -- will use color '%s' instead.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain color '%s' data. Will use color '%s' instead.

indirectdiffuse(): too many data points in file '%s' to fit in memory.
too many data points in file '%s' to fit in memory. Cannot compute point-based color bleeding.

indirectdiffuse(): organized point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _areashcoeff0..8 data.
Organized point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _areashcoeff0..8 data.

indirectdiffuse(): organized point cloud file '%s' does not contain color _powershcoeff0..8 data.
Organized point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _areashcoeff0..8 data.

indirectdiffuse(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain any extinction data.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain any extinction data. Cannot compute volume extinction.

indirectdiffuse(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain extinction data in the octree nodes.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain extinction data in the octree nodes. Cannot compute volume extinction.

occlusion(): too many octree nodes to fit in memory.
Too many octree nodes to fit in memory. Point-based occlusion() aborted.

occlusion(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain float '%s' area data -- will use approximate areas instead.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain float '%s' area data. Will use approximate areas instead.

occlusion(): too many data points in file '%s' to fit in memory.
too many data points in file '%s' to fit in memory. Cannot compute point-based occlusion.

occlusion(): point cloud file '%s' does not exist (or isn't a point cloud).
Point cloud file '%s' does not exist (or isn't a point cloud).

indirectdiffuse(): point cloud file '%s' does not exist (or isn't a point cloud).
Point cloud file '%s' does not exist (or isn't a point cloud).

occlusion(): organized point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _areashcoeff0..8 data.
Organized point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _areashcoeff0..8 data.

occlusion(): can't compute directional visibility for coneangle < pi/2.
can't compute directional visibility for coneangle &lt; pi/2. No spherical harmonic coefficients computed.

indirectdiffuse(): can't compute incident radiance and directional visibility for coneangle < pi/2.
can't compute incident radiance and directional visibility for coneangle &lt; pi/2. No spherical harmonic coefficients computed.

indirectdiffuse: maxvariation > 0 cannot be used with a coneangle less than pi/4.
The coneangle passed to indirectdiffuse() is too small to use with maxvariation larger than 0. Erroneous indirectdiffuse() values may result.

occlusion: maxvariation > 0 cannot be used with a coneangle less than pi/4.
The coneangle passed to occlusion() is too small to use with maxvariation larger than 0. Erroneous occlusion() values may result.

indirectdiffuse: maxvariation > 0 cannot be used with a coneangle less than pi/4.
The coneangle passed to indirectdiffuse() is too small to use with maxvariation larger than 0. Erroneous indirectdiffuse() values may result.

occlusion: maxvariation > 0 cannot be used with a coneangle less than pi/4.
The coneangle passed to occlusion() is too small to use with maxvariation larger than 0. Erroneous occlusion() values may result.

subsurface(): too many octree nodes to fit in memory.
Too many octree nodes to fit in memory. subsurface() aborted.

subsurface(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain float '%s' area data -- will use approximate areas instead.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain float '%s' area data. Will use approximate areas instead.

subsurface(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain any color data.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain any color data. Cannot compute subsurface scattering.

subsurface(): point cloud file '%s' does not contain color '%s' data -- will use color '%s' instead.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain color '%s' data. Will use color '%s' instead.

subsurface(): too many data points in file '%s' to fit in memory.
too many data points in file '%s' to fit in memory. Cannot compute subsurface scattering.

subsurface(): point cloud file '%s' does not exist.
Point cloud file '%s' does not exist (or isn't a point cloud).

indirectdiffuse: maxvariation %f is too small for the noise expected with %i samples (rays).
The number of samples passed to indirectdiffuse() is too small to use with the chosen maxvariation value. Erroneous indirectdiffuse() values may result.

ray-traced indirectdiffuse: maxvariation > 0 and hitsides not 'both' may result in light leaks.
The hitsides value passed to ray-traced indirectdiffuse() is 'front' or 'back' which cannot be used with irradiance interpolation (maxvariation &gt; 0). Erroneous indirectdiffuse() values may result, for example light leaks near other surfaces. Set hitsides to 'both'.

