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tiffcopy - copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file


tiffcopy [ -strips ] [ -rowsperstrip n ] [ -tiles ] [ -tilewidth n ] [ -tilelength n ] [ -contig ] [ -separate ] [ -lsb2msb ] [ -msb2lsb ] [ -none ] [ -packbits ] [ -lzw ] [ -g3 ] [ -g4 ] [ -1d ] [ -2d ] [ -fill ] [ -predictor n ] src1 ... srcN dst


tiffcopy combines one or more files created according to the Tag Image File Format, Revision 6.0 into a single TIFF file. Because the output file may be compressed using a different algorithm than the input files, tiffcopy is most often used to convert between different compression schemes.

By default, tiffcopy will copy all the understood tags in a TIFF directory of an input file to the associated directory in the output file. The -none, -packbits, -lzw, -g3, and -g4, options are used to override the value of the Compression tag and thereby redefine the compression scheme to use in creating the output file. The CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 compression algorithms can only be used with bilevel data. The -1d, -2d, and -fill options are meaningful only with Group 3 compression: -1d requests 1-dimensional encoding, -2d requests 2-dimensional encoding, and -fill requests that each encoded scanline be zero-filled to a byte boundary. The -predictor option is only meaninful with LZW compression: a predictor value of 2 causes each scanline of the output image to undergo horizontal differencing before it is encoded; a value of 1 forces each scanline to be encoded without differencing.

By default, tiffcopy creates a new file with the same data organization as the original. The -strips and -tiles options can be used to force the resultant image to be written as strips or tiles of data, respectively. The -rowsperstrip option can be used to set the number of rows (scanlines) in each strip of data, while the -tilewidth and -tilelength options can be used to specify the dimensions of tiles. By default, the output file attempts to set up strip and tile dimensions so that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a strip or tile.

The -contig and -separate options can be used to convert between different planar configurations if the original files have one 8-bit sample per pixel.

By default, tiffcopy will create a new file with the same fill order as the original. The -lsb2msb and -msb2lsb options can be used to specify the fill order of data in the output file.


tiffjoin(1), tiffchan(1), tiffdump(1), tiffsize(1), tiffcomp(1), tiffdiff(1), tiffinfo(1)

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