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tiffdump - print verbatim information about TIFF files


tiffdump name ...


tiffdump displays directory information from files created according to the Tag Image File format, Rev 5.0. The header of each TIFF file (magic number, version, and first directory offset) is displayed, followed by a series of tags. For each tag, the name, datatype, count, and value(s) is displayed. When the symbolic name for a tag or datatype is known, the symbolic name is displayed followed by its numeric (decimal) value. Tag values are displayed enclosed in “<>” characters immediately preceded by the value of the count field. For example, an ImageWidth tag might be displayed as:

ImageWidth (256) SHORT (3) 1<800>.

tiffdump is particularly useful for investigating the contents of TIFF files that other programs do not understand.


tiffcopy(1), tiffjoin(1), tiffchan(1), tiffsize(1), tiffcomp(1), tiffdiff(1), tiffinfo(1)

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