occlusion: maxvariation %f is too small for the noise expected with %i samples (rays).
The number of samples passed to occlusion() is too small to use with the chosen maxvariation value. Erroneous occlusion() values may result.

occlusion: maxvariation > 0 requires hitsides to be `both`.
The hitsides value passed to occlusion() cannot be used with maxvariation larger than 0. Erroneous occlusion() values may result.

point-based indirectdiffuse: maxvariation > 0 and occlusionhitsides not 'both' may result in ligth leaks.
The occlusionhitsides value passed to point-based indirectdiffuse() is 'front' or 'back' which cannot be used with irradiance interpolation (maxvariation &gt; 0). Erroneous indirectdiffuse() values may result, for example light leaks near other surfaces. Set occlusionhitsides to 'both'.

texture: smooth derivatives required.
The gprim requires the use of smooth derivatives in order to correctly calculate filter regions. Either disable the -nosd flag when running nshader, or change the shader not to use 1-point texture calls.

Unsupported string '%s' in shadeop attribute at pc %d of shader '%s'.
That string is not supported by the attribute shadeop.

Unsupported string '%s' in shadeop option at pc %d of shader '%s'.
That string is not supported by the option shadeop.

Unsupported string '%s' in shadeop rendererinfo at pc %d of shader '%s'.
That string is not supported by the rendererinfo shadeop.

Shadeop shadername("lightsource") may only be called from within an illuminance loop or from within a light shader at pc %d of shader '%s'.
"lightsource" shader names are only valid in illuminance loops

Unsupported shader type '%s' in shadeop shadername at pc %d of shader '%s'.
That shader type is not supported by the shadername shadeop.

Bad parameter "%s" in indirectdiffuse parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a indirectdiffuse call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Bad parameter combination in indirectdiffuse parameter list.
indirectdiffuse() parameters: volume 1 is ignored since pointbased calculation is not turned on (pointbased is 0).

Bad parameter "%s" in getpoints() parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a getpoints call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Bad parameter "%s" in occlusion parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a occlusion call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Bad parameter "%s" in subsurface parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a occlusion call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

The irradiancecache() function no longer exists.
The irradiancecache() function no longer exists. Use bake3d() and texture3d() with e.g. "cachelifetime" "frame" instead.

Bad parameter "%s" in wnoise parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a wnoise call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Bad parameter "%s" in knoise parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a knoise call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.
Unknown grid style in CalcNormals.
Normals to a grid cannot be calculated because the grid's style is unknown.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in gather or illuminance.
The optional token-value parameter list for gather() or illuminance() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Unrecognized gather/illuminance parameter token "%s".
The optional token-value parameter list to the gather or illuminance shade-op contains an unknown keyword. The bad parameter is ignored.

Unknown sample distribution in gather() parameter list.
The specified sampling distribution for gather() is not one of the recognized names nor an array of directions.

Type mismatch for '%s' argument of method '%s' in shader '%s': %s.
The type of an argument in a method call does not match the formal parameter type.

Expected %i arguments (found %i) in call to method '%s' of '%s'.
A method call provided the wrong number of arguments.

Result of %s method of shader %s is void.
A method call expected the wrong result type.

Optional arguments in method call must be name/value pairs.
A method call did not have the correct number of arguments.

Invalid optional argument name in method call.
Optional argument in a method call must be name/value pairs.

'%s' is not a parameter of method '%s'.
A method call specified a parameter that is not defined in the called shader.

Invalid value for '%s': %s.
The type of an argument in a shader call does not match the shader parameter type.

Optional arguments in method call must be name/value pairs.
A method call did not have the correct number of arguments.

Shader is null in method call to "%s" %s.
The shader specified in a method call was not found.

Method '%s' is not defined in shader '%s'.
The method name specified in a method call was not found.

