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txcopy - copy texture files


txcopy [ -uncompressed ] [ -ch list ] [ -res rcode ] [ -face face ] [ -mode m ] | [ [ -smode m ] [ -tmode m ] ] [ -pattern p ] [ -fov angle ] [ -aspect aspectratio ] [ -type texturetype ] intxtname [ intxtname ... ] outtxtname


txcopy copies one or more PhotoRealistic RenderMan texture files called intxtname and outputs a single new texture file called outtxtname. Many characteristics of the input texture(s) can be altered by txcopy.

The simplest use of txcopy is:

pre> txcopy old.txr new.txr

which will copy all of the channel data from the highest resolution from the texture file old.txr into the newly created texture file new.txr. By default the output texture file will have its texture data compressed, so txcopy can be used to compress textures that were created using previous releases of the RenderMan Toolkit which did not support compressed textures. Data compression can be disabled using the -uncompressed option.

If more than one input file name is listed all of the channels of texture data from all of the input files will be copied into subsequent channels of the output texture. For instance, copying two four-channel textures into a single output texture will cause the channels of the first input texture to be channels 0-3 of the output texture and the channels of the second input texture to be channels 4-7 of the output texture. Output textures files are limited to a total of eight channels.

The data type of the output texture (byte, short or float) will be the same as the data type of the first input texture. txcopy does not do data format conversion, so all input textures should have the same data type.


Causes the output texture map to not be compressed. The default is to compress the data.

-ch list
allows the selection of which texture channels will be copied from the input file to the output file. Channels may be specified by numbers separated by commas. The channels 0 to 3 may alternately be represented by the letters r, g, b and a. The texture channels will be copied to output in the order the are specified in list. The list for all channels of a four channel image would be represented as either 0,1,2,3 or rgba. The channels can be reversed in order like so: 3,2,1,0 or abgr. To copy only the first channel, the list would be: 0 or r. The list will apply to all subsequent input files on the command line until another -ch option is specified. By default all of the input texture's channels are copied in numerical order.

-res rcode
Selects which resolution to copy from the input texture. rcode is either a single number to specify a square resolution or two numbers separated by a lower case x to specify the s and t resolution separately. For example -res 256 selects the 256 by 256 resolution and -res 128x512 selects the 128 by 512 resolution. The specified resolution must be present in all of the input texture files. The default resolution is the highest resolution present in the first texture file listed.

-face facename
Selects which face to copy out of a cube faced environment map. facename consists of two letters. The first is either p or n to specify positive or negative and the second is either x, y or z to specify which axis of the environment. The default is all faces.

-mode|-smode|-tmode m
Specifies the wrap mode of the texture in both, -mode or each individual -smode/-tmode parameter directions. The default is the mode of the first listed input texture.

-pattern p
Sets the pattern of resolutions that will be written to the output texture. single writes only the top level resolution copied from the input texture. diagonal writes a series of resolutions generated by reducing the resolution in both the s and t directions by one half until the lowest writeable resolution is reached. all writes all possible resolutions lower than the input resolution by reducing the resolutions in the s and t directions separately until the lowest writeable resolution is reached. This may improve texture system performance if the texture projection requires very different resolutions of s and t. The default is diagonal.

-fov angle
Sets the field of view for a cube-faced environment texture. The default is the field of view of the first input file. If the first input file is not a cube-faced environment, then the -fov option should be specified for correct results.

-aspect aspectratio
Sets the pixel aspect ratio correction factor for the output simple texture file (not shadow, environment or bump). By default, txmake sets this value so as to make input image pixels remain square if texture mapped through a square projection onto a square patch, even if the input image is resized or non-square. A value of 1.0 for aspectratio causes no aspect ratio correction to be performed for the output texture, texture coordinates will range from 0.0 to 1.0 across the texture map.

-type texturetype
Determines which type of texture is to be written. Valid types are texture for a regular texture file, shadow for a shadow map (requires that input be a single shadow map), envlatl for a lat-long environment map, envcube for a cube-face environment (requires either a single cube-face environment or six individual faces in the order: px, nx, py, ny, pz and nz). The default is the type of the first inpout texture.


txinfo(1), txmake(1)

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