RSL Plugin API Reference

The RslPlugin API allows shaders to call user-defined C++ code. The primary classes of the RslPlugin API are the following:

Here is a typical RSL plugin function, which computes "a = b + c" for floating-point values.

    add(RslContext* rslContext, int argc, const RslArg** argv) {
        RslFloatIter a(argv[0]);
        RslFloatIter b(argv[1]);
        RslFloatIter c(argv[2]);

        int n = argv[0]->NumValues();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            *a = *b + *c;
            ++a; ++b; ++c;      // Note: pre-incr is faster than post-incr.
        return 0;
An iterator is conceptually a pointer that can be dereferenced to access a single value and incremented to reach the next value. Grid data might be sparse, however; the increment operator knows how to skip to the next active point efficiently.

An iterator can be used without regard to whether the argument data is uniform or varying: incrementing an iterator for a uniform argument has no effect. The number of iterations is typically determined by the number of values in the result argument (argv[0]->NumValues()), which might be one if all the arguments are uniform. Void plugin functions must take the detail of all the arguments into account, however:

        int n = RslArg::NumValues(argc, argv);

An alternative interface is available for RSL plugin functions that require access to all the grid data (e.g. for block copies that might include data for inactive points). Here is an example:

     RslArg* A = argv[0];
     RslArg* B = argv[1];
     RslArg* C = argv[2];
     float *aData, *bData, *cData;
     int aStride, bStride, cStride;
     A->GetData(&aData, &aStride);
     B->GetData(&bData, &bStride);
     C->GetData(&cData, &cStride);

     unsigned int numPoints;
     const RslRunFlag* runFlags = rslContext->GetRunFlags(&numPoints);
     for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
         if (runFlags[i])
             *aData = *bData + *cData;
         aData += aStride;
         bData += bStride;
         cData += cStride;
This implementation is far less efficient when grids are sparse.