Expected string name of optional argument when calling %s method of shader %s.
A method call had missing name for optional parameter.

cannot get variable '%s' from shader '%s': %s
The RSL arrow operator (e.g. "obj-&gt;var") reports this error if the specified variable is not a parameter or public member variable in the given shader.

cannot get variable '%s' from shader '%s': %s
The specified variable was not found or does not match the expected type.

Type mismatch or missing method '%s' in shader '%s' when evaluating %s
The type of an argument in a method call does not match the formal parameter type.

Type mismatch or missing method '%s' in shader '%s' when evaluating %s
The type of an argument in a method call does not match the formal parameter type.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected for materialsamples in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in directlighting does not match the formal parameter type.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected as last optional argument to areashadow in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in a method call does not match the formal parameter type.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected as first argument to genSamplesAS in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in a function call does not match the formal parameter type.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected in accumulatesamples in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in a method call does not match the formal parameter type.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in indirectspecular.
The optional token-value parameter list for indirectspecular() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected for materialsamples in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in a method call does not match the formal parameter type.

Unrecognized indirectspecular parameter token "%s".
The optional token-value parameter list to the indirectspecular shade-op contains an unknown keyword. The bad parameter is ignored.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected as fifth argument to generateSampleEnv in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in a function call does not match the formal parameter type.

Type mismatch, array of __radiancesample expected as fourth argument to generateSampleEnv in shader '%s'.
The type of an argument in a function call does not match the formal parameter type.

Deep shadow file "%s" in areashadow must be version 4 or greater, the file will be ignored.
The areashadow shadeop does not support deep shadow files of less than version 4. The file will be ignored.

Incompatible areashadow version in deep shadow file "%s", the file will be ignored.
The deep shadow file does not have an area shadow as its primary subimage or the area shadow subimage is of less than version 1. The file will be ignored.

Out of memory in gather() setup for %d points.
No memory was available for auxiliary gather() data structures.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in trace().
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op trace() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Bad parameter "%s" in trace() parameter list.
The optional token-value parameter list to the trace() shade-op contains an unknown keyword. The bad parameter is ignored.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in transmission().
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op transmission() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Bad parameter "%s" in transmission() parameter list.
The optional token-value parameter list to the trace() shade-op contains an unknown keyword. The bad parameter is ignored.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in generateSamplesEnv().
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op generateSamplesEnv() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in evaluateSamplesEnv().
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op evaluateSamplesEnv() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Missing value for parameter "%s" in rayinfo().
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op rayinfo() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name.

Bad parameter "%s" in rayinfo() parameter list.
The optional token-value parameter list to the rayinfo() shade-op contains an unknown keyword.

Unmatched parameter token '%s' ignored.
A value is missing in the optional token-value parameters to the ray-tracing version of shadeop shadow() or environment(). The parameter is ignored.

shadow call requires shader to reference to L.
The requested (ray-traced) shadow call requires the graphics state variable L, which is not present in the current shader state. It should be bound automatically, but currently is not. The workaround is to make an explicit reference to 'L' somewhere in your shader, such as: 'vector Lref = L;'

Missing value for parameter "%s" in traverse().
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op traverse() terminates with a token name which is missing a matching value variable name. The bad parameter is ignored.

Unrecognized traverse() parameter token "%s".
The optional token-value parameter list to the traverse() shade-op contains an unknown keyword. The bad parameter is ignored.

traverse(vplist) mode not valid in shade strategy 'grid'
The shading function traverse(), with mode 'vplist' is not valid with the default 'grid' shading strategy. Use a visible-point strategy instead for those objects.

traverse parameter %s valid in depth/vplist mode: %s
The optional token-value parameter list for shade-op traverse() contains a parameter which is not allowed when the mode string (first parameter) is 'vplist'. The bad parameter is ignored.

Max shading contexts reached (%s).
The pre-allocated stack of shading contexts was reached.

samplesEnv() requires file '%s' to be a latlong map.
Only latlong maps are currently supported in calls to either generateSamplesEnv or evaluateSamplesEnv.

