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Standard Shaders

Standard RenderMan Interface Shaders

Null Shader

This shader does nothing and is intended to be a placeholder if no action is to be performed. There is a null shader for every class of shader.

Surface Shaders

Constant surface
constant ()
        Oi = Os;
        Ci = Os * Cs;
Matte surface
matte (
        float Ka = 1;
        float Kd = 1;)
        normal Nf = faceforward (N, I);
        Oi = Os;
        Ci = Os * Cs * (Ka * ambient () + Kd * diffuse Nf));
Metal surface
metal (
        float Ka = 1;
        float Ks = 1;
        float roughness =.1;)
        normal Nf = faceforward (N, I);
        vector V = -normalize (I);
        Oi = Os;
        Ci = Os * Cs * (Ka * ambient () + Ks * specular (Nf, V, roughness));
Shiny metal surface
shinymetal (
        float Ka = 1;
        float Ks = 1;
        float Kr = 1;
        float roughness = .1;
        string texturename = ""; )
        normal Nf = faceforward (N, I);
        vector V = -normalize (I);
        vector D = reflect (I, normalize (Nf));
        D = v transform ("current", "world", D);
        Oi = Os;
        Ci = Os * Cs * (Ka * ambient () + Ks * specular (Nf, V, roughness)
                + Kr * color environment (texturename, D));

If the Environment Mapping capability is not supported by a particular renderer implementation, the shinymetal surface shader operates identically to the metal shader.

Plastic surface
plastic (
        float Ka = 1;
        float Kd =.5;
        float Ks =.5;
        float roughness =.1;
        color specularcolor = 1;)
        normal Nf = faceforward (N, I);
        vector V = -normalize (I);
        Oi = Os;
        Ci = Os * (Cs * (Ka * ambient () + Kd * diffuse (Nf)) +
             specularcolor * Ks* specular (Nf, V, roughness) );
Painted plastic surface
paintedplastic (
        float Ka = 1;
        float Kd = .5;
        float Ks = .5;
        float roughness = .1;
        color specularcolor = 1;
        string texturename = "";)
        normal Nf = faceforward (N, I);
        vector V = -normalize (I);
        Oi = Os;
        Ci = Os * (Cs * color texture (texturename) *
                (Ka * ambient () + Kd * diffuse (Nf)) +
                specularcolor * Ks * specular (Nf, V, roughness));

If the Texture Mapping capability is not supported by a particular renderer implementation, the paintedplastic surface shader operates identically to the plastic shader.

Light Source Shaders

Ambient light source
ambientlight (
        float intensity = 1;
        color lightcolor = 1;)
        Cl = intensity * lightcolor;
Distant light source
distantlight (
        float intensity = 1;
        color lightcolor = 1;
        point from = point "shader" (0,0,0);
        point to   = point "shader" (0,0,1);
        solar (to-from, 0.0)
             Cl = intensity * lightcolor;
Point light source
pointlight (
        float intensity = 1;
        color lightcolor = 1;
        point from = point "shader" (0,0,0); )
        illuminate (from)
             Cl = intensity * lightcolor / L.L;
Spotlight source
spotlight (
        float intensity = 1;
        color lightcolor = 1;
        point from = point "shader" (0,0,0);
        point to = point "shader" (0,0,1);
        float coneangle = radians(30);
        float conedeltaangle = radians(5);
        float beamdistribution = 2;)
        float atten, cosangle;
        uniform vector A = (to - from)/length (to-from);
        illuminate (from, A, coneangle) {
             cosangle = L . A / length (L);
             atten =  pow (cosangle, beamdistribution) / L.L;
             atten *= smoothstep (cos(coneangle),
                      cos (coneangle - conedeltaangle), cosangle);
             Cl = atten * intensity * lightcolor;

Volume Shaders

Depth cue shader
depthcue (
        float mindistance = 0, maxdistance = 1;
        color background = 0;)
        float d;
        d = clamp ((depth(P) - mindistance) /
             (maxdistance - mindistance), 0.0, 1.0);
        Ci = mix (Ci, background, d);
        Oi = mix (Oi, color(1, 1, 1), d);
Fog shader
fog (float distance = 1; color background = 0;)
        float d;
        d = 1 - exp (-length (I) / distance);
        Ci = mix (Ci, background, d);
        Oi = mix (Oi, color(1, 1, 1), d);

Displacement Shaders

Bumpy shader
bumpy (
        float Km = 1;
        string texturename = "";)
        float amp = Km * float texture (texturename, s, t);
        P += amp * normalize (N);
        N = calculatednormal (P);

If the Bump Mapping capability is not supported by a particular renderer implementation, the bumpy surface shader is equivalent to a null displacement shader.

Imager Shaders

Background shader
background ( color background = 1; )
        Ci += (1-alpha) * backaground;
        Oi = 1;
        alpha = 1;

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