Interface JoinPoint.StaticPart

Enclosing class:

public static interface JoinPoint.StaticPart

This helper object contains only the static information about a join point. It is available from the JoinPoint.getStaticPart() method, and can be accessed separately within advice using the special form thisJoinPointStaticPart.

If you are only interested in the static information about a join point, you should access it through this type for the best performance. This is particularly useful for library methods that want to do serious manipulations of this information, i.e.

 public class LoggingUtils {
     public static void prettyPrint(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) {

 aspect Logging {
     before(): ... { LoggingUtils.prettyPrint(thisJoinPointStaticPart); }

See Also:

Method Summary
 String getKind()
           Returns a String representing the kind of join point.
 Signature getSignature()
          Returns the signature at the join point.
 SourceLocation getSourceLocation()
          Returns the source location corresponding to the join point.
 String toLongString()
          Returns an extended string representation of the join point
 String toShortString()
          Returns an abbreviated string representation of the join point
 String toString()

Method Detail


public Signature getSignature()
Returns the signature at the join point.


public SourceLocation getSourceLocation()

Returns the source location corresponding to the join point.

If there is no source location available, returns null.

Returns the SourceLocation of the defining class for default constructors.


public String getKind()

Returns a String representing the kind of join point. This String is guaranteed to be interned


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public String toShortString()
Returns an abbreviated string representation of the join point


public String toLongString()
Returns an extended string representation of the join point