Local vs target variable type mismatch during message passing '%s' (%d,%d,%d).
The size/type of the target parameter variable specified via gather() or illuminance() do not match the local variable.

Local vs target variable detail mismatch during message passing '%s' (%d,%d).
The detail of the target parameter variable specified via gather() or illuminance() do not match the local variable.

Unrecognized gather/illuminance message context for '%s' (%d)
A program error was encountered while trying to send/fetch shader values with gather() or illuminance(), likely due to improper parameter classification.

Bad parameter "%s" in texture3d() parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a texture3d() call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). The bad parameter is ignored.

Filename in bake3d() shadeop is "".
The bake3d() filename is ""; it must be a real string. No baking or caching will occur.

Bad parameter "%s" in bake3d() parameter list.
The optional parameter list at the end of a bake3d() call in the shading language contains a bad parameter (missing value or unknown keyword). No data are baked.

lightingstart: Parameters of type "%s" are not supported in re-rendering, "%s" being skipped.
A parameter passed to lightingstart() has a type that is not supported during baking.

lightingstart: The numbers of parameters passed to lightingstart during rerendering does not match the number baked".
A parameter passed to lightingstart() has a type that is not supported during baking.

Shaders compiled prior to version 14.1 may not re-render properly.
Shaders compiled prior to version 14.1 may not re-render properly.

lightingend: Called more than once on a grid. All but first call ignored.
Lightingend called more than once on a grid. All but first call ignored.

lightingend: Parameters of type "%s" are not supported, "%s" being skipped.
A parameter passed to lightingend() has a type that is not supported.

lightingend: Array parameters are not supported, "%s" being skipped.
A parameter passed to lightingend() is an array.

lightingend: Uniform parameters are not supported, "%s" being skipped.
A parameter passed to lightingend() is uniform.
Shader "%s" uses geometric "du" or "dv". (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The specified shader uses the global variables "du" or "dv", and was compiled without the &lt;i&gt;smooth derivatives&lt;/i&gt; option. This can prevent the renderer from shading multiple grids at the same time, which can degrade performance significantly. Consider recompiling the shader using smooth derivatives (-sd).



Can't use missing channel %d of "%s".
The specified channel number does not exist in the specified texture file. An attempt to access this channel of the file has failed. The most likely cause is an error in the use of texture, Cshadow, or Cenvironment in one of your shaders.

Can't open texture "%s". (filename or texture path incorrect?)
The specified texture file could not be used, because the file doesn't exist or a system limit has been exceeded.

"%s" file format is a later version than renderer.
The specified texture file could not be used, because the file is in a texture format which is not understood by the renderer. This might result from making the texture file with a later release of the software and then trying to use the texture file with an earlier release.
No shadow matrices in "%s".
The specified shadow texture file doesn't contain the transformation matrices which are needed to convert points to shadow space. The shadow can still be used, but points must be converted to shadow space in the light shader before calling the shadow function.

"%s" is a compressed file with wrong byte order.
The specified texture file could not be written to because it is a compressed texture file created on a computer system whose byte order does not match the byte order of this computer system.

Texture "%s" was modified since RiWorldBegin.
Sometime since the last call to RiWorldBegin, the named texture was modified. The resulting image may be incorrect.

Texture "%s" was modified since the render start time.
Sometime since the beginning of this instantiation of prman, the named texture was modified. The resulting image(s) may be incorrect.

Bad deep shadow file '%s'; tile width/height must be powers of two.
The specified deep shadow file has a tile width or height that is not a power of two. The file is invalid.

Can't open 3D texture "%s".
The specified 3D texture file could not be used, because the file doesn't exist or because it is neither a brick map, point cloud, or deep shadow map (or because a system limit has been exceeded).

Can't open texture "%s". OS out of file descriptors.
The operating system won't allow more open files. lower the file descriptor limit in the .ini file to below the OS limit. Account for untracked file descriptors in plugins.
Res power range (%d,%d) in "%s".
The specified texture file could not be read or written because of a bug in the renderer.
No data for res (%d,%d) in "%s".
The specified texture file could not be read or written because of a bug in the renderer or because the texture file is not in the correct format. Try to recreate the texture file (if possible) and render again.

