PRManHeaders Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
RslArgAn array of RslArg pointers is passed to the RSL plugin function
RslArg_v2Plugin function argument (API version 2)
RslArg_v3Plugin function argument (API version 3)
RslArrayIter< T >An iterator for array arguments
RslContextThe RslContext provides access to various capabilities required by shader plugins
RslFunctionEach plugin must define an RSL function table, which requires two steps
RslFunctionTableEach plugin should define an RslFunctionTable called "RslPublicFunctions"
RslIter< T >An iterator is used to access grid data
RslResizerA resizable array can be manipulated using an RslResizer object
RslStructAn RslStruct represents a struct value
RslStructArrayAn RslStructArray represents an array of structs