The AspectJtm Development Environment Guide

the AspectJ Team

Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Xerox Corporation, 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated, 2003 Contributors. All rights reserved.


This guide describes the tools in the AspectJ 1.2 development environment. See also The AspectJ Programming Guide, the documentation available with the AspectJ support available for various integrated development environments (e.g., Eclipse, Emacs, JBuilder, and NetBeans), and the most-recent documentation available from the AspectJ project page, at

Table of Contents

ajc - compiler and bytecode weaver for the AspectJ and Java languages
ajdoc - generate HTML API documentation, including crosscutting structure (early-access)
1. AspectJ Browser
Building Programs
Build Configurations
Compiling a Program Build Configuration
Navigating Program Structure
Example: Exploring the "Spacewar" sample code
Running Programs
Isolating problems running the AspectJ browser
Known issues with the AspectJ browser
AspectJ Browser questions and bugs
2. AspectJ Ant Tasks
Installing Ant Tasks
AjcTask (iajc)
AjcTask (iajc) Options
AjcTask matching parameters specified as nested elements
AjcTask Path-like Structures
Sample of iajc task
Avoiding clean compiles
Programmatically handling compiler messages
Ajc11CompilerAdapter (javac)
Sample of compiler adapter
Compiler adapter compilerarg options
Ajc10 (ajc)
Ajc10 (ajc) Options
Ajc10 parameters specified as nested elements
Sample of ajc task
Isolating problems running the Ant tasks
Known issues with the Ant tasks
Ant task questions and bugs