Texture write error on "%s"
Some texture operation has failed because of a system write error.

Texture read error%s on "%s"
Some texture operation has failed because of a system read error or premature EOF. The texture file name and system error explanation are included in the message if available.
Bad texture data in "%s".
The specified texture file could not be read or written because the texture file is not in the correct format.

Could not find channel "%s" in file "%s".
The specified texture channel does not exist in the specified texture file. This channel will be filled with the next available channel that does exist.

Channel "%s" refers to more channels than exist in file "%s".
There are more references to channels than exist in the texture file. This and all additional references will be ignored.

The texture file "%s" does not support access by channel name.
The specified texture file type does not support lookup by channel name.

The texture file "%s" does not support the Lagrangian filter in point filter mode.
The specified texture file type does not support the Lagrangian filter in point filter mode.

Texture header mismatch "%s".
The specified texture file cannot be used, because the file was created with an obsolete texture header format. Try to recreate the texture using the current version of the texture utilities.
Can't find res for %g x %g.
The texture subsystem of the renderer is unable to locate a suitable texture resolution.

RxTexture3d() variable name '%s' without inline type
RxTexture3d() variable names must have inline declaration.

RxBake3d() variable name '%s' without inline type
RxBake3d() variable names must have inline declaration.

Invalid texture datatype %d (%d of "%s").
The renderer attempted to access a texture channel with an invalid channel datatype.
Bad shadow matrices.
The shadow operator in the shading language cannot properly access the shadow texture because the transformation matrices stored in the texture file lead to a division by zero when generating light space depth from the eye space point.
Bad shadow NP matrix.
The shadow operator in the shading language cannot properly access the shadow texture because the transformation matrices stored in the texture file lead to a division by zero when generating light space s and t from the eye space point.
Texture %s isn't pattern "diagonal".
The soft shadow algorithm requires two-channel shadowmaps with diagonal mipmaps. This texture doesn't have all of the necessary diagonal resolutions.
Failed tile read from %s.
A request for a tile from this texture file failed.

Texture "%s" accessed in shader "%s" with out-of-range %s (%f).
The current texture access to the specified texture file attempted to use a coordinate or width that was out side the valid range. The coordinate or width is clamped to a more appropriate value. This error is often the result of texture coordinates that were undefined in one fork of an if statement in the shading language.

Cannot load texture plugin [%s]. ERROR: [%s]
The plugin required to process a texture plugin could not be loaded. The plugin is ignored.

No version number present in texture plugin (%s)
The texture plugin has no "RtxPluginVersion" variable defined. The plugin is ignored.

Bad version number (%d) present in texture plugin (%s)
The version number in the texture plugin is outside the implemented range. The plugin is ignored.

Incomplete texture plugin (%s)
The texture plugin does not contain all the required entrypoints. The plugin is ignored.

The "RtxPluginNew" function in texture plugin (%s) returned NULL.
The texture plugin function "RtxPluginNew" must allocate and initialize the plugin. Failing that, the plugin is ignored.

Cannot parse texture plugin string: %s.
The plugin specification URI could not be parsed. The plugin could not be loaded.

Cannot parse texture plugin parameters: %s.
The plugin specification URI could not parse the user parameters. The plugin could not be loaded.

The "Open" function in texture plugin (%s) was given an invalide data type.
The texture plugin "Open" function must be given either a byte or float data type. Failing that, the plugin is ignored.

Close() in the texture plugin (%s) returned an error.
The "Close()" function in the texture plugin returned an error. Most likely resources were not released correctly.

Texture plugin string: %s should not contain hostname.
The plugin specification URI could not be parsed, because a host was used in the form rtxplugin://hostname/file. Use either full path, rtxplugin:///file or relative path, rtxplugin:file. The plugin could not be loaded.

