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sloinfo - output descriptive information about a RenderMan shader


sloinfo [-p] [-m] sloname


sloinfo reads a RenderMan shader called sloname and outputs descriptive information about the shader on stdout. sloname should be either the path of a shader object file without the trailing ".slo", or the RenderMan shader name. If the shader name is used sloinfo will search for the shader object in the directories listed in /shaderpath defined in rendermn.ini.

sloinfo prints out the type of shader followed by the quoted shader name as it should appear in a program or RIB file. The parameters to the shader are listed by their shading language name and type declaration for use with RiDeclare followed by the default value.

If the -p command-line option is specified, sloinfo prints out the filenames of any plugins that the shader calls. This can be used to generate Makefile dependencies, so the the shader is recompiled if any of its plugins are modified.

If the -m command-line option is specified, sloinfo prints out the shader meta data as XML, such as the following. (See the Shader Meta Data application note for more information.)

    <shader name="myplastic">
      <meta id="Ks_label">Specular Response</meta>
      <meta id="Ks_min">0</meta>
      <meta id="Ks_precision">0.001</meta>

The source to the sloinfo program is in the examples directory.



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