Environment map "%s" accessed in shader "%s" with zero-length direction vector.
The current access to the specified environment map attempted to use a direction vector that was zero-length. No lookup is possible, so black is returned.
Unable to transform ray into shadow frustum.
The areashadow shadeop in the shading language cannot properly access the shadow texture because the requested from-to ray cannot be transformed into the shadow map frustum.
Bad shadow NP matrix.
The areashadow operator in the shading language cannot properly access the shadow texture because the transformation matrices stored in the texture file lead to a division by zero when generating light space s and t from the eye space point.
Bad shadow matrices.
The areashadow operator in the shading language cannot properly access the shadow texture because the transformation matrices stored in the texture file lead to a division by zero when generating light space depth from the eye space point.

Unknown texture compression method (type %d) file "%s".
The texture compression algorithm type code stored in the texture file is unknown to the renderer. This is most likely due to a version mismatch between the renderer and the texture file. The texture file was compressed with an algorithm unknown to this renderer.

TIFF texture contains invalid Pixel Aspect Ratio, please regenerate: "%s".
The TIFF texture was generated with an older txmake using -resize none, which resulted in an invalid Pixar Aspect Ratio, it will be reset to 1.0. Regenerating the texture with a newer version of txmake will correct this problem.

Texture filtering is spending %.1f%% of its time reading tiles and each tile was used %.2f times. Increasing texturememory might help performance.(PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The percentage time spent reading tile data is a clue to how effectively the cache is working. Increasing texturememory may result in significant speedups.

Deep shadow filtering is spending %.1f%% of its time reading tiles and each tile was used %.2f times. Increasing deepshadowmemory might help performance.(PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The percentage time spent reading tile data is a clue to how effectively the cache is working. Increasing deepshadowmemory may result in significant speedups.

Deep shadow filtering is using %.2f times more tiles than it is configured for. Increasing deepshadowtiles might help performance (PERFORMANCE WARNING)
The deepshadowtiles limit is used to setup the initial state of the deep shadow cache. Greatly exceeding this number in terms of number of actual tiles used may have some effect on performance.
Tile data in deep shadow file '%s' is corrupt.
The specified deep shadow file was found to be corrupt. This most likely occured because of a failed or incomplete render. Please regenerate the specified deep shadow file.

ptex cubemap reflection direction is invalid. Was it computed inside a varying conditional?
The reflection vector used in environment() on a ptex cubemap contains NaNs. This is most often caused by computing the reflection vector inside a varying conditional.

Photon map file '%s' does not contain _power, _incidentdir, and Cs data.
The photon map cannot be processed.

Photon map file '%s' does not exist -- can't read it.
The photon map cannot be read.

Photon map file '%s' does not exist -- can't process.
The photon map cannot be processed.

read negative photon radius (%f): set to 0.
The photon radius is negative. Radius set to 0.

Point cloud file read error on "%s"
Point cloud file read operation has failed because of a system error.

Point cloud file read error on "%s"
Point cloud file read operation has failed because of a system error.

Occlusion point cloud file read error on "%s"
Point cloud file read operation has failed because of a system error.

Brick map creation: point cloud file read error on "%s"
Point cloud file read operation has failed because of a system error.

Brick map file '%s' could not be re-opened.
Brick map file could not be re-opened.

Organized point cloud file '%s' is gzipped; will be treated as unorganized.
Gzipped organized point cloud file will be treated as unorganized.

Point cloud file '%s' has unreadable points.
Point cloud file cannot be read.

Organized point cloud file '%s' has unreadable tree nodes.
Organized point cloud file cannot be read.

Can't handle more than 100 pointclouds per lookup.
There's a hard limit on the number of pointclouds per lookup.

Brick map '%s' is in old format (version <= 4). Data details may be lost near edges and on thin or double-shaded geometry. Please regenerate the brick map.
Old brick map format (data details may be lost).

Brick map write error on "%s"
Cannot write file header.

read negative data point radius (%f): set to 0.
The data point radius is negative. Radius set to 0.

read negative data point radius (%f): set to 0.
The data point radius is negative. Radius set to 0.

%i of %i points from file %s had (0,0,0) normal.
More than 10 percent of points had normal (0,0,0) and were ignored.

All points in file %s had zero or negative %s.
Unable to calculate occlusion from all invalid areas.

%i of %i points from file %s had zero or negative %s.
More than 10 percent of points had invalid areas and were ignored.

Could not open point cloud file '%s'."
Point cloud file header read has failed. Non- existing file, not a point cloud, or future format version?

read negative data point radius (%f): point skipped.
The data point radius is negative. Point skipped.

Computing photon map: read negative photon radius (%f) -- set to 0.
The photon radius is negative. Radius set to 0.

Cache "%s" does not contain the requested data.
The cache was called earlier with fewer or different data than now.

All points in file %s has (0,0,0) normals.
Unable to calculate occlusion from all invalid normals.

All points had zero or negative radii; aborting.
All data points had invalid radii; no data to be inserted into brick map.

%i points had zero or negative radii and were ignored.
Points which have zero or negative radii will not contribute to the brick map.

All points in file %s had zero or negative %s.
Unable to calculate indirectdiffuse from all invalid areas.

All points in file %s has (0,0,0) normals.
Unable to calculate indirectdiffuse from all invalid normals.

Existing channel %s %s prevents automatic addition of P and N channels."
An existing channel named P prevents -addpn functionality.

Existing channel %s %s prevents addition of _presence channel."
An existing channel named _presence prevents -addpresence functionality.

All points in file %s had negative extinction coeffs.
Unable to calculate indirectdiffuse with all invalid extinction coefficients.

%i of %i points from file %s had negative extinction coeffs.
More than 10 percent of points had invalid extinction coefficients and were ignored.

Brickmake: too many data points to fit in memory.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake could not allocate space for voxel data.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake could not allocate space for octree node.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake could not allocate space for brick.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake could not (re)allocate space for brick and location table.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake could not allocate space for brick and table and location table.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake could not allocate space for octree roots.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Brickmake: data size %i too large to fit in memory.
The point cloud file cannot be converted to brick map.

Point cloud file read error on "%s"
Point cloud file read operation has failed because of a system error.

read negative data point radius (%f): set to 0.
The data point radius is negative. Radius set to 0.

All points in file %s had zero or negative %s.
Unable to calculate subsurface() from all invalid areas.

%i of %i points from file %s had zero or negative %s.
More than 10 percent of points had invalid areas and were ignored.

Subsurface(): negative albedo.
Albedo clamped to 0.

Subsurface(): albedo is larger than 0.999.
Albedo clamped to 0.999.

Subsurface(): mean free path length is 0.
Mean free path length is 0.
Cannot obtain license - %s
The renderer requires a license to execute properly, but it can not obtain one from a license server. See the "Installation Guide" for information about configuring the license server daemon.
License warning - %s
The renderer has been configured to require a license in order to execute. The message indicates a change of state with regard to the license server. See the "Installation Guide" for information about configuring the license server daemon.
License file setting is not set in rendermn.ini - aborting.
The /licensefile setting could not be found in rendermn.ini. Either it is set incorrectly, or rendermn.ini could not be found. Since PRMan will not be able to locate a license server, execution will immediately abort.

Brick map "%s" could not be opened.
Brick map file header read error?



AOV using zmax/zmin filter has matte 0, Z output will also ignore matte.
A arbitrary output variable was specified that uses a combination of "pixel" "zmin/zmax" and "matte" [0]. Due to limitations in the renderer the primary Z output will also ignore Matte directives. Workaround: use "z" in a secondary AOV.

Unknown depthfilter type "%s", using default "min"
You have specified an invalid depthfilter type to RiHider. Valid types are min, max, average, and midpoint.



DANGER: opening DSO %s with RTLD_GLOBAL.
The RTLD_GLOBAL flag is extremely dangerous to use and WILL yield unexpected results. There is NO WAY to guarantee correct function call semantice if any DSO is loaded with this flag.

Plugin error: %s
A plugin function reported an error.

Plugin warning: %s
A plugin function reported a warning.

A plugin function reported info.

RixInterface is not available or unsupported: id = %d
A plugin requested an interface that is not available in this context, or not supported by this version of the renderer.

Could not obtain license for RixSubdivisionSurfaceEvaluation Interface.
The requested interface was not able to obtain a license, maybe the license count has been exceeded?



Shaders invoke raytracing, but no traceable objects exist.
There are shaders in the scene which invoke raytracing, but no traceable objects have been added to the scene. Raytracing will have no effect.

unsupported ray-tracing output parameter specification "%s".
An unsupported token-value option was passed to a ray-tracing shade-op, most likely an unrecognized message passing scope:name.

bad shading scope for ray-trace output parameter name "%s".
The requested ray-tracing output parameter specifies fetching prior to shader execution. However the named variable is only available after shading.

Unsupported attribute name '%s'.
The given attribute is not supported by ray-tracing.

Unsupported attribute with array result '%s'.
The given attribute is an array, which currently can't be fetched.

Unsupported attribute type '%s'.
The given attribute type can not be fetched.

Attribute and local var don't match in storage '%s'.
The type of the requested attribute does not match the variable provided to hold the result.

unsupported "ray:" output query name "%s".
The optional token-value parameter list to a ray-tracing shade-op contains an unsupported ray-data query keyword.

unsupported "gather:" output query name "%s".
An optional gather() output parameter requested an unsupported "gather:" mode.

ill formed "coshader(handle):" or "light(handle):" output query name "%s".
The optional token-value parameter list to a ray-tracing shade-op contains an ill formed query or the request string is too long.

unsupported "_raycache:" output query name "%s".
The optional token-value parameter list to a ray-tracing shade-op contains an unsupported ray-data query keyword.

point/spot light shader '%s' with wrong falloff.
the point/spot light shader '%s' seems to have a non 1/r^2 fall-off. Photons are emitted as if the light had a 1/r^2 fall-off.

solar light shader '%s' with falloff.
the solar light shader '%s' seems to have a fall-off. Photons are emitted as if the light had no fall-off.

Could not open point cloud '%s' for photon emission.
The point cloud '%s' for photon emission could not be opened. Aborting.

Could not read data point from point cloud '%s'.
Point data from the point cloud '%s' for photon emission could not be opened.

Point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _area data.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain float _area data. Will use approximate areas instead.

Point cloud file '%s' does not contain color _irradiance data.
Point cloud file '%s' does not contain color _irradiance data. Aborting.

light shader '%s' is ambient: no photons emitted.
light source shader '%s' is an ambient light. No photons are emitted from it.

light shader '%s' is solar w/o dir: no photons emitted.
light source shader '%s' is a solar light without direction. No photons are emitted from it.

All light sources black (or negative): no photons emitted.
All light sources are black (or negative). No photons are emitted.

point cloud '%s' does not exist.
point cloud '%s' does not exist. Matte will be used for photon scattering on object.

brick map '%s' does not exist.
brick map '%s' does not exist. Matte will be used for photon scattering on object.

could not create photon map file '%s'. Wrong path?
could not create photon map file '%s'. Perhaps caused by a non-existing path?

Parameter 'samples' clamped to 10000.
Parameter 'samples' is larger than 10000, will use 10000.

Parameter 'minsamples' clamped to 10000.
Parameter 'minsamples' is larger than 10000, will use 10000.

indirectdiffuse or occlusion with hitmode 'cache': no colorchannel or opacitychannel found in file '%s'.
There is no colorchannel (or channel Cs, _Cs, cs, _cs) and no opacitychannel (or channel Os, _Os, os, _os) for hitmode cache.

The shader query attribute("grouping:membership") is currently only valid at ray depths greater than 0.
Due to an implementation optimization, the shader query attribute("grouping:membership") is currently only valid at ray depths greater than 0. Use rayinfo("depth",level) to determine the current ray depth.

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